inputs and outputs on Basic Stamps
Posts: 46,084
Add "OUTPUT 15" to your initialization. Unlike the HIGH and LOW
instructions, setting OUT15 to a high or low value does not cause
the pin to become an output, it simply sets the output state if/when
the pin is an output.
On 11 Nov 01 at 1:00, rpsu279@y... wrote:
> Hi all,
> The code below show that I was trying to experiment with input and
> output pins of the BSII and IISX. I hooked up pin 15 to a stampworks
> LED. I ran the code with several different connections and in
> several different ways. However, I could not get an LED to flash. I
> need to find the right way to make a pin HIGH when another pin is
> LOW and vice versa. Any input would be appreciated.
> Sincerely,
> RP
> '{$STAMP BS2sx}
> 'supply CON 11
> testIN VAR IN12 'hook that up to pin 11 of bs2
> testOUT VAR OUT15 'send the output through pin 15
> 'Low Supply
> Main:
> testOUT = ~testIN
> ' If testIn = 1 THEN Low_15
> ' If testIn = 0 THEN High_15
> ' Pause 2000
> ' Toggle Supply
> GOTO Main
instructions, setting OUT15 to a high or low value does not cause
the pin to become an output, it simply sets the output state if/when
the pin is an output.
On 11 Nov 01 at 1:00, rpsu279@y... wrote:
> Hi all,
> The code below show that I was trying to experiment with input and
> output pins of the BSII and IISX. I hooked up pin 15 to a stampworks
> LED. I ran the code with several different connections and in
> several different ways. However, I could not get an LED to flash. I
> need to find the right way to make a pin HIGH when another pin is
> LOW and vice versa. Any input would be appreciated.
> Sincerely,
> RP
> '{$STAMP BS2sx}
> 'supply CON 11
> testIN VAR IN12 'hook that up to pin 11 of bs2
> testOUT VAR OUT15 'send the output through pin 15
> 'Low Supply
> Main:
> testOUT = ~testIN
> ' If testIn = 1 THEN Low_15
> ' If testIn = 0 THEN High_15
> ' Pause 2000
> ' Toggle Supply
> GOTO Main
The code below show that I was trying to experiment with input and
output pins of the BSII and IISX. I hooked up pin 15 to a stampworks
LED. I ran the code with several different connections and in several
different ways. However, I could not get an LED to flash. I need to
find the right way to make a pin HIGH when another pin is LOW and
vice versa. Any input would be appreciated.
'{$STAMP BS2sx}
'supply CON 11
testIN VAR IN12 'hook that up to pin 11 of bs2
testOUT VAR OUT15 'send the output through pin 15
'Low Supply
testOUT = ~testIN
' If testIn = 1 THEN Low_15
' If testIn = 0 THEN High_15
' Pause 2000
' Toggle Supply
' testOUT = 1
' testOUT = 0