Win32 serial port, update
Posts: 46,084
Greetings all,
Never did receive any response on my Win32 programming question, but I
have figured out the problem and thought I would post it for future
I am writing a Windows program (Win32) that will simply send a command
byte to the BS2, which interprets it and outputs the appropriate signals
to its I/O pins. The serial port used to program the stamp is the I/O
line here as well, i.e. I use SERIN 16, ...., not the normal 0-15 I/O
I'm using the OEM BS2 chip set sold by Peter Anderson from his web
site, which I highly recommend. A BS2 for $19., fast service and an
array of other parts often used with the BS2 - can't beat it.
I put together his circuit, got it working, and forgot he had a second
schematic to "Provide Communication with a PC Serial Port..." He straps
RTS (Request to Send) to CTS (Clear to Send) and DTR (Data Terminal
Ready) to DSR (Data Set Ready). I always seem to get these confused. In
addition his regular Homebrew BS2 circuit uses DTR to drive the reset
line (keep it high), and grounding it to do a hardware reset, therefore
in my circuit I needed to keep DTR at logical 1, which is it's disabled
Here is the Windows code I ended up using. Hope it helps someone.
DCB dcb;
static HANDLE hCom;
BOOL fSuccess;
char *pcCommPort = "COM1";
DWORD byteswritten;
// Now the serial port
hCom = CreateFile( pcCommPort,
0, // comm devices must be opened
NULL, // no security attributes
OPEN_EXISTING, // comm devices must use
0, // not overlapped I/O
NULL // hTemplate must be NULL for comm devices
// Handle the error.
wsprintf(temp,"CreateFile Error %d",GetLastError());
MessageBox(hwnd,temp,"Debug",MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
// We will build on the current configuration, and skip setting the
// of the input and output buffers with SetupComm.
fSuccess = GetCommState(hCom, &dcb);
if (!fSuccess)
// Handle the error.
wsprintf(temp,"GetCommState Error %d",GetLastError());
MessageBox(hwnd,temp,"Debug",MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
// Fill in the DCB: baud=9,600 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop
// Initialize the DCBlength member.
dcb.DCBlength = sizeof (dcb);
// Get the default port setting information.
GetCommState (hCom, &dcb);
// Change the DCB structure settings.
dcb.BaudRate = 9600; // Current baud
dcb.fBinary = TRUE; // Binary mode; no EOF check
dcb.fParity = TRUE; // Enable parity checking
dcb.fOutxCtsFlow = FALSE; // No CTS output flow control
dcb.fOutxDsrFlow = FALSE; // No DSR output flow control
dcb.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE;
// DTR flow control type
dcb.fDsrSensitivity = FALSE; // DSR sensitivity
dcb.fTXContinueOnXoff = TRUE; // XOFF continues Tx
dcb.fOutX = FALSE; // No XON/XOFF out flow control
dcb.fInX = FALSE; // No XON/XOFF in flow control
dcb.fErrorChar = FALSE; // Disable error replacement
dcb.fNull = FALSE; // Disable null stripping
dcb.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE;
// RTS flow control
dcb.fAbortOnError = FALSE; // Do not abort reads/writes on
// error
dcb.ByteSize = 8; // Number of bits/byte, 4-8
dcb.Parity = NOPARITY; // 0-4=no,odd,even,mark,space
dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT; // 0,1,2 = 1, 1.5, 2
// Configure the port according to the specifications of the DCB
// structure.
fSuccess = SetCommState(hCom, &dcb);
if (!fSuccess)
// Handle the error.
wsprintf(temp,"SetCommState Error %d",GetLastError());
MessageBox(hwnd,temp,"Debug",MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
wsprintf(temp,"Serial port %s successfully
MessageBox(hwnd,temp,"Debug",MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
Never did receive any response on my Win32 programming question, but I
have figured out the problem and thought I would post it for future
I am writing a Windows program (Win32) that will simply send a command
byte to the BS2, which interprets it and outputs the appropriate signals
to its I/O pins. The serial port used to program the stamp is the I/O
line here as well, i.e. I use SERIN 16, ...., not the normal 0-15 I/O
I'm using the OEM BS2 chip set sold by Peter Anderson from his web
site, which I highly recommend. A BS2 for $19., fast service and an
array of other parts often used with the BS2 - can't beat it.
I put together his circuit, got it working, and forgot he had a second
schematic to "Provide Communication with a PC Serial Port..." He straps
RTS (Request to Send) to CTS (Clear to Send) and DTR (Data Terminal
Ready) to DSR (Data Set Ready). I always seem to get these confused. In
addition his regular Homebrew BS2 circuit uses DTR to drive the reset
line (keep it high), and grounding it to do a hardware reset, therefore
in my circuit I needed to keep DTR at logical 1, which is it's disabled
Here is the Windows code I ended up using. Hope it helps someone.
DCB dcb;
static HANDLE hCom;
BOOL fSuccess;
char *pcCommPort = "COM1";
DWORD byteswritten;
// Now the serial port
hCom = CreateFile( pcCommPort,
0, // comm devices must be opened
NULL, // no security attributes
OPEN_EXISTING, // comm devices must use
0, // not overlapped I/O
NULL // hTemplate must be NULL for comm devices
// Handle the error.
wsprintf(temp,"CreateFile Error %d",GetLastError());
MessageBox(hwnd,temp,"Debug",MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
// We will build on the current configuration, and skip setting the
// of the input and output buffers with SetupComm.
fSuccess = GetCommState(hCom, &dcb);
if (!fSuccess)
// Handle the error.
wsprintf(temp,"GetCommState Error %d",GetLastError());
MessageBox(hwnd,temp,"Debug",MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
// Fill in the DCB: baud=9,600 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop
// Initialize the DCBlength member.
dcb.DCBlength = sizeof (dcb);
// Get the default port setting information.
