OT: Items for sale and website launch
Hello All,
Sorry for the slightly OT message..... Just wanted to tell you that I have
for sale the following:
Multisim 2001 Educational Edition (Circuit simulation/Schematic
Wavetek 27XT Digital Multimeter
Check my website for details and pictures.
Also, this seems like a good time to inform you that my website is getting
underway. The latest addition is a servo hacking tutorial which is
completely photo-illustrated. There is also some information on my latest
robot, Flamebot, which is a fire fighting robot that uses the Basic Stamp
2. (Schematics are available.) , pictures from the 2001 WCRG, a small
archive of Wilf Rigter's circuits, and a few other misc tidbits. Other than
that, there isn't too much to see. But please check it out anyway.
Mike, aka Flaming Headphones
ICQ: 17940917
"No matter how smart we make our devices, we will never
have to worry that our toaster is making plots against us.
Unless, of course, it's being run by Microsoft. " -Mark Tilden
Sorry for the slightly OT message..... Just wanted to tell you that I have
for sale the following:
Multisim 2001 Educational Edition (Circuit simulation/Schematic
Wavetek 27XT Digital Multimeter
Check my website for details and pictures.
Also, this seems like a good time to inform you that my website is getting
underway. The latest addition is a servo hacking tutorial which is
completely photo-illustrated. There is also some information on my latest
robot, Flamebot, which is a fire fighting robot that uses the Basic Stamp
2. (Schematics are available.) , pictures from the 2001 WCRG, a small
archive of Wilf Rigter's circuits, and a few other misc tidbits. Other than
that, there isn't too much to see. But please check it out anyway.
Mike, aka Flaming Headphones
ICQ: 17940917
"No matter how smart we make our devices, we will never
have to worry that our toaster is making plots against us.
Unless, of course, it's being run by Microsoft. " -Mark Tilden