Ron has 4 x 16 displays, very easy to use, and you can even turn the
backlighting on and off via serial commands.
Original Message
From: Eric <morpheus358@a...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2001 11:01 AM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] serial lcd
> hello all. where can I buy some very cheep serial lcd's. if possible
> 4x16 if not 1x16. thanks Eric
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
What I believe you saw was a serial PCB, included was a "FREE" 1 X 16
LCD. I remember seeing this in an advertisement on the inside front
page of a recent Nuts and Volts. I remember looking at it and saying
to myself " I wonder if they have any of these left?" I believe the
issue was a few months old. I'm at work now, can't look it up.
--- In basicstamps@y..., Rodent <daweasel@s...> wrote:
> Somewhere I ran across some 1 x 16 serial displays for $15 or $20
the other
> day. Wish I could remember where...
Original Message
> > see
> > Ron has 4 x 16 displays, very easy to use, and you can even turn
> > backlighting on and off via serial commands.
--- In basicstamps@y..., Rodent <daweasel@s...> wrote:
> Somewhere I ran across some 1 x 16 serial displays for $15 or $20
the other
> day. Wish I could remember where...
Original Message
> > see
> > Ron has 4 x 16 displays, very easy to use, and you can even turn
> > backlighting on and off via serial commands.
--- In basicstamps@y..., Rodent <daweasel@s...> wrote:
> Somewhere I ran across some 1 x 16 serial displays for $15 or $20
the other
> day. Wish I could remember where...
Original Message
> > see
> > Ron has 4 x 16 displays, very easy to use, and you can even turn
> > backlighting on and off via serial commands.
--- In basicstamps@y..., Rodent <daweasel@s...> wrote:
> Somewhere I ran across some 1 x 16 serial displays for $15 or $20
the other
> day. Wish I could remember where...
Original Message
> > see
> > Ron has 4 x 16 displays, very easy to use, and you can even turn
> > backlighting on and off via serial commands.
--- In basicstamps@y..., Rodent <daweasel@s...> wrote:
> Somewhere I ran across some 1 x 16 serial displays for $15 or $20
the other
> day. Wish I could remember where...
Original Message
> > see
> > Ron has 4 x 16 displays, very easy to use, and you can even turn
> > backlighting on and off via serial commands.
Eric wrote:
> hello all. where can I buy some very cheep serial lcd's. if possible
> 4x16 if not 1x16. thanks Eric
I don't know how cheap you want to go but Scott Edwards has
a 2x16 for $40:
Yup. Was in the back of the April 01 Nuts & Volts.
Original Message
> What I believe you saw was a serial PCB, included was a "FREE" 1 X 16
> LCD. I remember seeing this in an advertisement on the inside front
> page of a recent Nuts and Volts. I remember looking at it and saying
> to myself " I wonder if they have any of these left?" I believe the
> issue was a few months old. I'm at work now, can't look it up.
Hello. I think you might be referring to the Marlin P. Jones catalog.
They have a universal LCD driver which comes with a free 1x16 LCD.
Check out their website (stock # 12015-OP).
Another option would be to roll your own serial LCD. If you look at
STAMP app #32 from N&V (and available on the parallax website) you
can "fake" a serial LCD with a '595. These are pretty cheap (<$2) but
require a little more code. I've had great luck with Peter Anderson's
serial LCD chip. He sells a kit for $9.95 which has everything but
the LCD. His site is: BGmicro has a
similar getup for around $12.
A great place for cheap LCDs (and a ton of information about them) is I've purchased many from them for less than $10,
with a backlight. They even have some in the $5 range.
--- In basicstamps@y..., Rodent <daweasel@s...> wrote:
> Yup. Was in the back of the April 01 Nuts & Volts.
Original Message
> > What I believe you saw was a serial PCB, included was a "FREE" 1
X 16
> > LCD. I remember seeing this in an advertisement on the inside
> > page of a recent Nuts and Volts. I remember looking at it and
> > to myself " I wonder if they have any of these left?" I believe
> > issue was a few months old. I'm at work now, can't look it up.
