Basic Question
Output Pin Capacity
I am using a I/O pin for a output, what is the maximum allowable current per
I have currently set up all pins for a (output). I have a LED cathode to VSS(-)
, connected to a 470 ohm resistor going to Pin 0. It is drawing 6.15 ma when LED
is on. Is this current allowable?
I also have connected all 16 pins (set up as outputs) same as described above.
When I have all the LED's lit I am drawing 80.4 ma. Is this allowable for the
BS2 stamp?
I don't want to overload the BS2 and the BOE.
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I am using a I/O pin for a output, what is the maximum allowable current per
I have currently set up all pins for a (output). I have a LED cathode to VSS(-)
, connected to a 470 ohm resistor going to Pin 0. It is drawing 6.15 ma when LED
is on. Is this current allowable?
I also have connected all 16 pins (set up as outputs) same as described above.
When I have all the LED's lit I am drawing 80.4 ma. Is this allowable for the
BS2 stamp?
I don't want to overload the BS2 and the BOE.
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Go get the data you need from the Parallax web site by downloading The Basic
Stamp Manual from the following location;
The information can be found on pages 8 through 17, depending on which stamp you
are using, BS1, BS2, BS2e, BS2sx, or the BS2p. 80.4mA is to much for any one of
these stamps, the range is 20mA to
75mA depending on the stamp you are using.
Have Fun !!
Dale Fleischmann
Gene Shults wrote:
> Output Pin Capacity
> I am using a I/O pin for a output, what is the maximum allowable current per
> I have currently set up all pins for a (output). I have a LED cathode to
VSS(-) , connected to a 470 ohm resistor going to Pin 0. It is drawing 6.15 ma
when LED is on. Is this current allowable?
> I also have connected all 16 pins (set up as outputs) same as described above.
When I have all the LED's lit I am drawing 80.4 ma. Is this allowable for the
BS2 stamp?
> I don't want to overload the BS2 and the BOE.
> Thanks
> Gene
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On the 80.4mA reading are you between the LED's and ground or the LED's and the
Basic Stamp pins, it sounds like you are between the LED's and ground. This is
the wromg place to make your current
measurments, all measurments for current on the pins should be between the pins
and the devices.
Have Fun !!
Dale Fleischmann
Gene Shults wrote:
> Output Pin Capacity
> I am using a I/O pin for a output, what is the maximum allowable current per
> I have currently set up all pins for a (output). I have a LED cathode to
VSS(-) , connected to a 470 ohm resistor going to Pin 0. It is drawing 6.15 ma
when LED is on. Is this current allowable?
> I also have connected all 16 pins (set up as outputs) same as described above.
When I have all the LED's lit I am drawing 80.4 ma. Is this allowable for the
BS2 stamp?
> I don't want to overload the BS2 and the BOE.
> Thanks
> Gene
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I've a very basic question, when HIGH 8, actually how much voltage and
current being given out at the PIN 8?
have connected. Be careful not to exceed the current capabilities of
the BASIC Stamp otherwise you may damage the pin.
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: Annie Wan [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]o_wan@y...[/url
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2004 7:36 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] basic question
I've a very basic question, when HIGH 8, actually how much voltage and
current being given out at the PIN 8?