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Servo Wiring

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2001-11-25 19:51 in General Discussion
Anyone out there know if you may substitute a 2200uF capacitor for the
recommended 3300uF cap in the Stamps in Class lesson 3
when using Board of Education Rev "A" ??? What will the difference be? Radio
Shack didn't have a 3300, so I got a 2200, 1000,
& 100 (hook up in parallel??? series???) The 2200 is HUGE (35V). Thanks.


  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2001-11-25 19:51
    You can put them in parallel as many as you can. Watch for the

    Albert Catano
    --- In basicstamps@y..., ozoneone@y... wrote:
    > Anyone out there know if you may substitute a 2200uF capacitor for
    the recommended 3300uF cap in the Stamps in Class lesson 3
    > when using Board of Education Rev "A" ??? What will the difference
    be? Radio Shack didn't have a 3300, so I got a 2200, 1000,
    > & 100 (hook up in parallel??? series???) The 2200 is HUGE (35V).
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