temperatur sensor SMT 160-30
Posts: 46,084
Hi Jon,
Your subroutine gave me god inspirations
the main problem was that I lost to much reminder in the divisions
it means to much accuracy and the temperature was shown in 2 degree steps
I have a question about Your formula:
tempC = (tempC * 2) + (tempC ** $20AE) ' = tempC * 2.12765
I use it and it works fine but i don't realy understand it.
the ** gives back the high 16 bits hex 20AE = 8366
but how this multiplication really happen I don't see.....
Could You give me a light ?
Thanks Heinz
The spec sheet says this:
"So to achieve the wished accuracy it is necessary to sample over more than
one sensor period. This way of working has also the advantage to filter
Here's a subroutine that takes five samples and returns the temperature:
tHigh = 0
tLow = 0
FOR x = 1 TO 5
PULSIN Tpin, 1, pWidth
tHigh = tHigh + (pWidth / 5)
PULSIN Tpin, 0, pWidth
tHigh = tLow + (pWidth / 5)
' temperature = (duty - 32) / 0.47
tempC = (tHigh * 100) / tLow ' calc duty cycle
tempC = (tempC - 32)
tempC = (tempC * 2) + (tempC ** $20AE) ' = tempC * 2.12765
The PULSIN accuracy of the BS2p is 0.75 uS -- way beyond what you need to
read this sensor accurately. According the spec, an accuracy of 50 mS will
give a temperature accuracty of 0.1C.
Please not that I don't have a sensor to test with, I wrote this code
the spec sheet. HTH.
-- Jon Williams
-- Parallax
In a message dated 2/21/02 9:14:13 AM Central Standard Time,
> I use stamp2p
> and try to ad an temp-sensor
> the SMT 160 is an Pulse-width modulated temp-sensor
> frequency is between 1 and 4 kHz
> The duty cycl is direct proportional to the temperature.
> So I thought it is very easy to use with the pulsin command
> td var word
> tp var word
> pulsin 1,1,td
> pulsin 1,0,tp
> and some calculations and finish..............
> but..
> when I use debug "td= ",dec td," tp= ",dec tp,cr
> I get : td= 146 tp= 223 (about 18°C)
> The problem now is:
> W i t h o u t changing the temperature I get sometimes
> "td" and "tp" changed from 146 to 151
> = 5* 0,75µSec ... it is too much
> after my calculations I got a different of 1-2°C
> W i t h o u t changing the temperature !!
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Your subroutine gave me god inspirations
the main problem was that I lost to much reminder in the divisions
it means to much accuracy and the temperature was shown in 2 degree steps
I have a question about Your formula:
tempC = (tempC * 2) + (tempC ** $20AE) ' = tempC * 2.12765
I use it and it works fine but i don't realy understand it.
the ** gives back the high 16 bits hex 20AE = 8366
but how this multiplication really happen I don't see.....
Could You give me a light ?
Thanks Heinz
The spec sheet says this:
"So to achieve the wished accuracy it is necessary to sample over more than
one sensor period. This way of working has also the advantage to filter
Here's a subroutine that takes five samples and returns the temperature:
tHigh = 0
tLow = 0
FOR x = 1 TO 5
PULSIN Tpin, 1, pWidth
tHigh = tHigh + (pWidth / 5)
PULSIN Tpin, 0, pWidth
tHigh = tLow + (pWidth / 5)
' temperature = (duty - 32) / 0.47
tempC = (tHigh * 100) / tLow ' calc duty cycle
tempC = (tempC - 32)
tempC = (tempC * 2) + (tempC ** $20AE) ' = tempC * 2.12765
The PULSIN accuracy of the BS2p is 0.75 uS -- way beyond what you need to
read this sensor accurately. According the spec, an accuracy of 50 mS will
give a temperature accuracty of 0.1C.
Please not that I don't have a sensor to test with, I wrote this code
the spec sheet. HTH.
-- Jon Williams
-- Parallax
In a message dated 2/21/02 9:14:13 AM Central Standard Time,
> I use stamp2p
> and try to ad an temp-sensor
> the SMT 160 is an Pulse-width modulated temp-sensor
> frequency is between 1 and 4 kHz
> The duty cycl is direct proportional to the temperature.
> So I thought it is very easy to use with the pulsin command
> td var word
> tp var word
> pulsin 1,1,td
> pulsin 1,0,tp
> and some calculations and finish..............
> but..
> when I use debug "td= ",dec td," tp= ",dec tp,cr
> I get : td= 146 tp= 223 (about 18°C)
> The problem now is:
> W i t h o u t changing the temperature I get sometimes
> "td" and "tp" changed from 146 to 151
> = 5* 0,75µSec ... it is too much
> after my calculations I got a different of 1-2°C
> W i t h o u t changing the temperature !!
