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vector 2x compass — Parallax Forums

vector 2x compass

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2001-05-09 00:51 in General Discussion
I am looking for info on interfacing a stamp2 with a vector compass.
Any suggestions?


  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2001-05-09 00:51
    Here is a working code.


    'VEC2X-SX HDG SLAVE mode for BS2SX V.1.2 Fev.1999
    'code writed by ACJacques
    'HDG slave mode
    'SS and PC of Vector2X are tied together to save Stamp pins
    'serout 17417 = 2400 baud for LCD (check exact corrected value in the
    'newest BS2SX documentation.)
    'the only difference in this code for the old BS2 code is the mode of
    'clocking out data
    'BS2SX and V2X doesnt work with BS2 SHIFTOUT command. I believe because
    'restrictions in the V2X. Then I "manually" clocked the data with HIGH
    'and LOW commands

    'variable and pin / constant definitions
    'con are BS2 pin numbers - V2X pins are names .all other pins are open
    'except VCC and GND
    heading var word
    c var word 'for next count variable
    led con 0 'positive of LED to blink each reading. Connect other LED
    'pin to GND
    xflip con 3 'optional to control position of module 'V2X pin
    names going to BS2 pin names
    yflip con 4 'optional to control position of module
    reset con 5 'optional for initialization
    sspc con 6 'ss and pc are tied together here
    eoc con 7
    sclk con 8
    sdo con 9
    res con 10 'optional speed resolution

    'configure here position of module V2X pin are internal pulled up
    low xflip
    'low yflip
    low res 'optional low res to increase reading speed + speed if
    'enabled (GND)

    'compass inicialization - may be ommited in some applications - make a
    'test disabling all comands bellow to main loop.
    high reset
    high sspc
    pause 500
    low reset
    pause 10
    high reset
    pause 500

    'main loop
    low led
    low sspc
    pause 10 'low PC and SS for 10 msec
    high sspc

    if in7 = 0 then loop2 'EOC test
    pause 10
    low sspc
    pause 3 'reccomended pause here is 5 but 3 works fine in my application

    heading = 0
    for c= 1 to 16 ' loop to clock out 16 data bits
    high sclk
    low sclk
    heading = heading*2 + in9 'shifting data
    high sclk
    high sspc
    high led
    'heading = heading & $03ff 'enable 6 bits masking if necessary

    debug home
    debug "HDG=",dec3 heading,cr
    'serout 15,17417,[noparse][[/noparse]254,1,"HDG=",dec3 heading ,254,12] 'lcd output 16x2
    'scott edward module
    goto loop1

    =========================end of code=============================

    jpdel@v... wrote:
    > I am looking for info on interfacing a stamp2 with a vector compass.
    > Any suggestions?
    > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
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