I'm looking to use a stamp to read data from a serial interface then
print parts of that data on a 4x16 serial LCD screen. Which stamp
would be best for this project? I was looking at the II and the IIp.
In a message dated 8/14/01 7:55:35 PM Central Daylight Time, chrisd@w... writes:
> I'm looking to use a stamp to read data from a serial interface then
> print parts of that data on a 4x16 serial LCD screen. Which stamp
> would be best for this project? I was looking at the II and the IIp.
The choice between the BS2 and BS2p depend on your other requirements. The
BS2p is faster (x3), can talk directly to inexpensive parallel LCDs, 1-Wire
devices and I2C devices. It also has eight program banks and 128 bytes of
shared (scratchpad RAM space).
Another nice feature of the BS2p is that it can buffer big chunks of serial
data into the scratchpad area. After the data is received, you can parse
through it to find what you're looking for. This usually works better than
the standard WAIT and SKIP modifiers that are often used (with SERIN) on the
The BS2p will cost you more, though, so consider your actual needs.
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
You could always skip the "backpack" approach all together -- it's not hard
to add LCDs to any BASIC Stamp (so long as you have 6 pins free).
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
PS: You can make a "cheap backpack" from an 75HC595 and get the pin count
down to 3 (but you can't read from the LCD memory and it takes more code to
In a message dated 9/4/01 1:48:29 PM Central Daylight Time, ricky@m... writes:
> Does anyone know of a good cheap serial lcd. I bought the 4x20 Scott
> Edwards off the parallax website, and although it works very well it is a
> bit pricey at $100. This is just an lcd! I found one with the same
> resolution but it also has 8 10 bit a/d inputs, 8 500ma driver outputs, and
> a keypad decoder plus a few more things for $59.95. This one is made by
> netmedia I think and is a lcd+ model. My question is why is the price so
> different and has anyone used the netmedia one I mentioned.
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
You have to purchase your own LCD but I've gotten many of the surplus
for about $10. That makes a total of about $20 for a serial 2 line
>Does anyone know of a good cheap serial lcd. I bought the 4x20
>Scott Edwards off the parallax website, and although it works very
>well it is a bit pricey at $100. This is just an lcd! I found one
>with the same resolution but it also has 8 10 bit a/d inputs, 8
>500ma driver outputs, and a keypad decoder plus a few more things
>for $59.95. This one is made by netmedia I think and is a lcd+
>model. My question is why is the price so different and has anyone
>used the netmedia one I mentioned.
>Ricky Konvicka
>Electronic Engineer
>BioTech International Inc.
>[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
>from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the
>Subject and Body of the message will be ignored.
>Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
Pisani Graphics Inc.
Kimberly WI 54136
Does anyone know of a good cheap serial lcd. I bought the 4x20 Scott Edwards
off the parallax website, and although it works very well it is a bit pricey at
$100. This is just an lcd! I found one with the same resolution but it also
has 8 10 bit a/d inputs, 8 500ma driver outputs, and a keypad decoder plus a few
more things for $59.95. This one is made by netmedia I think and is a lcd+
model. My question is why is the price so different and has anyone used the
netmedia one I mentioned.
Ricky Konvicka
Electronic Engineer
BioTech International Inc.
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I bought the Netmedia lcd+ some months ago and am very satisfied
with it. At 60$ you can't beat it given the extra A/D, OC drivers and
keypad decoder (or plain TTL inputs). Also the fact that it allows
communication with both true RS232 as 5V TTL and the fact that it
can be powered from 12V as well as 5V is a big plus.
The price difference may be caused by the number of sold items,
the country the lcd is produced, the amount of integration etc.
Does anyone know of a good cheap serial lcd. I bought the 4x20 Scott
Edwards off the parallax website, and although it works very well it is a
bit pricey at $100. This is just an lcd! I found one with the same
resolution but it also has 8 10 bit a/d inputs, 8 500ma driver outputs, and
a keypad decoder plus a few more things for $59.95. This one is made by
netmedia I think and is a lcd+ model. My question is why is the price so
different and has anyone used the netmedia one I mentioned.
Ricky Konvicka
Electronic Engineer
BioTech International Inc.
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and
Body of the message will be ignored.
