Data transmission by radio
Posts: 46,084
I have a pair of Radiometrix 433MHz transmitter/receiver, and want to
transmit data between the two of them. Can I just use RS232 to do
What I mean is, can I use SEROUT from one Stamp i/o pin straight into
the DATAIN pin of the transmitter module. And then read the data by
connecting the DATA OUT pin of the receiver module straight into an
i/o pin of the Stamp, and using SERIN.
Would this work? Sorry if its a stupid question, this is the first
time I've messed with data transmission by radio.
Thanks, James.
I have a pair of Radiometrix 433MHz transmitter/receiver, and want to
transmit data between the two of them. Can I just use RS232 to do
What I mean is, can I use SEROUT from one Stamp i/o pin straight into
the DATAIN pin of the transmitter module. And then read the data by
connecting the DATA OUT pin of the receiver module straight into an
i/o pin of the Stamp, and using SERIN.
Would this work? Sorry if its a stupid question, this is the first
time I've messed with data transmission by radio.
Thanks, James.