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Rk512 — Parallax Forums


ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2001-05-15 17:11 in General Discussion
Hello Groups:

I'm doing a RK512 driver protocol for my BS2SX but I
need a interruption, are there some way to do this
with the BS2? maybe I cn used the ATN pin?

Alberto Zamora Estrada.
Phone: (506) 220-6736.
Cell: (506) 374-3846.
Fax: (506) 220-8684


  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2001-05-15 17:11
    Hello Alberto,

    Check out the BS2p which has polling interrupts.

    --Jeff Wallace
    --Add a RTC, 256k EEPROM and I2C bus to your BS2

    --- In basicstamps@y..., Alberto Zamora <azestrada@y...> wrote:
    > Hello Groups:
    > I'm doing a RK512 driver protocol for my BS2SX but I
    > need a interruption, are there some way to do this
    > with the BS2? maybe I cn used the ATN pin?
    > =====
    > Alberto Zamora Estrada.
    > Phone: (506) 220-6736.
    > Cell: (506) 374-3846.
    > Fax: (506) 220-8684
    > Investigaci
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