8 bit lcd (epson 1230)
Posts: 46,084
i just got an epson e1010 surplus lcd from www.flat-panel.com.
The module is a 12x4 char display (manufacturer number:
ECM-A1010, with e1010 printed on the back) using an epson
SED-1230 controller. Unfortunetly, since it is surplus, it is
hard-wired for 8 bit mode (no I/F pin out). I havn't had much luck
getting it to work so far ... I'm hoping somone may have some
experience with an 8 bit interface. I can't find any documentation
on the epson controllers beside the spec sheets which are not
exactly easy reading. It seems fairly similar to the more common
hitachi types, but the WR and E have been put on to the same
pin - which i don't understand.
Since I can't use the BSII LCDCMD commands (which is only
4bit), I looking for some examples of a manual 8 bit interfacing
- erik
i just got an epson e1010 surplus lcd from www.flat-panel.com.
The module is a 12x4 char display (manufacturer number:
ECM-A1010, with e1010 printed on the back) using an epson
SED-1230 controller. Unfortunetly, since it is surplus, it is
hard-wired for 8 bit mode (no I/F pin out). I havn't had much luck
getting it to work so far ... I'm hoping somone may have some
experience with an 8 bit interface. I can't find any documentation
on the epson controllers beside the spec sheets which are not
exactly easy reading. It seems fairly similar to the more common
hitachi types, but the WR and E have been put on to the same
pin - which i don't understand.
Since I can't use the BSII LCDCMD commands (which is only
4bit), I looking for some examples of a manual 8 bit interfacing
- erik
>Hi Erik -
> i just got an epson e1010 surplus lcd from www.flat-panel.com.
>The module is a 12x4 char display (manufacturer number:
>ECM-A1010, with e1010 printed on the back) using an epson
>SED-1230 controller. Unfortunetly, since it is surplus, it is
>hard-wired for 8 bit mode (no I/F pin out).
Some of the SED-1200 series controllers can be used in parallel or serial
The SED-1230 appears to be one of those. Skip the parallel thoughts, and
use it
in serial mode:
P/S <<== This pin switches between serial data input and parallel data input.
P/S Chip Select Data/Command Data Serial Clock
“High” CS A0 D0~D7 –
“Low” CS A0 SI SCL
<<== Serial IN / Serial Clock
You will have to manipulate or tie some of the control pins (CS, E or _RW,
but you should be able to utilize SHIFTOUT for the data.
Serial interface (P/S = “Low”[noparse];)[/noparse]
The serial interface consists of a 8-bit shift register and a 3-bit counter
and acceptance of an SI input or SCL input is enabled in the ship selected
status (CS = “Low”[noparse];)[/noparse]. When no chip is selected, the shift register and
counter are reset to
the initial status.
Serial data is input in the order of D7, D6 .... D0 from the serial data
input pin (SI) at the rise of Serial Clock (SCL).
At the rising edge of the 8th serial clock, the serial data is converted
into 8-bit parallel data and this data is processed.
The A0 input is used to identify whether the serial data input (SI) is
display data or a command. That is, when A0 = “High”, it is regarded as
display data. When A0 = “Low”, it is regarded as a command. The A0 input is
read in and identified at the rise of the 8 x n-th clock of Serial Clock
(SCL) after chip selection.
> I havn't had much luck
>getting it to work so far ... I'm hoping somone may have some
>experience with an 8 bit interface. I can't find any documentation
>on the epson controllers beside the spec sheets which are not
>exactly easy reading. It seems fairly similar to the more common
>hitachi types, but the WR and E have been put on to the same
>pin - which i don't understand.
>WR and E are only used for parallel data, and indicates whether
>an Intel 80xx or Motorola 68xx chip is being used. The
>contoller just interrogates this pin to know how to deal with the
>interface timing.
>Since I can't use the BSII LCDCMD commands (which is only
>4bit), I looking for some examples of a manual 8 bit interfacing
That part remains to be seem, just IMHO. The BS2p is the only Stamp PBASIC
processor that supports the LCDCMD and it's too new to really be that
bold to say that it CAN'T be used. Some of us may need to "fiddle"
with it to see what it REALLY can do : )
Hope that gives you an avenue to try - no guarantees -
but it's probably worth a shot.
>- erik
Bruce Bates
bvbates@usamailbox.com writes:
processor that supports the LCDCMD and it's too new to really be that bold
··say that it CAN'T be used. Some of us may need to "fiddle"
see what it
REALLY can do : )
I have worked with the BS2p and can tell you that it only supports the
Hitachi 4-bit interface. ·It works great though, especially with the LCDOUT
command working just like SEROUT. ·You can do things like this:
LCDOUT LCDpin, ClrLCD, [noparse][[/noparse]"The BS2p Rocks!"]
With other BS2's, you'd have to clear the LCD with one command, then embed
the string in a DATA statement or LOOKUP table. ·Since the LCD interface is
native and the BS2p is the fastest BS2 yet, the code is very zippy and
displays are crisp (in other words, you can't see the LCD being written to
unless you deliberately slow it down).
-- Jon Williams
-- Dallas, TX[/font]
Thanks for the help... i knew the sed1200 series supports the
serial interface which is why i originaly bought the LCD panel.
