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Digital Pot — Parallax Forums

Digital Pot

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2004-07-22 02:26 in General Discussion
I am working on a LCD display that has a contrast adjustment. I want to make it
use a digital pot, But I am having trouble finding one that will work. Maybe
someone can help me find one. I am looking for one that:

has a value of 10K

where the stamp controls it ( the stamp will know where the wiper is at all
times, even on power down)

can handle a negative voltage

please help!

Happy Holidays

[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2001-12-25 01:56
    You can vary the wiper but, you cannot get a negative voltage on the

    --- In basicstamps@y..., "Anthony Conti" <aconti@s...> wrote:
    > I am working on a LCD display that has a contrast adjustment. I
    want to make it use a digital pot, But I am having trouble finding
    one that will work. Maybe someone can help me find one. I am looking
    for one that:
    > has a value of 10K
    > where the stamp controls it ( the stamp will know where the wiper
    is at all times, even on power down)
    > can handle a negative voltage
    > please help!
    > Happy Holidays
    > AJ
    > [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2001-12-25 02:13
    --- In basicstamps@y..., "mysemicon2000" <semiconductor@p...> wrote:
    > You can vary the wiper but, you cannot get a negative voltage on
    > resistor.

    In the Info I have it just has a 10K pot. With one end of the pot to
    gnd one end to the neg voltage and the wiper to the display (
    contrast ). I am thinking I might be able to replace the pot with a
    digital pot. am I right? or do I have to stick with a normal pot?

  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2001-12-25 02:22
    > > You can vary the wiper but, you cannot get a negative voltage on
    > the
    > > resistor.
    In the Info I have it just has a 10K pot. With one end of the pot to
    gnd one end to the neg voltage and the wiper to the display (
    contrast ). I am thinking I might be able to replace the pot with a
    digital pot. am I right? or do I have to stick with a normal pot?


    OOPS forgot this!

    -V ______/\/\/\______
    10K |
    _ GND
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2001-12-25 02:24
    Well that got goofed up [noparse]:)[/noparse]
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2001-12-25 04:10
    Some extended temperature range displays require a negative contrast
    voltage. On the equipment I used to service they "stole" the negative
    voltage from a Max232 chip.

    Just like most LCD's once you set the contrast you don't need to worry about
    it again. Only when the viewing angle changes should you need to adjust the

    I have seen some temperature compensation circuits that vary the bias
    slightly, but they still have a manual adjustment.

    Original Message

    > > You can vary the wiper but, you cannot get a negative voltage on
    > the
    > > resistor.
    > In the Info I have it just has a 10K pot. With one end of the pot to
    > gnd one end to the neg voltage and the wiper to the display (
    > contrast ). I am thinking I might be able to replace the pot with a
    > digital pot. am I right? or do I have to stick with a normal pot?
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2001-12-25 06:58
    I have some extra Digital Potentiometers here, I can sell or exchnage
    some w/ you for other BS2 stuufs.

    --- In basicstamps@y..., "Anthony Conti" <aconti@s...> wrote:
    > I am working on a LCD display that has a contrast adjustment. I
    want to make it use a digital pot, But I am having trouble finding
    one that will work. Maybe someone can help me find one. I am looking
    for one that:
    > has a value of 10K
    > where the stamp controls it ( the stamp will know where the wiper
    is at all times, even on power down)
    > can handle a negative voltage
    > please help!
    > Happy Holidays
    > AJ
    > [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2001-12-25 07:00
    Where did you got the negative supply? You used the 79 series
    regulators and put it in common on the ground of the BS2's regulator?

    --- In basicstamps@y..., "iamturbo2000" <aconti@s...> wrote:
    > > > You can vary the wiper but, you cannot get a negative voltage
    > > the
    > > > resistor.
    > >
    > In the Info I have it just has a 10K pot. With one end of the pot
    > gnd one end to the neg voltage and the wiper to the display (
    > contrast ). I am thinking I might be able to replace the pot with
    > digital pot. am I right? or do I have to stick with a normal pot?
    > AJ
    > OOPS forgot this!
    > |
    > |
    > |
    > \/
    > -V ______/\/\/\______
    > 10K |
    > |
    > ___
    > _ GND
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2001-12-25 12:31

    Xicor has a range of digital pots including ones for V+/V-
    You find their selection guide at

    regards peter

    Oorspronkelijk bericht
    Van: iamturbo2000 [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]aconti@s...[/url
    Verzonden: maandag 24 december 2001 18:23
    Onderwerp: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: Digital Pot

    > > You can vary the wiper but, you cannot get a negative voltage on
    > the
    > > resistor.
    In the Info I have it just has a 10K pot. With one end of the pot to
    gnd one end to the neg voltage and the wiper to the display (
    contrast ). I am thinking I might be able to replace the pot with a
    digital pot. am I right? or do I have to stick with a normal pot?


    OOPS forgot this!

