In a message dated 5/29/02 1:30:59 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
> Message: 24
> Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 06:11:12 -0000
> From: "selmaware" <martin@s...>
> Subject: Re: Javelin Stamp
> I'm going to pipe in on this one too.
> The Javelin programs in Java. Just as in PBASIC with the BASIC
> Stamps, the great thing is you can do a lot with very little.
> The Javelin is the same way. You need to read and input and take
> action? Well, you find an example and work from that. You need
> something else, you look for an example and work from that modifying
> it to your needs and understanding it the same way. AS your needs
> grow, so do your skills with it.
> Java is a vey powerful programming tool, but also I think it is much
> simplier than PBASIC in many ways. There are specific basic
> structures. The roots of the language are very simple and it grows
> from there.
> There are great reasons beyond the Javelin itself to program in
> Java. Java, C, C++, JavaScript, and several other languages share
> very similar syntax.
> The biggest difficulty people have moving from a BASIC to something
> like Java is that BASIC is a very unstructured language, and as such,
> it allow programmers to be very sloppy in coding (me included!).
> Java on the other hand is a very structured language. BASIC
> programmers need to find a way around GOTOs.
> PBASIC to display that a button is pressed until released, the clear
> P5:
> Main:
> OUT5 = 1
> Button_Test:
> IF IN8 = 1 THEN SkipThis
> DEBUG "The button is down",CR
> Goto Butoon_Test
> SkipThis:
> OUT5 = 0
> GOTO Main
> Java to display that a button is pressed until released:
> //While a state is true, perform the action in braces
> while(true) //loop forever true = true
> {
> CPU.writePin(CPU.pin5,true); // set P5 to 1 or true
> while (CPU.readPin(CPU.pin8)) // loop while P8 = 1 or true
> {
> System.out.println("The button is down");
> }
> CPU.writePin(CPU.pin5,false); // set P5 to 0 or false
> }
> Which is easier, to follow all the GOTOs, or to 'see' the block
> structure?
> One of the greatest benefits of Java is the use of objects. The I/O
> pins are objects, serial ports are objects, etc, etc. As more object-
> classes are developed, it will be far easier for programmers to
> address additional devices as objects.
> Which is easier to code to read a serial A/D, the numerous code to
> control pins and perform bit-banging to accumulate the digital value,
> or a single line of code such as:
> temp = * conversion_factor;
> The ADC0831 object does all the hard work for us, no more copying and
> pasting 10 lines of code which need to be decifered and modified to
> fit our code.
> Or how about:
> robot.foward(10); // moves robot forward for 10 seconds
> Now, wouldn't these be nice when implemented? [noparse]:)[/noparse]
> The 3 most common goofs in programming with Java and its like:
> - Braces to group statements not equally paired
> - Case sensitive code
> - Missing semi-colons at the end of statements (think of them like
> periods. One 'line' of code can be on mulitple screen lines until
> ended with a ;
> Having taught both C and BASIC, I think BASIC is actually harder to
> learn the essentials because there isn't a common 'core' for
> learning BASIC.... the language is all over the place when it comes
> to structures of code.
> I think the Javelin is great, and I'm excited at the prospect of
> being able to teach my students a structured widely used language,
> and still have all the fun of a Stamp [noparse]:)[/noparse] When I teach C, the
> students perform endless hours of coding 'calculator' programs to
> give a reason for Input and Output. I'd much rather be using
> switches and LEDs [noparse]:)[/noparse]
> Last word... the Debugger in the Javelin IDE allows run-time
> debugging allowing you to follow your code execution, view contents
> of variables, set breakpoints... really cuts down on the debug time.
> Just my 2.5 cents...
> -Martin Hebel
> Electronic Systems Technologies
> Southern Illinois University
> -- AND --
> SelmaWare Solutions
> Graphics Data Acquisition and Control for your BASIC Stamp
> AND Javelin Stamp!
> --- In basicstamps@y..., azeasi@a... wrote:
> > Does one need to know Java to be able to use the Javelin Stamp? I
> would hope
> > that it would be as intuitive as the Basic Stamp IDE. In other
> words, one
> > does not really need to "know" Basic to use the Basic Stamp. Is
> this the same
> > for the Javelin?
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed] writes:
> Message: 24
> Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 06:11:12 -0000
> From: "selmaware" <martin@s...>
> Subject: Re: Javelin Stamp
> I'm going to pipe in on this one too.