> Does anyone know of a good cheap serial lcd. I bought the 4x20 Scott Edwards
> off the parallax website, and although it works very well it is a bit pricey
> $100. This is just an lcd! I found one with the same resolution but it also
> has 8 10 bit a/d inputs, 8 500ma driver outputs, and a keypad decoder plus a
> more things for $59.95. This one is made by netmedia I think and is a lcd+
> model. My question is why is the price so different and has anyone used the
> netmedia one I mentioned.
We can offer you several solutions here. First, if you have access to surplus
LCDs, then our Econo LCD Kit is slick serial interface kit that would fit the
bill at only $23.95 US See:
If you'd prefer a complete solution, we offer a full line of alphanumeric and
graphic LCDs (and VFDs) that include extra I/O and keypad interfaces. A full
122x32 (equivalent to a 4x20 alphanumeric) with keypad interface is $78 US.
All units have RS-232 and I2C interfaces, are high speed (115 kbps) and
buffered (no need to add pauses in the data you send). Backight and
contrast can be controlled via the serial interface. Start here:
Mark Hillier, VE6HVW
President, HVW Technologies Inc.
Canadian Distributors of Parallax Products and other Neat Stuff
Tel: (403)-730-8603 Fax: (403)-730-8903
See our NEW BASIC Stamp Prototyping tools !
We offer a serial LCD IC that will receive 2400/9600 baud data and print to
the LCD, and also includes a serially controlled output pin. Part number
EDE702, $9 single unit quantities. Datasheet and ordering information at
This IC works with displays from 1x8 to 4x20 or 2x40, which can be
purchased via surplus or new inexpensively via companies such as Truly LCD.
I bought 1 from NetMedia (I bought it with my BX-24). However, since
my BX-24 is all but collecting dust, I want to use LCD with my BS2.
I have code to use with BX-24, but it is completely different than
BS2's code. I wonder if anybody else had used serial LCD with BS2
and has some codes that I can try.
--- In, Bruce Bates <bvbates@u...> wrote:
> At 04:22 PM 7/30/03 +0000, yellowniter wrote:
> >Does anyone know where I can find some info. on using serial LCD
> >a BS2?
> Presuming you have one that you purchased, where did you purchase
it from ?
> If it's something you're designing yourself, that's a different
> Bruce Bates
Hi, I'm very new at programming the BS2e. I'm tring to integrate it
into my project. I read the manuel on the website but it didn't have
any helpful pbasic tips to get it running. Can someone suggest how
to just print something on the screen? Or a resource for programming
You have to be more specific if you want specific help. Who's serial
LCD are you using? What format? There's a bunch of vendors now
(SEETRON paved the way) and the specifics for each can be different.
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Hi, I'm very new at programming the BS2e. I'm tring to integrate it
into my project. I read the manuel on the website but it didn't have
any helpful pbasic tips to get it running. Can someone suggest how
to just print something on the screen? Or a resource for programming
Sorry about the ambiguity. It is a Seetron LCD. BPI-216.I'm not sure
what you mean by format. Is there a way to program it with PBASIC?
or should I just go try and talk to them.
--- In, "Jon Williams" <jwilliams@p...>
> You have to be more specific if you want specific help. Who's
> LCD are you using? What format? There's a bunch of vendors now
> (SEETRON paved the way) and the specifics for each can be
> -- Jon Williams
> -- Applications Engineer, Parallax
> -- Dallas Office
Original Message
> From: kris10mp [noparse][[/noparse]mailto:kristinpower7@h...]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 11:30 AM
> To:
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Serial LCD
> Hi, I'm very new at programming the BS2e. I'm tring to integrate
> into my project. I read the manuel on the website but it didn't
> any helpful pbasic tips to get it running. Can someone suggest how
> to just print something on the screen? Or a resource for
> it.
> Thanks
> Kris10
We use the BPI-216 all the time, and contrary to your first post, the
documentation for that product (downloadable from does
in fact include PBASIC samples.
Using it is very easy -- you just write to the LCD by sendind data via
SEROUT. For commands, you must preface the instruction with the value
$FE. Set your LCD for 9600 baud, 2-line mode, then try this program.