    -V ______/\/\/\______
    10K |
    _ GND

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  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2001-12-25 14:49
    --- In basicstamps@y..., "mysemicon2000" <semiconductor@p...> wrote:
    > Where did you got the negative supply? You used the 79 series
    > regulators and put it in common on the ground of the BS2's

    I am using part number "LT1054" from Texas Instruments . It is a DC/DC conveter
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2001-12-26 13:03
    Analog Devices has a Digital pot that works to + 30 volts DC or + & - 15 VDC.
    I am not at my office so I cant remember the number but you can get it from
    the web site

    Alan Bradford
    Plasma Technologies
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2004-07-21 16:51
    In a message dated 7/21/2004 3:31:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
    smartdim@a... writes:

    > My maximum pot value calculates about 1500 ohms..
    > Q1) Has this been done before, good or bad results?
    > Q2) Initial search on digital pots showed a max values of 50K and
    > 100K ohms. I would want a digital pot with a max value of about 5k
    > max (2k better). Any ideas?

    Depends on how much current you are drawing. If you adjust your regulator to
    6 volts, assuming about 2500 ohms and are drawing 50ma, that would take a 6
    watt resistor! Digital pots are rated at about 1ma on the wiper, I think.


    [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2004-07-21 20:28
    I am about to use a stamp and digital pot to control the output
    voltage of a three terminal voltage regulator (control of 1.25 volts
    to 9 volts).

    My maximum pot value calculates about 1500 ohms..

    Q1) Has this been done before, good or bad results?

    Q2) Initial search on digital pots showed a max values of 50K and
    100K ohms. I would want a digital pot with a max value of about 5k
    max (2k better). Any ideas?

  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2004-07-21 20:45
    Looks like this idea will not work since I will need a minimum
    resistance of 0 ohms for the 1.25 volt output.

    All the digital pots I have looked at have a wiper resistance of 300
    or more ohms......dang...

    Going to have to go with the analog multiplexor and a resistor
    divider network.

    --- In, "coiltap2003" <smartdim@a...>
    > I am about to use a stamp and digital pot to control the output
    > voltage of a three terminal voltage regulator (control of 1.25
    > to 9 volts).
    > My maximum pot value calculates about 1500 ohms..
    > Q1) Has this been done before, good or bad results?
    > Q2) Initial search on digital pots showed a max values of 50K and
    > 100K ohms. I would want a digital pot with a max value of about 5k
    > max (2k better). Any ideas?
    > Thanks
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2004-07-21 20:55
    Just a thought here.... why not drive a MOSFET with the output of the
    digital pot?

    The response of the MOSFET will not be linear, but you should be able
    to compensate for this through the digital pot.

    >Looks like this idea will not work since I will need a minimum
    >resistance of 0 ohms for the 1.25 volt output.
    >All the digital pots I have looked at have a wiper resistance of 300
    >or more ohms......dang...
    >Going to have to go with the analog multiplexor and a resistor
    >divider network.
    >--- In, "coiltap2003" <smartdim@a...>
    > > I am about to use a stamp and digital pot to control the output
    > > voltage of a three terminal voltage regulator (control of 1.25
    > > to 9 volts).
    > >
    > > My maximum pot value calculates about 1500 ohms..
    > >
    > > Q1) Has this been done before, good or bad results?
    > >
    > > Q2) Initial search on digital pots showed a max values of 50K and
    > > 100K ohms. I would want a digital pot with a max value of about 5k
    > > max (2k better). Any ideas?
    > >
    > > Thanks

    Beau Schwabe Mask Designer II National Semiconductor Corporation
    500 Pinnacle Court, Suite 525
    Mail Stop GA1
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2004-07-21 23:32
    I wrote an appnote for Catalyst about using the Basic Stamp with a DPP to
    control a power supply. You might find the spreadsheet included of interest.


    Al Williams
    * Control I2C from your PC

    Original Message
    From: coiltap2003 [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]smartdim@a...[/url
    Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 2:28 PM
    Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Digital Pot

    I am about to use a stamp and digital pot to control the output voltage of a
    three terminal voltage regulator (control of 1.25 volts to 9 volts).

    My maximum pot value calculates about 1500 ohms..

    Q1) Has this been done before, good or bad results?

    Q2) Initial search on digital pots showed a max values of 50K and 100K ohms.
    I would want a digital pot with a max value of about 5k max (2k better). Any


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    from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and
    Body of the message will be ignored.

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  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2004-07-22 02:26
    5 ma of current. This will be used as the variable resistor and a
    LM317 variable 3 terminal voltage regulator.

    The digital pot is to control the regulator, it is NOT a load.


    --- In, Newzed@a... wrote:
    > In a message dated 7/21/2004 3:31:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
    > smartdim@a... writes:
    > > My maximum pot value calculates about 1500 ohms..
    > >
    > > Q1) Has this been done before, good or bad results?
    > >
    > > Q2) Initial search on digital pots showed a max values of 50K and
    > > 100K ohms. I would want a digital pot with a max value of about
    > > max (2k better). Any ideas?
    > >
    > Depends on how much current you are drawing. If you adjust your
    regulator to
    > 6 volts, assuming about 2500 ohms and are drawing 50ma, that would
    take a 6
    > watt resistor! Digital pots are rated at about 1ma on the wiper, I
    > Sid
    > [noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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