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SEROUT debugging tips — Parallax Forums

SEROUT debugging tips

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2001-05-28 22:04 in General Discussion
Well I've got a strange one! I'm hoping some of the stamp (bs2) debugging
gurus out there might have an idea or two for me.

I'm working on a simple project to send commands to a device that switches
antennas and takes input from NULL MODEM serial lines at 1200,N,1. Here's
the testing I've done:

1. Connect switch to computer & write simple program to send commands -
works great (text to send looks like 'QqW34' followed by a 0).

2. Write STAMP program that sends same commands (boils down to this):
SEROUT 16, N1200, [noparse][[/noparse]"QqW34", 0]
Connect BOE serial port via STAMP programming cable to computer & fire
up HyperTerminal - I see the text appear on the PC when the STAMP does the

3. Make same connection as #2 between STAMP and computer using the same NULL
MODEM cable used between the switch and the computer in #1. Text appears in
Hyperterminal as expected.

4. Hook STAMP's serial port to switch with either cable and make it send -
no joy.

I've run out of ideas! Does anyone else have any?


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