led dot matrix
Posts: 46,084
can someone help me find a led dot matrix display driver? I thought
of using the max7219, but i thought it might be a little hard to do
ASCII decoding. has anyone tryed to use the max, or would it be
better to keep looking?
of using the max7219, but i thought it might be a little hard to do
ASCII decoding. has anyone tryed to use the max, or would it be
better to keep looking?
At the Embedded show in SF this week Parallax has a LED demo that uses a i2c
Micrel MIC74 chip to drive eight 8 x 8 led blocks via BS2p24. The pbasic
software will be on the Parallax web site after the show.
have a lead on that? How about code to drive them? Sure looks neat!!
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* Roy Hall *
* 317 Cherokee Drive *
* Loveland, Ohio - USA 45140-2404 *