> The Javelin programs in Java. Just as in PBASIC with the BASIC
> Stamps, the great thing is you can do a lot with very little.
> The Javelin is the same way. You need to read and input and take
> action? Well, you find an example and work from that. You need
> something else, you look for an example and work from that modifying
> it to your needs and understanding it the same way. AS your needs
> grow, so do your skills with it.
> Java is a vey powerful programming tool, but also I think it is much
> simplier than PBASIC in many ways. There are specific basic
> structures. The roots of the language are very simple and it grows
> from there.
> There are great reasons beyond the Javelin itself to program in
> Java. Java, C, C++, JavaScript, and several other languages share
> very similar syntax.
> The biggest difficulty people have moving from a BASIC to something
> like Java is that BASIC is a very unstructured language, and as such,
> it allow programmers to be very sloppy in coding (me included!).
> Java on the other hand is a very structured language. BASIC
> programmers need to find a way around GOTOs.
> PBASIC to display that a button is pressed until released, the clear
> P5:
> Main:
> OUT5 = 1
> Button_Test:
> IF IN8 = 1 THEN SkipThis
> DEBUG "The button is down",CR
> Goto Butoon_Test
> SkipThis:
> OUT5 = 0
> GOTO Main
> Java to display that a button is pressed until released:
> //While a state is true, perform the action in braces
> while(true) //loop forever true = true
> {
> CPU.writePin(CPU.pin5,true); // set P5 to 1 or true
> while (CPU.readPin(CPU.pin8)) // loop while P8 = 1 or true
> {
> System.out.println("The button is down");
> }
> CPU.writePin(CPU.pin5,false); // set P5 to 0 or false
> }
> Which is easier, to follow all the GOTOs, or to 'see' the block
> structure?
> One of the greatest benefits of Java is the use of objects. The I/O
> pins are objects, serial ports are objects, etc, etc. As more object-
> classes are developed, it will be far easier for programmers to
> address additional devices as objects.
> Which is easier to code to read a serial A/D, the numerous code to
> control pins and perform bit-banging to accumulate the digital value,
> or a single line of code such as:
> temp = * conversion_factor;
> The ADC0831 object does all the hard work for us, no more copying and
> pasting 10 lines of code which need to be decifered and modified to
> fit our code.
> Or how about:
> robot.foward(10); // moves robot forward for 10 seconds
> Now, wouldn't these be nice when implemented? [noparse]:)[/noparse]
> The 3 most common goofs in programming with Java and its like:
> - Braces to group statements not equally paired
> - Case sensitive code
> - Missing semi-colons at the end of statements (think of them like
> periods. One 'line' of code can be on mulitple screen lines until
> ended with a ;
> Having taught both C and BASIC, I think BASIC is actually harder to
> learn the essentials because there isn't a common 'core' for
> learning BASIC.... the language is all over the place when it comes
> to structures of code.
> I think the Javelin is great, and I'm excited at the prospect of
> being able to teach my students a structured widely used language,
> and still have all the fun of a Stamp [noparse]:)[/noparse] When I teach C, the
> students perform endless hours of coding 'calculator' programs to
> give a reason for Input and Output. I'd much rather be using
> switches and LEDs [noparse]:)[/noparse]
> Last word... the Debugger in the Javelin IDE allows run-time
> debugging allowing you to follow your code execution, view contents
> of variables, set breakpoints... really cuts down on the debug time.
> Just my 2.5 cents...
> -Martin Hebel
> Electronic Systems Technologies
> Southern Illinois University
> -- AND --
> SelmaWare Solutions
> Graphics Data Acquisition and Control for your BASIC Stamp
> AND Javelin Stamp!
> --- In basicstamps@y..., azeasi@a... wrote:
> > Does one need to know Java to be able to use the Javelin Stamp? I
> would hope
> > that it would be as intuitive as the Basic Stamp IDE. In other
> words, one
> > does not really need to "know" Basic to use the Basic Stamp. Is
> this the same
> > for the Javelin?
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
always wondering why no one would of developed a system to use it in chips.
I mean it is kind of ovious, using objects to handle memory, I2C or 1-wire
hehe I am looking at it at anyrate[noparse]:)[/noparse]
Original Message
From: <LJGeib@a...>
To: <>; <LJGeib@a...>
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 9:15 AM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] java
> In a message dated 5/29/02 1:30:59 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> > Message: 24
> > Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 06:11:12 -0000
> > From: "selmaware" <martin@s...>
> > Subject: Re: Javelin Stamp
> >
> > I'm going to pipe in on this one too.