' {$STAMP BS2pe}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
LcdCls CON $01
LcdHome CON $02
LcdL1 CON $80
LcdL2 CON $C0
Sorry about the ambiguity. It is a Seetron LCD. BPI-216.I'm not sure
what you mean by format. Is there a way to program it with PBASIC?
or should I just go try and talk to them.
--- In, "Jon Williams" <jwilliams@p...>
> You have to be more specific if you want specific help. Who's
> LCD are you using? What format? There's a bunch of vendors now
> (SEETRON paved the way) and the specifics for each can be
> -- Jon Williams
> -- Applications Engineer, Parallax
> -- Dallas Office
Original Message
> From: kris10mp [noparse][[/noparse]mailto:kristinpower7@h...]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 11:30 AM
> To:
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Serial LCD
> Hi, I'm very new at programming the BS2e. I'm tring to integrate
> into my project. I read the manuel on the website but it didn't
> any helpful pbasic tips to get it running. Can someone suggest how
> to just print something on the screen? Or a resource for
> it.
> Thanks
> Kris10
Thanks for your help Jon. worked like a charm. and the info is what
i was looking for...i was just looking in the wrong place.
--- In, "Jon Williams" <jwilliams@p...>
> We use the BPI-216 all the time, and contrary to your first post,
> documentation for that product (downloadable from
> in fact include PBASIC samples.
> Using it is very easy -- you just write to the LCD by sendind data
> SEROUT. For commands, you must preface the instruction with the
> $FE. Set your LCD for 9600 baud, 2-line mode, then try this
> ' {$STAMP BS2pe}
> ' {$PBASIC 2.5}
> LcdI CON $FE
> LcdCls CON $01
> LcdHome CON $02
> LcdL1 CON $80
> LcdL2 CON $C0
> Baud CON $4054
> Setup:
> PAUSE 1000
> ' create custom character
> SEROUT 15, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]LcdI, 64,
> $00,$0A,$0A,$00,$11,$0E,$06,$00]
> Main:
> DO
> SEROUT 15, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]LcdI, LcdCls]
> ' need at least 1 ms -- 250 is for effect
> PAUSE 250
> SEROUT 15, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]"PARALLAX"]
> PAUSE 1000
> SEROUT 15, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]LcdI, LcdL2]
> SEROUT 15, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]"BASIC STAMP!"]
> SEROUT 15, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]LcdI, LcdL2 + 15]
> SEROUT 15, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]0]
> PAUSE 1000
> -- Jon Williams
> -- Applications Engineer, Parallax
> -- Dallas Office
Original Message
> From: kris10mp [noparse][[/noparse]mailto:kristinpower7@h...]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 2:38 PM
> To:
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: Serial LCD
> Sorry about the ambiguity. It is a Seetron LCD. BPI-216.I'm not
> what you mean by format. Is there a way to program it with PBASIC?
> or should I just go try and talk to them.
> Kris10
> --- In, "Jon Williams"
> wrote:
> > You have to be more specific if you want specific help. Who's
> serial
> > LCD are you using? What format? There's a bunch of vendors now
> > (SEETRON paved the way) and the specifics for each can be
> different.
> >
> > -- Jon Williams
> > -- Applications Engineer, Parallax
> > -- Dallas Office
> >
> >
> >
Original Message
> > From: kris10mp [noparse][[/noparse]mailto:kristinpower7@h...]
> > Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 11:30 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Serial LCD
> >
> >
> > Hi, I'm very new at programming the BS2e. I'm tring to integrate
> it
> > into my project. I read the manuel on the website but it didn't
> have
> > any helpful pbasic tips to get it running. Can someone suggest
> > to just print something on the screen? Or a resource for
> programming
> > it.
> > Thanks
> > Kris10
Ron has 4 x 16 displays, very easy to use, and you can even turn the
backlighting on and off via serial commands.
Original Message
From: Eric <morpheus358@a...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2001 11:01 AM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] serial lcd
> hello all. where can I buy some very cheep serial lcd's. if possible
> 4x16 if not 1x16. thanks Eric
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
day. Wish I could remember where...
