Someone to build BS microcontroller package for me?
I am a filmmaker with a healthy respect for (and not much training
in) electronics design, etc. I have a Russian 35mm motion picture
camera with electronic boards in it that were designed 25 years ago or
so--in fact, one board recently failed and I fear the rest are to go
A friend of mine suggested that the electronics could be replaced
Basic Stamp Microcontrollers.
I was wondering if there was anyone out there that might like the
challenge of gutting this camera and replacing the electronics with
microcontrollers. As I stated, I'm not really proficient, so would
not trust myself with this job, but would be willing to work with
in refurbishing this camera in exchange for a few bucks. I think it
emminently possible to do this, and having new Western components
(that could be easily replaced if needed) in this camera would make
me rest easier!
Fundamentally, the camera has one main function: to run the motor at
"sync speed" for recording sound. It is crystal controlled at either
24 frames per second/60hz for use in the US or at 25fps/50hz for use
in Europe. There is also a heating unit inside the camera to warm it
below zero days, and a couple of LED's for staus display. That's
I put up a simple web page with photos of the electronic boards that
currently in the camera, in case anyone is interested in what its
like. I
also own an 80-page book containing wiring diagrams and schematics
for this camera, although the text is actually in Russian. The web
Please feel free to email me with comments or questions.
Many thanks!
in) electronics design, etc. I have a Russian 35mm motion picture
camera with electronic boards in it that were designed 25 years ago or
so--in fact, one board recently failed and I fear the rest are to go
A friend of mine suggested that the electronics could be replaced
Basic Stamp Microcontrollers.
I was wondering if there was anyone out there that might like the
challenge of gutting this camera and replacing the electronics with
microcontrollers. As I stated, I'm not really proficient, so would
not trust myself with this job, but would be willing to work with
in refurbishing this camera in exchange for a few bucks. I think it
emminently possible to do this, and having new Western components
(that could be easily replaced if needed) in this camera would make
me rest easier!
Fundamentally, the camera has one main function: to run the motor at
"sync speed" for recording sound. It is crystal controlled at either
24 frames per second/60hz for use in the US or at 25fps/50hz for use
in Europe. There is also a heating unit inside the camera to warm it
below zero days, and a couple of LED's for staus display. That's
I put up a simple web page with photos of the electronic boards that
currently in the camera, in case anyone is interested in what its
like. I
also own an 80-page book containing wiring diagrams and schematics
for this camera, although the text is actually in Russian. The web
Please feel free to email me with comments or questions.
Many thanks!