GetCommState (hCom, &dcb);
// Change the DCB structure settings.
dcb.BaudRate = 9600; // Current baud
dcb.fBinary = TRUE; // Binary mode; no EOF check
dcb.fParity = TRUE; // Enable parity checking
dcb.fOutxCtsFlow = FALSE; // No CTS output flow control
dcb.fOutxDsrFlow = FALSE; // No DSR output flow control
dcb.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE;
// DTR flow control type
dcb.fDsrSensitivity = FALSE; // DSR sensitivity
dcb.fTXContinueOnXoff = TRUE; // XOFF continues Tx
dcb.fOutX = FALSE; // No XON/XOFF out flow control
dcb.fInX = FALSE; // No XON/XOFF in flow control
dcb.fErrorChar = FALSE; // Disable error replacement
dcb.fNull = FALSE; // Disable null stripping
dcb.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE;
// RTS flow control
dcb.fAbortOnError = FALSE; // Do not abort reads/writes on
// error
dcb.ByteSize = 8; // Number of bits/byte, 4-8
dcb.Parity = NOPARITY; // 0-4=no,odd,even,mark,space
dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT; // 0,1,2 = 1, 1.5, 2
// Configure the port according to the specifications of the DCB
// structure.
fSuccess = SetCommState(hCom, &dcb);
if (!fSuccess)
// Handle the error.
wsprintf(temp,"SetCommState Error %d",GetLastError());
MessageBox(hwnd,temp,"Debug",MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
wsprintf(temp,"Serial port %s successfully
MessageBox(hwnd,temp,"Debug",MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
Typically on this group you don't get an answer only when the answer isn't
readily known.
Thanks for the code.
Original Message
From: Theron Wierenga [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]twiereng@m...[/url
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 8:35 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Win32 serial port, update
Greetings all,
Never did receive any response on my Win32 programming question, but I
have figured out the problem and thought I would post it for future
I am writing a Windows program (Win32) that will simply send a command
byte to the BS2, which interprets it and outputs the appropriate signals
to its I/O pins. The serial port used to program the stamp is the I/O
line here as well, i.e. I use SERIN 16, ...., not the normal 0-15 I/O
I'm using the OEM BS2 chip set sold by Peter Anderson from his web
site, which I highly recommend. A BS2 for $19., fast service and an
array of other parts often used with the BS2 - can't beat it.
I put together his circuit, got it working, and forgot he had a second
schematic to "Provide Communication with a PC Serial Port..." He straps
RTS (Request to Send) to CTS (Clear to Send) and DTR (Data Terminal
Ready) to DSR (Data Set Ready). I always seem to get these confused. In
addition his regular Homebrew BS2 circuit uses DTR to drive the reset
line (keep it high), and grounding it to do a hardware reset, therefore
in my circuit I needed to keep DTR at logical 1, which is it's disabled
Here is the Windows code I ended up using. Hope it helps someone.
DCB dcb;
static HANDLE hCom;
BOOL fSuccess;
char *pcCommPort = "COM1";
DWORD byteswritten;
// Now the serial port
hCom = CreateFile( pcCommPort,
0, // comm devices must be opened
NULL, // no security attributes
OPEN_EXISTING, // comm devices must use
0, // not overlapped I/O
NULL // hTemplate must be NULL for comm devices
// Handle the error.
wsprintf(temp,"CreateFile Error %d",GetLastError());
MessageBox(hwnd,temp,"Debug",MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
// We will build on the current configuration, and skip setting the
// of the input and output buffers with SetupComm.
fSuccess = GetCommState(hCom, &dcb);
if (!fSuccess)
// Handle the error.
wsprintf(temp,"GetCommState Error %d",GetLastError());
MessageBox(hwnd,temp,"Debug",MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
// Fill in the DCB: baud=9,600 bps, 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop
// Initialize the DCBlength member.
dcb.DCBlength = sizeof (dcb);
// Get the default port setting information.
GetCommState (hCom, &dcb);
// Change the DCB structure settings.
dcb.BaudRate = 9600; // Current baud
dcb.fBinary = TRUE; // Binary mode; no EOF check
dcb.fParity = TRUE; // Enable parity checking
dcb.fOutxCtsFlow = FALSE; // No CTS output flow control
dcb.fOutxDsrFlow = FALSE; // No DSR output flow control
dcb.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE;
// DTR flow control type
dcb.fDsrSensitivity = FALSE; // DSR sensitivity
dcb.fTXContinueOnXoff = TRUE; // XOFF continues Tx
dcb.fOutX = FALSE; // No XON/XOFF out flow control
dcb.fInX = FALSE; // No XON/XOFF in flow control
dcb.fErrorChar = FALSE; // Disable error replacement
dcb.fNull = FALSE; // Disable null stripping
dcb.fRtsControl = RTS_CONTROL_DISABLE;
// RTS flow control
dcb.fAbortOnError = FALSE; // Do not abort reads/writes on
// error
dcb.ByteSize = 8; // Number of bits/byte, 4-8
dcb.Parity = NOPARITY; // 0-4=no,odd,even,mark,space
dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT; // 0,1,2 = 1, 1.5, 2
// Configure the port according to the specifications of the DCB
// structure.
fSuccess = SetCommState(hCom, &dcb);
if (!fSuccess)
// Handle the error.
wsprintf(temp,"SetCommState Error %d",GetLastError());
MessageBox(hwnd,temp,"Debug",MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
wsprintf(temp,"Serial port %s successfully
MessageBox(hwnd,temp,"Debug",MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP);
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