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Rookie needs RS232 help — Parallax Forums

Rookie needs RS232 help

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2001-11-01 01:02 in General Discussion
I am controlling a BS2 with a Visual Basic program. I need to be
setting specific pins on the Stamp either high or low, plus I also
need to send string variables from the VB code to the stamp.
Currently I am just testing the sending of the pin numbers and their
states, and eveything there works just fine. My question is, what is
the proper syntax, or how do I code the SERIN statement so that I
will be able to detect pin number and state in one case, but also
check for certain variables to act on.

This is the statement I am using to pass the pin information, but
obviously it isn't going to work for variables.

Serin 16,16780,[noparse][[/noparse]WAIT(255),PinNumber,PinState]

Man, I sure hope I am making some sense on this. I know what I want
the Stamp to do, I just have a hard time putting it in words.

Thanks to anyone who want to try and help me.

Jim Martin
Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA


  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2001-11-01 01:02
    I've recently done the same sort of thing here's a link to a great
    tutorial that i found really helpful. It explains it in the context
    of using visual basic to run it

    Good Luck

    --- In basicstamps@y..., jimdmartin@a... wrote:
    > I am controlling a BS2 with a Visual Basic program. I need to be
    > setting specific pins on the Stamp either high or low, plus I also
    > need to send string variables from the VB code to the stamp.
    > Currently I am just testing the sending of the pin numbers and
    > states, and eveything there works just fine. My question is, what
    > the proper syntax, or how do I code the SERIN statement so that I
    > will be able to detect pin number and state in one case, but also
    > check for certain variables to act on.
    > This is the statement I am using to pass the pin information, but
    > obviously it isn't going to work for variables.
    > Serin 16,16780,[noparse][[/noparse]WAIT(255),PinNumber,PinState]
    > Man, I sure hope I am making some sense on this. I know what I
    > the Stamp to do, I just have a hard time putting it in words.
    > Thanks to anyone who want to try and help me.
    > Jim Martin
    > Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA
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