voltage measurement
Hi Stampers !!
Can somebody PLEASE help me !!
I have bought the BS1 and I want to send every watt hour an impulse to an
external counter.
The BS1 have to build the product between voltage, time and electric current
(W= U*I*t).
I can measure the elec. current over an low-ohm-resistor as a voltage.
Can anyone help me to create a circuitry and help me to find the right
PBasic commands?
Yours faithfully,
jens eckelman
J e n s E c k e l m a n n
Geseniusweg 7
D-30625 Hannover
fax ¦ +49(0)121 2514850789
mp ¦ +49 (0)175 6945556
e-mail ¦ jens.eckelmann@g...
e-mail ¦ jens.eckelmann@w...
Can somebody PLEASE help me !!
I have bought the BS1 and I want to send every watt hour an impulse to an
external counter.
The BS1 have to build the product between voltage, time and electric current
(W= U*I*t).
I can measure the elec. current over an low-ohm-resistor as a voltage.
Can anyone help me to create a circuitry and help me to find the right
PBasic commands?
Yours faithfully,
jens eckelman
J e n s E c k e l m a n n
Geseniusweg 7
D-30625 Hannover
fax ¦ +49(0)121 2514850789
mp ¦ +49 (0)175 6945556
e-mail ¦ jens.eckelmann@g...
e-mail ¦ jens.eckelmann@w...
high or low. Can it distinguish between 5vdc or 6vdc? Thanks, Chris
>high or low. Can it distinguish between 5vdc or 6vdc? Thanks, Chris
I have an analoge distance-mesurements-sensor which outputs a voltage
signal between 0.4 and 2.6 volt (80-10 cm.)
Is there an easy way to connect this snesor to the bascistamp 2 and
measure the voltage?
thanks harco
an A/D converter then feed the binary output into the stamp.
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
What you are looking for is an analog to digital converter (ADC or A/D). I
have used the LTC1298 for this purpose, and it works well. There are many
other A/D converters out there, and they all basically work the same way.
They compare your input voltage to a reference voltage and spit out a number
based on the difference between the voltages. Depending on what resolution
you need and what reference voltage you will use, anywhere from a 8 bit to a
12 bit A/D will probably work for you.
Original Message
From: <harco@p...>
To: <basicstamps@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 8:20 AM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] voltage measurement
> Hai, I am realtively new to basicstamp-electronics
> I have an analoge distance-mesurements-sensor which outputs a voltage
> signal between 0.4 and 2.6 volt (80-10 cm.)
> Is there an easy way to connect this snesor to the bascistamp 2 and
> measure the voltage?
> thanks harco
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and using an ADC chip.
the TLC1298 is 11 channel ?
for accuracy purposes, you may want to scale the signal from the
snesor so the full scale is 0-5 volts.
Also, if you chose a dual channel ADC, you could use a second amp to
scale the snesor output for some much higher range so you get higher
accuracy or at least higher sensitivity in a particular range.
For example if you sensor was set for 0 to 5 feet. and the ADC input
was 10 bit, the current voltage of 04. to 2.6 is a range of 2.2
volts. roughly that would input only 5 of the 10 bits. so the 5 foot
sensor range would wind up being about 10 foot as far as the snesor
goes. ie: 0-2.2 volts= the first 5 feet, 2.3-5 volts is the 'other' 5
feet, but unused.
By putting the snesor output thru an amp, you could set if for 0-5
volts for the full distance.
with a second ADC channel, you could then use another amp and pump
the signal up to the first foot was an output of 0-5 volts thereby
getting much higher resolution from the same snesor.
Any snesor would work, and a distance snesor or temperature snesor or
pressure snesor would work. (I am enjoying saying snesor)
--- In basicstamps@yahoogroups.com, "Jonathan Peakall"
<jpeakall@m...> wrote:
> Harco,
> What you are looking for is an analog to digital converter (ADC or
A/D). I
> have used the LTC1298 for this purpose, and it works well. There
are many
> other A/D converters out there, and they all basically work the
same way.
> They compare your input voltage to a reference voltage and spit out
a number
> based on the difference between the voltages. Depending on what
> you need and what reference voltage you will use, anywhere from a 8
bit to a
> 12 bit A/D will probably work for you.
> Jonathan
> www.madlabs.info
Original Message
> From: <harco@p...>
> To: <basicstamps@yahoogroups.com>
> Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 8:20 AM
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] voltage measurement
> > Hai, I am realtively new to basicstamp-electronics
> >
> > I have an analoge distance-mesurements-sensor which outputs a
> > signal between 0.4 and 2.6 volt (80-10 cm.)
> > Is there an easy way to connect this snesor to the bascistamp 2
> > measure the voltage?
> >
> > thanks harco
> >
> >
> >
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> > basicstamps-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
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> >
> >
> > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
> >
> >
> >
> >
Can I use Basic Stamp BS2p to measure battery votlage?
If yes, any AD/DA is needed for the circuit?
Thank you!!
>Dear all,
>Can I use Basic Stamp BS2p to measure battery votlage?
>If yes, any AD/DA is needed for the circuit?
>Thank you!!
The answers to both your questions are YES and YES.
An ADC will be required.
>To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
> basicstamps-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
>from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and Body of the message will be ignored.
>Yahoo! Groups Links
> At 09:15 AM 5/4/04 +0000, ck1_chu wrote:
> >Dear all,
> >Can I use Basic Stamp BS2p to measure battery votlage?
> >If yes, any AD/DA is needed for the circuit?
> >Thank you!!
> The answers to both your questions are YES and YES.
> An ADC will be required.
How does it work?? Which command should be used.
I have no idea for this program.