Unfortunately , after i got the thing and looked at the lcd's spec
sheet (http://www.flat-panel.com/ecma1010.pdf) in detail i relized
that the module was hard wired for 8bit parallel... there is no P/S
pin to set - so i think it must be wired in the modules on-board
circuit. The panel has 18 pins total - 4 of which go to the led
backlit - so that leaves AO, WR, CS, D7-D0, VDD, VSS, and RES.
There are 11 pins actually going into my BS2 i/o- which is ok,
since there isn't much else that needs to be connected..
Anyways, i'm still trying to understand how to work-out the 8bit
parallel interface. Will it only work with a Motorola 68xx or intel
thanks -
--- In basicstamps@egroups.com, Bruce Bates <bvbates@u...>
> At 12/30/2000 Saturday 07:04 AM +0000, erik@k... wrote:
> >Hello,
> >Hi Erik -
> > i just got an epson e1010 surplus lcd from
> >The module is a 12x4 char display (manufacturer number:
> >ECM-A1010, with e1010 printed on the back) using an epson
> >SED-1230 controller. Unfortunetly, since it is surplus, it is
> >hard-wired for 8 bit mode (no I/F pin out).
> Some of the SED-1200 series controllers can be used in
parallel or serial
> modes.
> The SED-1230 appears to be one of those. Skip the parallel
thoughts, and
> use it
> in serial mode:
> P/S <<== This pin switches between serial data input and
parallel data input.
> P/S Chip Select Data/Command Data Serial Clock
> "High" CS A0 D0~D7 –
> "Low" CS A0 SI SCL
> <<== Serial IN / Serial Clock
> You will have to manipulate or tie some of the control pins (CS,
E or _RW,
> etc.)
> but you should be able to utilize SHIFTOUT for the data.
> Serial interface (P/S = "Low")
> The serial interface consists of a 8-bit shift register and a 3-bit
> and acceptance of an SI input or SCL input is enabled in the
ship selected
> status (CS = "Low"). When no chip is selected, the shift
register and
> counter are reset to
> the initial status.
> Serial data is input in the order of D7, D6 .... D0 from the serial
> input pin (SI) at the rise of Serial Clock (SCL).
> At the rising edge of the 8th serial clock, the serial data is
> into 8-bit parallel data and this data is processed.
> The A0 input is used to identify whether the serial data input
(SI) is
> display data or a command. That is, when A0 = "High", it is
regarded as
> display data. When A0 = "Low", it is regarded as a command.
The A0 input is
> read in and identified at the rise of the 8 x n-th clock of Serial
> (SCL) after chip selection.
> > I havn't had much luck
> >getting it to work so far ... I'm hoping somone may have some
> >experience with an 8 bit interface. I can't find any
> >on the epson controllers beside the spec sheets which are
> >exactly easy reading. It seems fairly similar to the more
> >hitachi types, but the WR and E have been put on to the
> >pin - which i don't understand.
> >
> >WR and E are only used for parallel data, and indicates
> >an Intel 80xx or Motorola 68xx chip is being used. The
> >contoller just interrogates this pin to know how to deal with
> >interface timing.
> >Since I can't use the BSII LCDCMD commands (which is only
> >4bit), I looking for some examples of a manual 8 bit
> >code.
> That part remains to be seem, just IMHO. The BS2p is the only
> processor that supports the LCDCMD and it's too new to really
be that
> bold to say that it CAN'T be used. Some of us may need to
> with it to see what it REALLY can do : )
> Hope that gives you an avenue to try - no guarantees -
> but it's probably worth a shot.
> >- erik
> Regards,
> Bruce Bates
>Hi Bruce,
Hi Erik -
>Thanks for the help... i knew the sed1200 series supports the
>serial interface which is why i originaly bought the LCD panel.
>Unfortunately , after i got the thing and looked at the lcd's spec
>sheet (http://www.flat-panel.com/ecma1010.pdf) in detail i relized
>that the module was hard wired for 8bit parallel... there is no P/S
>pin to set - so i think it must be wired in the modules on-board
That's a real problem ! I grabbed the controller specs, as you did, and
THOUGHT you'd be okay. Without the P/S pin there's no hope I'm afraid
to use serial input.
From what I can gather from other information that chip was produced in
three formats. It SEEMED to go without saying that all had the P/S pin
present. OBVIOUSLY that's not the case.
>The panel has 18 pins total - 4 of which go to the led
>backlit - so that leaves AO, WR, CS, D7-D0, VDD, VSS, and RES.
>There are 11 pins actually going into my BS2 i/o- which is ok,
>since there isn't much else that needs to be connected..
>Anyways, i'm still trying to understand how to work-out the 8bit
>parallel interface. Will it only work with a Motorola 68xx or intel
Perhaps not, unless you were to supply your own shift register. At that
point I wonder about the worth of that display vs. purchasing another
display which is capable of serial input. If you are flexible about the
specs, there
are other suppliers of serial LCD boards and displays You might want to check
BG Micro and the Pic N LCD board that they have. The board can be used with
the HD44780, which makes it more standard, and it operates with ANY LCD which
uses that controller. Please see the following for details:
[noparse][[/noparse] http://www.bgmicro.com/pdf/page2.pdf ]
>thanks -
You're welcome
>Bruce Bates