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Sync communications

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2001-06-28 15:03 in General Discussion
I have been working on a project for about 3 days and I can’t seem tofigure this out.
I have a board that has a 6 pin RJ25 port on it.
The pin outs are as follows:
1 – Ground
2 – Ground
3 - +5v
4 – Data (out)
5 – Clock (in)
6 – Ground
OK I think we all can handle pins 1,2,3 and 6.
Unfortunately I know no more than you do now about pins 4 and 5.
This sounds like some type of synchronous communication, maybe TTL ofsomething.
Well instead of me guessing, does someone know how I might be able toread pin 4 and what do I hook to pin 5?
Wayne Fulcher


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