I was just wondering if anybody knows where I can
purchase Polarized film at an inexpensive price.
Edmund Scientifics sells polarizing filters, but not
too cheap. There's another website
(http://www.polarization.com) that is very reasonable,
I'm just trying to find the lowest price possible and
thought you all could provide some assitance.
Thanks in advance.
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I was just wondering if anybody knows where I can
purchase Polarized film at an inexpensive price.
Edmund Scientifics sells polarizing filters, but not
too cheap. There's another website
(http://www.polarization.com) that is very reasonable,
I'm just trying to find the lowest price possible and
thought you all could provide some assitance.
Thanks in advance.
Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices!
military and educational items ...
Description: Offers science kits, educational toys, school supplies,
arts and crafts items, hobby tools, scales,...
these folks often have some pretty cheap sheets of the stuff
At 12:31 PM -0800 2/21/01, Todd Botner, you wrote about
[noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Polarization:
>I was just wondering if anybody knows where I can
>purchase Polarized film at an inexpensive price.
>Edmund Scientifics sells polarizing filters, but not
>too cheap. There's another website
>(http://www.polarization.com) that is very reasonable,
>I'm just trying to find the lowest price possible and
>thought you all could provide some assitance.
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