Original Message
> see
> Ron has 4 x 16 displays, very easy to use, and you can even turn the
> backlighting on and off via serial commands.
LCD. I remember seeing this in an advertisement on the inside front
page of a recent Nuts and Volts. I remember looking at it and saying
to myself " I wonder if they have any of these left?" I believe the
issue was a few months old. I'm at work now, can't look it up.
--- In basicstamps@y..., Rodent <daweasel@s...> wrote:
> Somewhere I ran across some 1 x 16 serial displays for $15 or $20
the other
> day. Wish I could remember where...
Original Message
> > see
> > Ron has 4 x 16 displays, very easy to use, and you can even turn
> > backlighting on and off via serial commands.
> Somewhere I ran across some 1 x 16 serial displays for $15 or $20
the other
> day. Wish I could remember where...
Original Message
> > see
> > Ron has 4 x 16 displays, very easy to use, and you can even turn
> > backlighting on and off via serial commands.
> Somewhere I ran across some 1 x 16 serial displays for $15 or $20
the other
> day. Wish I could remember where...
Original Message
> > see
> > Ron has 4 x 16 displays, very easy to use, and you can even turn
> > backlighting on and off via serial commands.
> Somewhere I ran across some 1 x 16 serial displays for $15 or $20
the other
> day. Wish I could remember where...
Original Message
> > see
> > Ron has 4 x 16 displays, very easy to use, and you can even turn
> > backlighting on and off via serial commands.
> Somewhere I ran across some 1 x 16 serial displays for $15 or $20
the other
> day. Wish I could remember where...
Original Message
> > see
> > Ron has 4 x 16 displays, very easy to use, and you can even turn
> > backlighting on and off via serial commands.
> hello all. where can I buy some very cheep serial lcd's. if possible
> 4x16 if not 1x16. thanks Eric
I don't know how cheap you want to go but Scott Edwards has
a 2x16 for $40:
| Steve DeGroof ( |
Original Message
> What I believe you saw was a serial PCB, included was a "FREE" 1 X 16
> LCD. I remember seeing this in an advertisement on the inside front
> page of a recent Nuts and Volts. I remember looking at it and saying
> to myself " I wonder if they have any of these left?" I believe the
> issue was a few months old. I'm at work now, can't look it up.
They have a universal LCD driver which comes with a free 1x16 LCD.
Check out their website (stock # 12015-OP).
Another option would be to roll your own serial LCD. If you look at
STAMP app #32 from N&V (and available on the parallax website) you
can "fake" a serial LCD with a '595. These are pretty cheap (<$2) but
require a little more code. I've had great luck with Peter Anderson's
serial LCD chip. He sells a kit for $9.95 which has everything but
the LCD. His site is: BGmicro has a
similar getup for around $12.
A great place for cheap LCDs (and a ton of information about them) is I've purchased many from them for less than $10,
with a backlight. They even have some in the $5 range.
Hope this gives you some more options!
--Jeff Wallace
--Add an 8-channel ADC, EEPROM, RTC, I2C and 3-wire bus to your BS2!
--- In basicstamps@y..., Rodent <daweasel@s...> wrote:
> Yup. Was in the back of the April 01 Nuts & Volts.
Original Message
> > What I believe you saw was a serial PCB, included was a "FREE" 1
X 16
> > LCD. I remember seeing this in an advertisement on the inside
> > page of a recent Nuts and Volts. I remember looking at it and
> > to myself " I wonder if they have any of these left?" I believe
> > issue was a few months old. I'm at work now, can't look it up.
print parts of that data on a 4x16 serial LCD screen. Which stamp
would be best for this project? I was looking at the II and the IIp.
chrisd@w... writes:
> I'm looking to use a stamp to read data from a serial interface then
> print parts of that data on a 4x16 serial LCD screen. Which stamp
> would be best for this project? I was looking at the II and the IIp.
The choice between the BS2 and BS2p depend on your other requirements. The
BS2p is faster (x3), can talk directly to inexpensive parallel LCDs, 1-Wire
devices and I2C devices. It also has eight program banks and 128 bytes of
shared (scratchpad RAM space).
