CMOS image sensor interfacing
I am wanting to interface a low-res b/w camera to the BS2p. I am
attempting to make a line following robot that can look at the floor and
find the line. I will not need many pixels, 100x100 would be much more
than I need. I am quite familiar with programming and electronics, but
do not want to reinvent the wheel [noparse]:)[/noparse]. If anyone has done any camera
interfacing I'd love to see your code and project.
attempting to make a line following robot that can look at the floor and
find the line. I will not need many pixels, 100x100 would be much more
than I need. I am quite familiar with programming and electronics, but
do not want to reinvent the wheel [noparse]:)[/noparse]. If anyone has done any camera
interfacing I'd love to see your code and project.