The word on DOS editor, system requirements
Several recent posts seem to indicate that the DOS editor used to interface to
the BS1 has some compatibility or system requirements issues that prevent it
from running on newer PCs. The manual (ver 2.0c) indicates the following:
80286 or higher IMB/compatible
DOS 5.0 or higher
1 Mb or higher RAM
1 Mb or higher drive space
(CD drive)
1 available parallel port
What is the official work from Parallax regarding the system requirements? Are
those above accurate, or are there indeed "issues" with newer machines/systems?
The BS1 is still a viable solution for low power, low cost applications, so it
seems wise to maintain the interface...
Thanks for any clarification.
Clark Hughes
the BS1 has some compatibility or system requirements issues that prevent it
from running on newer PCs. The manual (ver 2.0c) indicates the following:
80286 or higher IMB/compatible
DOS 5.0 or higher
1 Mb or higher RAM
1 Mb or higher drive space
(CD drive)
1 available parallel port
What is the official work from Parallax regarding the system requirements? Are
those above accurate, or are there indeed "issues" with newer machines/systems?
The BS1 is still a viable solution for low power, low cost applications, so it
seems wise to maintain the interface...
Thanks for any clarification.
Clark Hughes