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TWS and RWS RF modules

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2001-04-18 13:26 in General Discussion
Dear Fellow stampers

I wonder if someone out there could possibly point me in the right direction. I'm having a few problems with the··RWS and TWS RF modules. I'm trying to communicate between BS2e stamps and am using the code shown below similar to that available from and with the wiring as shown on this page. My first problem is that I can only communicate between the 2 BS2e's using the digital input on the reciever, when I try it on the linear input pin as suggested I get no·communication what so ever? Can anyone possibly tell me why this is? I was led to believe that the linear input was superiour to the digital input. I can get around a range of 150m with the digital input on the reciever and zero at the moment with the linear input? Have I possibly damaged the linear input in some way?
I was also wondering if there's anyway possible to get more range out of these RF modules by adding some kind of amplifier. I was led to believe these were available as an IC and could be wired to the TWS and RWS RF modules to give greater range. Is this true?
Anyway your help, suggestions, directions and general comments would be greatly appreciated as I'm·by no means an·RF expert as you can tell.

Best regards John

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  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2001-04-18 09:59
    Dear Fellow stampers

    I wonder if someone out there could possibly point me in the right direction. I'm having a few problems with the··RWS and TWS RF modules. I'm trying to communicate between BS2e stamps and am using the code shown below similar to that available from and with the wiring as shown on this page. My first problem is that I can only communicate between the 2 BS2e's using the digital input on the reciever, when I try it on the linear input pin as suggested I get no·communication what so ever? Can anyone possibly tell me why this is? I was led to believe that the linear input was superiour to the digital input. I can get around a range of 150m with the digital input on the reciever and zero at the moment with the linear input? Have I possibly damaged the linear input in some way?
    I was also wondering if there's anyway possible to get more range out of these RF modules by adding some kind of amplifier. I was led to believe these were available as an IC and could be wired to the TWS and RWS RF modules to give greater range. Is this true?
    Anyway your help, suggestions, directions and general comments would be greatly appreciated as I'm·by no means an·RF expert as you can tell.

    Best regards John

    'Transmitter Code
    x var word
    N2400 con 17197
    RFdata var byte
    sync con "A"
    junk con 126
    DIRS =· %0110111111100000
    OUTS = %0000000000000000

    for x = 0 to 10
    RFdata· =· x
    serout 7,N2400,[noparse][[/noparse]junk,sync,RFdata]
    pause 100
    goto main

    'Reciever code
    sync con "A"
    RFdata var byte
    N2400 con 17197

    DIRS = %1000000000000001

    serin 0,N2400,[noparse][[/noparse]Wait(sync),RFdata]
    pause 1
    Debug Dec RFdata,cr

    goto main

    Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2001-04-18 13:26

    >My first problem is that I can only communicate between the 2 BS2e's using the
    digital input on the reciever, when I try it on the
    linear input pin as suggested I >get no communication what so ever? Can anyone
    possibly tell me why this is? I was led to believe
    that the linear input was superiour to the digital input. I can >get around a
    range of 150m with the digital input on the reciever
    and zero at the moment with the linear input? Have I possibly damaged the linear
    input in >some way?

    You can use either output on the receiver, but most people get better results
    using the linear output of the RWS-434 for serial
    The linear output is primarily designed for audio, but (in most) applications,
    people get the best results using the linear output.

    We have another project using the BASIC Stamp with the TWS/RWS at:

    > I was also wondering if there's anyway possible to get more range out of these
    RF modules by adding some kind of amplifier. I was
    led to believe these were >available as an IC and could be wired to the TWS and
    RWS RF modules to give greater range. Is this true?
    > Anyway your help, suggestions, directions and general comments would be
    greatly appreciated as I'm by no means an RF expert as you
    can tell.

    I don't recommend using an amplifier to increase the output of these modules
    primarily because you are then violating FCC
    regulations. The recommended antenna length (as shown in the schematics you
    should have received), can be increased from 1/4 wave to
    half-wave or full-wave. This will help increase operating distance under most

    Linx Technologies has amplifiers for these at:
    They also have some excellent RF equipment with
    considerably better range than the TWS/RWS modules. I highly recommend
    downloading the free application notes from the linx site.
    These will give you some insight into what's necessary to achieve better range,
    some rules of the road, antenna design, and many
    other useful details for implementing RF.

    The following application notes from Linx are a good place to start:

    RF 101: Information for the RF Challenged
    Considerations for operation within 260-470MHz band
    Modulation Techniques for low-cost RF Data Links
    Antennas: Design, Application, Performance

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