AW: [basicstamps] Keyboard Simulation
Posts: 46,084
Hey Earl,
very good hints indeed. I asked a similar question some weeks ago and I did
get good answers, but you beat them all!!
Thanx again, uli
very good hints indeed. I asked a similar question some weeks ago and I did
get good answers, but you beat them all!!
Thanx again, uli
after I got so much good advice I decided to try and do it.
I followed your description, Steve and the Stamp runs, getting power from
the PC.
Also when the stamp reads clock and data both are high, which they should
But whenever I try to send an eleven bit string over the PC just gives a
BEEP from the system alert.
Is there anything I got wrong about what byte to send?
Could anyone tell me an example-byte that has to work if the program is
Did I miss anything about make and break and all that?
I will give you the code of my (not very elegant) programm below.
Thanx for your help, Uli
zeichen var byte
clock con 11
daten con 12
debug cls
debug? in11
debug? in12
pause 2000
input clock
low daten
gosub schieben ‚startbit
gosub schieben ,datenbits, 01001000
input daten
gosub schieben
low daten
gosub schieben
gosub schieben
input daten
gosub schieben
low daten
gosub schieben
gosub schieben
gosub schieben
gosub schieben ‚parity bit
input daten
gosub schieben ,stopbit
pause 6000
goto rausschicken
pause 20
low clock
pause 20
input clock
I am getting my first characters on the screen but: It works only every now
and then, and it only repeats the last key I put in with a keyboard before,
if I for example put in a "j" my keyboard simulator will then type j's too,
no matter what number I send. and most of the time it sends just BEEPS. The
host doesnot pull the data or clock line low, as far as my stamp tells me.
what does all that mean :-(
Thanx for help, Uli
is there anybody who can contribute anything to the keyboard protocol topic?
I got so far and only the last step seems to be missing...
for those who missed the beginning: I am trying to build a Stamp device that
can send characters through ps2 to a computer instead of a keyboard. I wired
it parallel to a keyboard to avoid haveing to do the booting stuff and that
works fine. I am sending characters according to the prozocol but all i get
is a system BEEP from the pc... What did I do wrong?
Thanx, Uli
the time, I also tried many codes that are listed as make or break codes and
I also stuck to the protocol very carefully.
I also have an eye on the data and clock line to check out if the PC is
trying to send something to the stamp (which it would certainly do if it
would detect a failure) but it doesnot.
Could it be the stamp is too slow?
I attach the new program I wrote to translate the hex codes and send it,
maybe someone finds the mistake...
Thanx Al, and all the others too, uli
zeichen var byte
clock con 11
daten con 12
z1 var bit
einszaehler var byte
debug cls
debug? in11 'check clock and datalines
debug? in12
pause 2000
zeichen = 51 'keycodes to send
gosub hexen
debug cr
zeichen = $F0
gosub hexen
debug cr
zeichen = $2D
gosub hexen
debug cr
pause 2000
debug cls
goto start
einszaehler=0 'counter used for parity bit
gosub nullschieben 'send a 0 as startbit
z1 = zeichen.bit0
gosub rausschicken 'send databits
z1 = zeichen.bit1
gosub rausschicken
z1 = zeichen.bit2
gosub rausschicken
z1 = zeichen.bit3
gosub rausschicken
z1 = zeichen.bit4
gosub rausschicken
z1 = zeichen.bit5
gosub rausschicken
z1 = zeichen.bit6
gosub rausschicken
z1 = zeichen.bit7
gosub rausschicken
gosub parity 'send parity-bit
gosub einsschieben 'send stopbit
branch z1,[noparse][[/noparse]nullschieben,einsschieben]
'decide to send 0 or 1
debug "0"
low daten 'dataline low
low clock ' clock by going low and high
input clock
einszaehler=einszaehler+1 'parity-counter
debug "1"
input daten 'see above
low clock
input clock
if einszaehler.lowbit=0 then hopp
gosub nullschieben 'if number of ones odd then
return 'send zero
gosub einsschieben
debug cls 'tells if the host pulls any line low
if in11=1 then jumpa
debug "CLOCK"
if in12=1 then jumpb
debug "daten"
pause 1000
goto rausschicken
yes I did put in the switches, but still no sucess, I also tried to track
what the keyboard really sends by make the stamp 'listen', but the stamp
seems to be too slow to read the keyboard. Maybe taht is the whole problem,
it is too slow.. What do you think?
Thanks and regards, uli
this is how people write programs if they really know how to write
programs... :-)
Looks brilliant, can't wait to test it on monday!
I will tell you if it works, thanks a big lot!
Have a nice day, Uli
Good. FWIW, your Stamp should also be able to simulate a PS/2 mouse
using the same approach and I/O routines.
I tested your program today and found that it works perfect with A BsSX
(including the starting routine) but not with a Bs2, same problem as before.
Maybe my PC demands faster information and has a quicker timeout that yours.
So I will just use the Bs2X but thank you very much anyway!
Have a nice day, Uli