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Shiftout Commands for PAK-VIII — Parallax Forums

Shiftout Commands for PAK-VIII

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2002-06-17 18:27 in General Discussion
I am a bit of a newbie. I want to send PWM signals to a servo
modified for continuous rotation via Al Williams PAK-VIII. I know
that there is code available that "hides" the shiftout instructions,
but I don't want to use it. Can anybody give me a quick tutorial on
how to structure shiftout commands that would make a servo rotate
full speed in one direction or full speed in the other direction? I
read the PAK-VIII documentation, but was a bit confused. There were
no examples to reference what was described. The kind of tutorial I
am looking for is something like...

If you want to reset the PAK-VIII, issue the command:
SHIFTOUT data_line, clock_line, bla_bla_bla, [noparse][[/noparse]$FF]
... where data_line would be the stamp pin that sends the data,
clock_line would be the stamp pin that sets the clock
synchronization, bla_bla_bla would be the.... , and the command $FF
(in brakets) tells the PAK-VIII to reset all of its internal settings
back to their default values.

As you can see, I need a bit of help. Can you fill in
the "bla_bla_bla" from above? Is the rest of what I wrote correct?
What about other commands, like sending a 1ms pulse every 20 ms's, or
a 2 ms pulse every 20 ms?


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