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The ** and the */ operators are the BASIC Stamps' way to multiply by
a fraction. The ** operator is also used in double precision
calculations, because it returns the high 16 bits of a
Consider what happens when you multiply C = A ** B. The product of A
times B is effectively divided by 65536, using integer division, with
the fractional part (lower 16 bits) dropped. So if you have a number
you need to multiply times 0.12765, you can approximate 0.12765 by
the fraction 8366/65536.
say 10000 * 0.12765 = 1276
is the same as 10000 * (8366/65536) = 1276
and on the Stamp:
C = 10000 ** 8366 ' the division by 65536 is implied.
or to multiply times 2.1276 as Jon suggested, you have:
C = (10000 * 2) + (10000 ** 8366) ' C=21276 is the result
I looked at the SMT160 data sheet and see that the minimum frequency
from the SMT160 is 1 khz (and as high as 4 khz). The duty cycle is
about 32% at 0 degrees C and 93% at 130 degrees C. That means that
the count from the PULSIN command will never be greater than 500 on
the BS2 or 1333 counts on the BS2p. So in the averaging routine
there is no need to divide by 5 (which throws away resolution):
FOR x = 1 TO 5
PULSIN Tpin, 1, pWidth
tHigh = tHigh + pWidth
PULSIN Tpin, 0, pWidth
tLow = tLow + pWidth
The maximum value of tHigh or tLow is now 2500 on the BS2 or 6665 on
the BS2p. I think the duty cycle they refer to should be the ratio
of the high time to the total time, but I do not see that
specifically stated in the data sheet:
This is always a number between zero and one. Is that the Smartec
formula for duty cycle, do you think?
The most accurate way to calculate the ratio is by use of a long
division routine. Here it is, so you can see it is not too
tTotal = tHigh+tLow
binary division loop
for J=15 to 0 ' 16 bits
tHigh=tHigh//tTotal<<1 ' remainder*2
duty.bit0(J)=tHigh/tTotal ' next bit
What that gives you is the duty cycle as a number from 0 to 65535,
which has an implied denominator of 65536, ready for a ** operation.
I use now the formula from Smartec: degC=(duty - 0.32)*212.76, but I
rearrange it as follows to get resolution to 1/100 degree C, and also
to have correct treatment of negative temperatures: degC = duty *
21276 - 6808. In Stamp math that is:
degC = duty ** 21276 - 6808
That is temperature in 1/100 degree Celsius. I have not actually
tried it with a Smartec sensor. Like Jon, I am only going on the
data sheet.
-- regards,
Thomas Tracy Allen Ph.D.
electronically monitored ecosystems
http://www.emesystems.com/BS2index.htm <<--- more math tutorial here.
>Hi Jon,
>Your subroutine gave me god inspirations
>the main problem was that I lost to much reminder in the divisions
>it means to much accuracy and the temperature was shown in 2 degree steps
>I have a question about Your formula:
>tempC = (tempC * 2) + (tempC ** $20AE) ' = tempC * 2.12765
>I use it and it works fine but i don't realy understand it.
>the ** gives back the high 16 bits hex 20AE = 8366
>but how this multiplication really happen I don't see.....
>Could You give me a light ?
>Thanks Heinz
>>The spec sheet says this:
>>"So to achieve the wished accuracy it is necessary to sample over more than
>>one sensor period. This way of working has also the advantage to filter
>>Here's a subroutine that takes five samples and returns the temperature:
>> tHigh = 0
>> tLow = 0
>> FOR x = 1 TO 5
>> PULSIN Tpin, 1, pWidth
>> tHigh = tHigh + (pWidth / 5)
>> PULSIN Tpin, 0, pWidth
>> tHigh = tLow + (pWidth / 5)
>> ' temperature = (duty - 32) / 0.47
>> tempC = (tHigh * 100) / tLow ' calc duty cycle
>> tempC = (tempC - 32)
>> tempC = (tempC * 2) + (tempC ** $20AE) ' = tempC * 2.12765
>>The PULSIN accuracy of the BS2p is 0.75 uS -- way beyond what you need to
>>read this sensor accurately. According the spec, an accuracy of 50 mS will
>>give a temperature accuracty of 0.1C.
>>Please not that I don't have a sensor to test with, I wrote this code
>>the spec sheet. HTH.
>>-- Jon Williams
>>-- Parallax
>>In a message dated 2/21/02 9:14:13 AM Central Standard Time,
>>> > I use stamp2p
>>> > and try to ad an temp-sensor
>>> > the SMT 160 is an Pulse-width modulated temp-sensor
>>> > frequency is between 1 and 4 kHz
>>> > The duty cycl is direct proportional to the temperature.