Another nice feature of the BS2p is that it can buffer big chunks of serial
data into the scratchpad area. After the data is received, you can parse
through it to find what you're looking for. This usually works better than
the standard WAIT and SKIP modifiers that are often used (with SERIN) on the
The BS2p will cost you more, though, so consider your actual needs.
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
to add LCDs to any BASIC Stamp (so long as you have 6 pins free).
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
PS: You can make a "cheap backpack" from an 75HC595 and get the pin count
down to 3 (but you can't read from the LCD memory and it takes more code to
In a message dated 9/4/01 1:48:29 PM Central Daylight Time,
ricky@m... writes:
> Does anyone know of a good cheap serial lcd. I bought the 4x20 Scott
> Edwards off the parallax website, and although it works very well it is a
> bit pricey at $100. This is just an lcd! I found one with the same
> resolution but it also has 8 10 bit a/d inputs, 8 500ma driver outputs, and
> a keypad decoder plus a few more things for $59.95. This one is made by
> netmedia I think and is a lcd+ model. My question is why is the price so
> different and has anyone used the netmedia one I mentioned.
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Serial LCD Kit - $9.95. Note that this is different than the
PIC-n-LCD and NetMedia Serial LCD+.
It's about 1/2 way down on this page:
Details are here:
You have to purchase your own LCD but I've gotten many of the surplus
for about $10. That makes a total of about $20 for a serial 2 line
>Does anyone know of a good cheap serial lcd. I bought the 4x20
>Scott Edwards off the parallax website, and although it works very
>well it is a bit pricey at $100. This is just an lcd! I found one
>with the same resolution but it also has 8 10 bit a/d inputs, 8
>500ma driver outputs, and a keypad decoder plus a few more things
>for $59.95. This one is made by netmedia I think and is a lcd+
>model. My question is why is the price so different and has anyone
>used the netmedia one I mentioned.
>Ricky Konvicka
>Electronic Engineer
>BioTech International Inc.
>[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
>from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the
>Subject and Body of the message will be ignored.
>Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
Pisani Graphics Inc.
Kimberly WI 54136
off the parallax website, and although it works very well it is a bit pricey at
$100. This is just an lcd! I found one with the same resolution but it also
has 8 10 bit a/d inputs, 8 500ma driver outputs, and a keypad decoder plus a few
more things for $59.95. This one is made by netmedia I think and is a lcd+
model. My question is why is the price so different and has anyone used the
netmedia one I mentioned.
Ricky Konvicka
Electronic Engineer
BioTech International Inc.
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I bought the Netmedia lcd+ some months ago and am very satisfied
with it. At 60$ you can't beat it given the extra A/D, OC drivers and
keypad decoder (or plain TTL inputs). Also the fact that it allows
communication with both true RS232 as 5V TTL and the fact that it
can be powered from 12V as well as 5V is a big plus.
The price difference may be caused by the number of sold items,
the country the lcd is produced, the amount of integration etc.
regards, peter
Oorspronkelijk bericht
Van: Ricky Konvicka [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]ricky@m...[/url
Verzonden: dinsdag 4 september 2001 21:39
Onderwerp: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Serial LCD
Does anyone know of a good cheap serial lcd. I bought the 4x20 Scott
Edwards off the parallax website, and although it works very well it is a
bit pricey at $100. This is just an lcd! I found one with the same
resolution but it also has 8 10 bit a/d inputs, 8 500ma driver outputs, and
a keypad decoder plus a few more things for $59.95. This one is made by
netmedia I think and is a lcd+ model. My question is why is the price so
different and has anyone used the netmedia one I mentioned.
Ricky Konvicka
Electronic Engineer
BioTech International Inc.
[noparse][[/noparse]Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
> off the parallax website, and although it works very well it is a bit pricey
> $100. This is just an lcd! I found one with the same resolution but it also
> has 8 10 bit a/d inputs, 8 500ma driver outputs, and a keypad decoder plus a
> more things for $59.95. This one is made by netmedia I think and is a lcd+
> model. My question is why is the price so different and has anyone used the
> netmedia one I mentioned.
