Stamp-Controlled Switch
Posts: 46,084
I'm currently providing and cycling power to a PIC by supplying the
PIC's Vdd directly off a Stamp pin. Works fine so long as I don't
mess up, but I figure sooner or later this is going to make some
expensive smoke.
Looking for simple way to apply 5V or 0V under the control of a Stamp
pin. Normal "on" current would (should?) be less than 50 mA. Any
suggestions? The words optocoupler and MOSFET are suggesting
themselves to me, but I know there are better ideas out there than I
can come up with.
BTW, this project uses a BS2 to program PIC16F87X. It's working
well and am now adding logic to use the PIC's nifty on-chip debug
Thanks and regards,
PIC's Vdd directly off a Stamp pin. Works fine so long as I don't
mess up, but I figure sooner or later this is going to make some
expensive smoke.
Looking for simple way to apply 5V or 0V under the control of a Stamp
pin. Normal "on" current would (should?) be less than 50 mA. Any
suggestions? The words optocoupler and MOSFET are suggesting
themselves to me, but I know there are better ideas out there than I
can come up with.
BTW, this project uses a BS2 to program PIC16F87X. It's working
well and am now adding logic to use the PIC's nifty on-chip debug
Thanks and regards,
way would be a simple transistor. With the MUX you could tie one of
its inputs to VDD then use the stamp to switch it on/off. You can
also do the same with the transistor. Take the collector to VDD then
emitter to VDD on the PIC, then a 4.7k from the base to the stamp I/O
--- In basicstamps@y..., "S Parkis" <parkiss@e...> wrote:
> I'm currently providing and cycling power to a PIC by supplying the
> PIC's Vdd directly off a Stamp pin. Works fine so long as I don't
> mess up, but I figure sooner or later this is going to make some
> expensive smoke.
> Looking for simple way to apply 5V or 0V under the control of a
> pin. Normal "on" current would (should?) be less than 50 mA. Any
> suggestions? The words optocoupler and MOSFET are suggesting
> themselves to me, but I know there are better ideas out there than I
> can come up with.
> BTW, this project uses a BS2 to program PIC16F87X. It's working
> well and am now adding logic to use the PIC's nifty on-chip debug
> capabilities.
> Thanks and regards,
> Steve