> >
> > The Javelin programs in Java. Just as in PBASIC with the BASIC
> > Stamps, the great thing is you can do a lot with very little.
> >
> > The Javelin is the same way. You need to read and input and take
> > action? Well, you find an example and work from that. You need
> > something else, you look for an example and work from that modifying
> > it to your needs and understanding it the same way. AS your needs
> > grow, so do your skills with it.
> >
> > Java is a vey powerful programming tool, but also I think it is much
> > simplier than PBASIC in many ways. There are specific basic
> > structures. The roots of the language are very simple and it grows
> > from there.
> >
> > There are great reasons beyond the Javelin itself to program in
> > Java. Java, C, C++, JavaScript, and several other languages share
> > very similar syntax.
> >
> > The biggest difficulty people have moving from a BASIC to something
> > like Java is that BASIC is a very unstructured language, and as such,
> > it allow programmers to be very sloppy in coding (me included!).
> > Java on the other hand is a very structured language. BASIC
> > programmers need to find a way around GOTOs.
> >
> > PBASIC to display that a button is pressed until released, the clear
> > P5:
> >
> > Main:
> > OUT5 = 1
> > Button_Test:
> > IF IN8 = 1 THEN SkipThis
> > DEBUG "The button is down",CR
> > Goto Butoon_Test
> > SkipThis:
> > OUT5 = 0
> > GOTO Main
> >
> > Java to display that a button is pressed until released:
> >
> >
> > //While a state is true, perform the action in braces
> >
> > while(true) //loop forever true = true
> > {
> > CPU.writePin(CPU.pin5,true); // set P5 to 1 or true
> > while (CPU.readPin(CPU.pin8)) // loop while P8 = 1 or true
> > {
> > System.out.println("The button is down");
> > }
> > CPU.writePin(CPU.pin5,false); // set P5 to 0 or false
> > }
> >
> >
> > Which is easier, to follow all the GOTOs, or to 'see' the block
> > structure?
> >
> > One of the greatest benefits of Java is the use of objects. The I/O
> > pins are objects, serial ports are objects, etc, etc. As more object-
> > classes are developed, it will be far easier for programmers to
> > address additional devices as objects.
> >
> > Which is easier to code to read a serial A/D, the numerous code to
> > control pins and perform bit-banging to accumulate the digital value,
> > or a single line of code such as:
> >
> > temp = * conversion_factor;
> >
> > The ADC0831 object does all the hard work for us, no more copying and
> > pasting 10 lines of code which need to be decifered and modified to
> > fit our code.
> >
> > Or how about:
> > robot.foward(10); // moves robot forward for 10 seconds
> >
> > Now, wouldn't these be nice when implemented? [noparse]:)[/noparse]
> >
> > The 3 most common goofs in programming with Java and its like:
> > - Braces to group statements not equally paired
> > - Case sensitive code
> > - Missing semi-colons at the end of statements (think of them like
> > periods. One 'line' of code can be on mulitple screen lines until
> > ended with a ;
> >
> > Having taught both C and BASIC, I think BASIC is actually harder to
> > learn the essentials because there isn't a common 'core' for
> > learning BASIC.... the language is all over the place when it comes
> > to structures of code.
> >
> > I think the Javelin is great, and I'm excited at the prospect of
> > being able to teach my students a structured widely used language,
> > and still have all the fun of a Stamp [noparse]:)[/noparse] When I teach C, the
> > students perform endless hours of coding 'calculator' programs to
> > give a reason for Input and Output. I'd much rather be using
> > switches and LEDs [noparse]:)[/noparse]
> >
> > Last word... the Debugger in the Javelin IDE allows run-time
> > debugging allowing you to follow your code execution, view contents
> > of variables, set breakpoints... really cuts down on the debug time.
> >
> > Just my 2.5 cents...
> >
> > -Martin Hebel
> > Electronic Systems Technologies
> > Southern Illinois University
> >
> > -- AND --
> > SelmaWare Solutions
> > Graphics Data Acquisition and Control for your BASIC Stamp
> > AND Javelin Stamp!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In basicstamps@y..., azeasi@a... wrote:
> > > Does one need to know Java to be able to use the Javelin Stamp? I
> > would hope
> > > that it would be as intuitive as the Basic Stamp IDE. In other
> > words, one
> > > does not really need to "know" Basic to use the Basic Stamp. Is
> > this the same
> > > for the Javelin?
> >
> [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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