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How to look for state change on pin — Parallax Forums

How to look for state change on pin

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2001-11-10 14:17 in General Discussion

First thing I'd do is liberally sprinkle some DEBUG instructions in
your program to get a better handle on what's going on. Display your
variables' values and some info messages such as "at Remote" to let
you know where the program is getting stuck and why. The values of
your variables are crucial since you're using them to control program
flow. DEBUG is your friend.

Also, note that in the following routine:

Branch PinState, [noparse][[/noparse]RemLow,RemHigh]
LOW PinNumber 'Deactivate current channel
goto Remote

If you ever reach the RemLow label, you begin an endless loop since
PinState retains the value that got you to RemLow in the first
place, so you go back to Remote, then Branch again to RemLow, then
back to Remote...




  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2001-11-10 14:17
    I am trying to program the stamp to do a specific instruction if one
    of the pins changes state (Low to High). Specifically, I am looking
    for Pin 5 to be pulled to ground under certain conditions. I
    currently have Pin 5 tied to Vdd via a 10k pullup resistor. I also
    have a wire tied to the point in the circuit which will go low when a
    certain condition exists.

    I am having trouble getting the stamp to recognize when Pin 5 goes
    low, so my Stamp program is caught in a loop, just sitting in a hold
    loop and waiting.

    Here's a sample of the BS2-IC program. Please offer any
    suggestions, as I am VERY new to this and obviously need some help.

    '{$STAMP BS2}
    PinNumber var byte
    PinState var byte
    Mode var byte

    'Manual Mode = 0 and Remote Mode = 1
    Serin 16,16780,[noparse][[/noparse]WAIT(255),Mode,PinNumber,PinState]

    Branch Mode, [noparse][[/noparse]Manual,Remote]

    Branch PinState, [noparse][[/noparse]ManLow,ManHigh]
    LOW PinNumber 'Deactivate current channel
    goto Main

    HIGH PinNumber 'Activate current channel
    Goto Main

    Branch PinState, [noparse][[/noparse]RemLow,RemHigh]
    LOW PinNumber 'Deactivate current channel
    goto Remote

    HIGH PinNumber 'Activate current channel
    INPUT 5
    If In5=1 then Hold 'Wait for Pin 5 to be pulled LOW)
    Serout 16,16780,[noparse][[/noparse]"Signal"]

    Thanks for any help you may offer....

    Jim D. Martin
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