We can offer you several solutions here. First, if you have access to surplus
LCDs, then our Econo LCD Kit is slick serial interface kit that would fit the
bill at only $23.95 US See:
If you'd prefer a complete solution, we offer a full line of alphanumeric and
graphic LCDs (and VFDs) that include extra I/O and keypad interfaces. A full
122x32 (equivalent to a 4x20 alphanumeric) with keypad interface is $78 US.
All units have RS-232 and I2C interfaces, are high speed (115 kbps) and
buffered (no need to add pauses in the data you send). Backight and
contrast can be controlled via the serial interface. Start here:
Mark Hillier, VE6HVW
President, HVW Technologies Inc.
Canadian Distributors of Parallax Products and other Neat Stuff
Tel: (403)-730-8603 Fax: (403)-730-8903
See our NEW BASIC Stamp Prototyping tools !
> > Does anyone know of a good cheap serial lcd.
We offer a serial LCD IC that will receive 2400/9600 baud data and print to
the LCD, and also includes a serially controlled output pin. Part number
EDE702, $9 single unit quantities. Datasheet and ordering information at
This IC works with displays from 1x8 to 4x20 or 2x40, which can be
purchased via surplus or new inexpensively via companies such as Truly LCD.
Todd Peterson
E-Lab Digital Engineering, Inc.
(816) 257-9954 FAX: (816) 257-9945
a BS2?
>Does anyone know where I can find some info. on using serial LCD with
>a BS2?
Presuming you have one that you purchased, where did you purchase it from ?
If it's something you're designing yourself, that's a different matter.
Bruce Bates
my BX-24 is all but collecting dust, I want to use LCD with my BS2.
I have code to use with BX-24, but it is completely different than
BS2's code. I wonder if anybody else had used serial LCD with BS2
and has some codes that I can try.
--- In, Bruce Bates <bvbates@u...> wrote:
> At 04:22 PM 7/30/03 +0000, yellowniter wrote:
> >Does anyone know where I can find some info. on using serial LCD
> >a BS2?
> Presuming you have one that you purchased, where did you purchase
it from ?
> If it's something you're designing yourself, that's a different
> Bruce Bates
into my project. I read the manuel on the website but it didn't have
any helpful pbasic tips to get it running. Can someone suggest how
to just print something on the screen? Or a resource for programming
LCD are you using? What format? There's a bunch of vendors now
(SEETRON paved the way) and the specifics for each can be different.
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: kris10mp [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]kristinpower7@h...[/url
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 11:30 AM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Serial LCD
Hi, I'm very new at programming the BS2e. I'm tring to integrate it
into my project. I read the manuel on the website but it didn't have
any helpful pbasic tips to get it running. Can someone suggest how
to just print something on the screen? Or a resource for programming
what you mean by format. Is there a way to program it with PBASIC?
or should I just go try and talk to them.
--- In, "Jon Williams" <jwilliams@p...>
> You have to be more specific if you want specific help. Who's
> LCD are you using? What format? There's a bunch of vendors now
> (SEETRON paved the way) and the specifics for each can be
> -- Jon Williams
> -- Applications Engineer, Parallax
> -- Dallas Office
Original Message
> From: kris10mp [noparse][[/noparse]mailto:kristinpower7@h...]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 11:30 AM
> To:
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Serial LCD
> Hi, I'm very new at programming the BS2e. I'm tring to integrate
> into my project. I read the manuel on the website but it didn't
> any helpful pbasic tips to get it running. Can someone suggest how
> to just print something on the screen? Or a resource for
> it.
> Thanks
> Kris10
documentation for that product (downloadable from does
in fact include PBASIC samples.
Using it is very easy -- you just write to the LCD by sendind data via
SEROUT. For commands, you must preface the instruction with the value
$FE. Set your LCD for 9600 baud, 2-line mode, then try this program.
' {$STAMP BS2pe}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
LcdCls CON $01
LcdHome CON $02
LcdL1 CON $80
LcdL2 CON $C0
Baud CON $4054
PAUSE 1000
' create custom character
SEROUT 15, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]LcdI, 64,
SEROUT 15, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]LcdI, LcdCls]
' need at least 1 ms -- 250 is for effect
SEROUT 15, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]"PARALLAX"]
PAUSE 1000
SEROUT 15, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]LcdI, LcdL2]
SEROUT 15, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]"BASIC STAMP!"]
