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Help Needed Finalizing Stamp/Solenoid Circuit Parts Order. — Parallax Forums

Help Needed Finalizing Stamp/Solenoid Circuit Parts Order.

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2001-04-25 22:15 in General Discussion

I'd like to go forward and place an order for the Stamp and a bunch of
other components I think I'll need to do some simple Stamp experiments
as well as to construct the solenoid circuit. I need to bug you folks
for a reveiw of my parts order to see if it is near the mark or if
there are egregious oversights. I'll order from Jameco (maybe also
combined w/Radioshack).

I've read most of the tutorials on the web, the classroom Stamp lesson,
downloaded the PBASIC manual, software, etc. Somewhere, I'll find, buy,
borrow, steal a Wintel system to do the programming with.

Recapping circuit: Load is 4-6 (quantity) solenoids 120VAC, 12a max.
I'm still need to bug ya for clarification/confirmation on few item:

-I should be looking at making 5v regulated power supply for the Stamp?
#7805 5V regulator in TO-220 to adopt my wallwort.

-Relays: my final hi-power relays, the DPDT that directly switch the
solenoids are rated 110V at the coils, 15amp at the contacts.
Is this enough safety margin to control a solenoid w/maximum draw of

-I can't possibly control this relay's coil from the Stamp, correct?

-I'll need a intermediary low-power relay to control each of the final
hi-power relays, correct?

-What sort of rating should I be looking for in the low-power relay?
Coil voltage, contact rating?

-A seperate transistor connected to each low-power relay can switch it
on/off, correct?

-The transistors will be powered by the 5V output of the Stamp?

-What model transistor, in what sort of package, should I be looking at
to control the low-power relay?

-Will the low power relay need a seperate power source/supply or can it
run of the 5v regulated supply?

-Also, I see that it is a good idea to protect the relay coils with
diodes. What sort of diode/rating should I be looking at for the hi-
power relays and the lo-power relays?

-For a simple Stamp -> Transister -> Lo power relay -> Hi power relay -
> Solenoid will I need capacitors in the circuit?

-What sort of socket does one use for connecting the BS2 to a
breadboard? Is it a 24 pin standard wirewrap model?

-Later if I transfer final design to a protoboard, would a wire wrap
socket work well or easier to use a soldered socket. I've soldered and
am pretty good, but I've not wire wrapped before (appears tedious)?

I'll need
-BS2 chip
-a cable (do they sell cheap/basic 9pin female to 9 pin male cables
anywhere or is this definately a modification?)
-9pin female connector
-socket for the Stamp chip
-headers for my breadboard
-logic probe (I've got a DMM, but no scope)
-prototype board for final circuit, +headers, fuses, enclosure, etc.
-new job to pay for all this

Am I missing egregiously leaving out anything?

Are there any other parts I am missing?

Tremendous Thanks!

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