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Javelin Stamp -- StampPlot Object — Parallax Forums

Javelin Stamp -- StampPlot Object

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2002-05-22 07:47 in General Discussion
Hi all,
For any interested parties I have developed a StampPlot object for the Javelin,
the pending Java-based controller from Parallax (with a little help from
Parallax and others).

Some of the features of the StampPlot object:
Plot configuration is performed from the Javelin.
10 channels of analog plotting
StampPlot1.plotValues(int val1, int val2, int val3);
StampPlot1.plot(int channel, int value);
8 Channels of digital plotting
StampPlot1.plotDigital(int byte value, int number of bits);
Logging of data and naming of log file
StampPlot1.logData("Javelin Log.txt");
Write and read the 'green text' data value box
string = StampPlot1.dataVal();
4 gauges which can be easily set, changed, and enabled for alarming.
StampPlot1.setGauge(int number, int value);
3 Analog sliders which can be easily read.
int = StampPlot1.readSlider(int number);
8 LED indicators
StampPlot1.setLED(int number, true/false);
8 Switch which may be read:
bool = StampPlot1.readSW(int number);
Send raw StampPlot instructions
StampPlot1.raw("instruction string");

For example, to read a StampPlot object switch and energize an out on the

// Sets Javelin P5 = StampPlot switch 5

Writing code in a structured, object oriented language is such a nice change [noparse]:)[/noparse]

The Object Class, example test file, and class descritions are available at:

Hope it whets your appetite for the Javelin [noparse]:)[/noparse]

-Martin Hebel
SelmaWare Solutions
Southern Illinois University, Electronic Systems Technologies

[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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