SEROUT 15, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]LcdI, LcdL2 + 15]
SEROUT 15, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]0]
PAUSE 1000
-- Jon Williams
-- Applications Engineer, Parallax
-- Dallas Office
Original Message
From: kris10mp [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]kristinpower7@h...[/url
Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 2:38 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: Serial LCD
Sorry about the ambiguity. It is a Seetron LCD. BPI-216.I'm not sure
what you mean by format. Is there a way to program it with PBASIC?
or should I just go try and talk to them.
--- In, "Jon Williams" <jwilliams@p...>
> You have to be more specific if you want specific help. Who's
> LCD are you using? What format? There's a bunch of vendors now
> (SEETRON paved the way) and the specifics for each can be
> -- Jon Williams
> -- Applications Engineer, Parallax
> -- Dallas Office
Original Message
> From: kris10mp [noparse][[/noparse]mailto:kristinpower7@h...]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 11:30 AM
> To:
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Serial LCD
> Hi, I'm very new at programming the BS2e. I'm tring to integrate
> into my project. I read the manuel on the website but it didn't
> any helpful pbasic tips to get it running. Can someone suggest how
> to just print something on the screen? Or a resource for
> it.
> Thanks
> Kris10
i was looking for...i was just looking in the wrong place.
--- In, "Jon Williams" <jwilliams@p...>
> We use the BPI-216 all the time, and contrary to your first post,
> documentation for that product (downloadable from
> in fact include PBASIC samples.
> Using it is very easy -- you just write to the LCD by sendind data
> SEROUT. For commands, you must preface the instruction with the
> $FE. Set your LCD for 9600 baud, 2-line mode, then try this
> ' {$STAMP BS2pe}
> ' {$PBASIC 2.5}
> LcdI CON $FE
> LcdCls CON $01
> LcdHome CON $02
> LcdL1 CON $80
> LcdL2 CON $C0
> Baud CON $4054
> Setup:
> PAUSE 1000
> ' create custom character
> SEROUT 15, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]LcdI, 64,
> $00,$0A,$0A,$00,$11,$0E,$06,$00]
> Main:
> DO
> SEROUT 15, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]LcdI, LcdCls]
> ' need at least 1 ms -- 250 is for effect
> PAUSE 250
> SEROUT 15, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]"PARALLAX"]
> PAUSE 1000
> SEROUT 15, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]LcdI, LcdL2]
> SEROUT 15, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]"BASIC STAMP!"]
> SEROUT 15, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]LcdI, LcdL2 + 15]
> SEROUT 15, Baud, [noparse][[/noparse]0]
> PAUSE 1000
> -- Jon Williams
> -- Applications Engineer, Parallax
> -- Dallas Office
Original Message
> From: kris10mp [noparse][[/noparse]mailto:kristinpower7@h...]
> Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 2:38 PM
> To:
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: Serial LCD
> Sorry about the ambiguity. It is a Seetron LCD. BPI-216.I'm not
> what you mean by format. Is there a way to program it with PBASIC?
> or should I just go try and talk to them.
> Kris10
> --- In, "Jon Williams"
> wrote:
> > You have to be more specific if you want specific help. Who's
> serial
> > LCD are you using? What format? There's a bunch of vendors now
> > (SEETRON paved the way) and the specifics for each can be
> different.
> >
> > -- Jon Williams
> > -- Applications Engineer, Parallax
> > -- Dallas Office
> >
> >
> >
Original Message
> > From: kris10mp [noparse][[/noparse]mailto:kristinpower7@h...]
> > Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 11:30 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Serial LCD
> >
> >
> > Hi, I'm very new at programming the BS2e. I'm tring to integrate
> it
> > into my project. I read the manuel on the website but it didn't
> have
> > any helpful pbasic tips to get it running. Can someone suggest
> > to just print something on the screen? Or a resource for
> programming
> > it.
> > Thanks
> > Kris10