>>> > So I thought it is very easy to use with the pulsin command
>>> >
>>> > td var word
>>> > tp var word
>>> >
>>> > pulsin 1,1,td
>>> > pulsin 1,0,tp
>>> >
>>> > and some calculations and finish..............
>>> > but..
>>> > when I use debug "td= ",dec td," tp= ",dec tp,cr
>>> > I get : td= 146 tp= 223 (about 18°C)
>>> > The problem now is:
>>> > W i t h o u t changing the temperature I get sometimes
>>> > "td" and "tp" changed from 146 to 151
>>> > = 5* 0,75µSec ... it is too much
>>> > after my calculations I got a different of 1-2°C
>>> > W i t h o u t changing the temperature !!
>>> >
You know ... I work for Parallax and I really don't know how to explain it
(I'll have to ask Chip [noparse][[/noparse]BASIC Stamp designer] when I go out to the main
office in a few weeks).
What I can tell you is this: The ** operator is like multiplying by a
fractional value (that must be less than 1). The units in the ** parameter
are 1/65536. So, if you want to multiply a number by, for example, 0.12765
you do this:
0.12765 x 65536 = 8366
Hopefully that line of code now makes sense.
I downloaded the specs for your part ... but they're not very clear. They
say you can get 0.5C resolution with an input accuracy that is a lot less
than the Stamp provides. I'd have to test the part myself to fully
understand it but don't know if they're available in the States (haven't
Now ... for some really good help for using Stamps and maintaining sensor
accuracy, you should visit Tracy Allen's site. He makes weather data loggers
and needs good accuracy (he's a Ph.D. and knows his stuff).
Here's the link: http://www.emesystems.com/BS2index.htm
Good luck.
-- Jon Williams
-- Parallax
-- Dallas, TX USA
In a message dated 2/23/02 11:53:28 AM Central Standard Time,
hschwenk@g... writes:
> Hi Jon,
> Your subroutine gave me god inspirations
> the main problem was that I lost to much reminder in the divisions
> it means to much accuracy and the temperature was shown in 2 degree steps
> I have a question about Your formula:
> tempC = (tempC * 2) + (tempC ** $20AE) ' = tempC * 2.12765
> I use it and it works fine but i don't realy understand it.
> the ** gives back the high 16 bits hex 20AE = 8366
> but how this multiplication really happen I don't see.....
> Could You give me a light ?
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Those are similar to the Smartec MT16030, in that the temperature is
converted into a ratio of time intervals.
-- Tracy
thanks for Your reply and effort!
Tracy gave a very god explanation
He has a god clear way to explain.
All my question marks are eliminated.
have a nice Sunday
regards Heinz
> Heinz:
> You know ... I work for Parallax and I really don't know how to explain it
> (I'll have to ask Chip [noparse][[/noparse]BASIC Stamp designer] when I go out to the main
> office in a few weeks).
> What I can tell you is this: The ** operator is like multiplying by a
> fractional value (that must be less than 1). The units in the **
> are 1/65536. So, if you want to multiply a number by, for example,
> you do this:
> 0.12765 x 65536 = 8366
> Hopefully that line of code now makes sense.
> I downloaded the specs for your part ... but they're not very clear. They
> say you can get 0.5C resolution with an input accuracy that is a lot less
> than the Stamp provides. I'd have to test the part myself to fully
> understand it but don't know if they're available in the States (haven't
> checked).
> Now ... for some really good help for using Stamps and maintaining sensor
> accuracy, you should visit Tracy Allen's site. He makes weather data
> and needs good accuracy (he's a Ph.D. and knows his stuff).
> Here's the link: http://www.emesystems.com/BS2index.htm
> Good luck.
> -- Jon Williams
> -- Parallax
> -- Dallas, TX USA
> In a message dated 2/23/02 11:53:28 AM Central Standard Time,
> hschwenk@g... writes:
> > Hi Jon,
> > Your subroutine gave me god inspirations
> > the main problem was that I lost to much reminder in the divisions
> > it means to much accuracy and the temperature was shown in 2 degree
> >
> > I have a question about Your formula:
> > tempC = (tempC * 2) + (tempC ** $20AE) ' = tempC * 2.12765
> > I use it and it works fine but i don't realy understand it.
> > the ** gives back the high 16 bits hex 20AE = 8366
> > but how this multiplication really happen I don't see.....
> > Could You give me a light ?
> >
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>thanks for Your reply and effort!
>Tracy gave a very god explanation
>He has a god clear way to explain.
>All my question marks are eliminated.
>have a nice Sunday
>regards Heinz
Thanks, Heinz. I am humbled. So many question marks! Maybe a
"good" explanation, albeit of a smallish "god"; I am sure He
understands it (((much)^much)^much...) better than I do!
-- Tracy