Stache -- uploading tokenized files?
>I have a board in the field that needs to be updated from time-to-
>time. I'd rather not distribute the source. Is there a way to just
>have the customer upload the tokenized file? I remember something
>like this in the original stamp, but this feature seems to have gone
>by the wayside.
Bruce Bates wrote:
>Take a look at the Stamp Stache on the Parallax web site. The Stache
>can be pre-loaded with up to 8 programs, which later are downloaded into
>the field unit. Additional information can be found on Tracy Allen's web
>site [noparse][[/noparse] ].
The Stache holds up to 15 programs at one time, in any mix of BS2,
BS2e, BS2SX and BS2P. The latest version is 1.4, available now from
Parallax or from emesystems. The latest features are:
1) Support for the BS2P
2) faster transfer of programs to the Stamp, allocated blocks only.
3) a BSAVE feature that allows capture of program tokens as a text file.
More details can be found on my web site.
Anyone who has an earlier version of the Stache and would like to
upgrade to the latest firmware, we can do that for $15, including
return postage. Please send me private email to make arrangements.
-- regards,
Tracy Allen
electronically monitored ecosystems
>time. I'd rather not distribute the source. Is there a way to just
>have the customer upload the tokenized file? I remember something
>like this in the original stamp, but this feature seems to have gone
>by the wayside.
Bruce Bates wrote:
>Take a look at the Stamp Stache on the Parallax web site. The Stache
>can be pre-loaded with up to 8 programs, which later are downloaded into
>the field unit. Additional information can be found on Tracy Allen's web
>site [noparse][[/noparse] ].
The Stache holds up to 15 programs at one time, in any mix of BS2,
BS2e, BS2SX and BS2P. The latest version is 1.4, available now from
Parallax or from emesystems. The latest features are:
1) Support for the BS2P
2) faster transfer of programs to the Stamp, allocated blocks only.
3) a BSAVE feature that allows capture of program tokens as a text file.
More details can be found on my web site.
Anyone who has an earlier version of the Stache and would like to
upgrade to the latest firmware, we can do that for $15, including
return postage. Please send me private email to make arrangements.
-- regards,
Tracy Allen
electronically monitored ecosystems