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Got it!!! (was) Re: BS2 detected but not responding... — Parallax Forums

Got it!!! (was) Re: BS2 detected but not responding...

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2001-08-28 15:38 in General Discussion
Got it!!

The new battery/serial cable did the trick. And it was COM port 1 not
com port 3-

Many, many, many thanks to all who tried to help me!

Now to start putzing around with the code... : ))


--- In basicstamps@y..., "Louis Klepner" <varuna123@y...> wrote:
> ahh, okay- I'm using a serial cable I had laying around, so I'm not
> really sure of the quality. Maybe thats the problem, or the
> I tried a couple different 9 volts, but none of them were totally
> new. They are realitively fresh, they were used in a wireless
> microphone for an hour- The green LED is nice and bright...
> As for the hardware, I bought a 'super carrier' from parallax- This
> is obviously my first experience with the stamp, so I really
> appreciate all the people who have offered their insight.
> Tomorrow afternoon I will run out and buy another serial cable and
> fresh nine volt battery. Hopefully that will do the trick... If
> I'm not sure what else could be wrong. Perhaps the COM settings
> somewhere within my computer? This is my first COM port experience-
> Thanks again,
> Lou
> --- In basicstamps@y..., "Tarun Tuli" <sti.pwr@h...> wrote:
> > Its probably detecting the "loop" on the serial connector between
> the DTR
> > and RTS lines. Thats why its saying that its detecting the stamp
> II (Even
> > though it says its not responding).
> >
> > It sounds like theres either something wrong with the stamp, or
> not
> > getting power. Are you using one of the project boards or
> something? I
> > just wired it up yourself?
> >
> >
Original Message
> > From: Louis Klepner [noparse][[/noparse]mailto:varuna123@y...]
> > Sent: Monday, August 27, 2001 9:11 PM
> > To: basicstamps@y...
> > Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: BS2 detected but not responding...
> >
> >
> > Another odd thing: If I switch from the COM port 'Auto' to
COM 'port
> > 3' I get a different error msg.
> >
> > Auto gave me: 'Basic Stamp II detected but not responding on COM
> > check power supply'
> >
> > Where as port 3: 'Basic Stamp II not responding on COM 3, check
> > serial connection, check power supply.'
> >
> > This is strange- What exactly is the Auto port detecting which
> > cannot detect/find?
> >
> > -Lou
> >
> >
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> >
> >
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