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Question about sensors and data acquistion

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2001-01-17 22:53 in General Discussion
Hello everyone,

I am part of a team that is using a BS2 for data acquistion. The
main parameters that we need to monitor are temperature, energy
consumption (watts), and gas flow/amount of gas used. The
temperature montioring is not a problem; I currently own a DS1620
sensor that communicates with the BS2 very nicely through the 3-wire
serial interface. Does anyone know of a watt-monitoring device or
gas flow meter that would communicate easily with the BS2? Maybe
even a serial device like the DS1620?

In case we can't find such a device, we are also looking into using
analog data and using an A/D converter (LTC1298), or maybe even the
BSC-IC Data Collection Board. Shared experiences with these devices
would be helpful as well.


Patrick Stava
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