OWIN and OWOUT conversion for regular BS2
Hello, I am using the Dallas 1-wire DS18B20 digital temperature
sensor, and was going to use my BS2 to collect the data from it.
For the BS2P, I noticed that it had two great commands (OWIN and
OWOUT) used to interface to the 1-wire network. I was wondering if
there were a set of BS2 commands that could be used in place of the
OWIN and OWOUT commands. Thanks for any help!
Jeremy Gassmann
sensor, and was going to use my BS2 to collect the data from it.
For the BS2P, I noticed that it had two great commands (OWIN and
OWOUT) used to interface to the 1-wire network. I was wondering if
there were a set of BS2 commands that could be used in place of the
OWIN and OWOUT commands. Thanks for any help!
Jeremy Gassmann