are you wanting a serial interface for 8 bits because you don't want
to use the 8 pins of the stamp what are you wanting changing 8 bits to
4 bits help me here
Kalun Lau wrote:
> Hello, how can i multiplex 8 bit to 4 bit using the IC74157? please i
> need the code.
The 74165 should give you 8 bit input using only three lines to the
stamp and there should be code for this
Can anyone send the 74165 code Ill keep looking
Kalun Lau wrote:
> Hello LarryGaminde,
> i hace a Voicedirect 364 speech recognition module and i want to use
> the stamp as a "time control" because the speech rec. has 1 sec high
> in its 8 bits output. i want to extend and control that time using the
> stamp 2
> Wednesday, December 13, 2000, 9:22:14 PM, you wrote:
> L> are you wanting a serial interface for 8 bits because you don't want
> L> to use the 8 pins of the stamp what are you wanting changing 8 bits to
> L> 4 bits help me here
> Best regards,
> Kalun mailto:klnlau@v...
' Demonstrates digital I/O expansion using readily available shift
' registers.
[noparse][[/noparse] Revision History
' 02 AUG 98 : Rev 1 complete
[noparse][[/noparse] Constants
SYMBOL Clk = 0 ' clock
SYMBOL DPin = 1 ' data pin
SYMBOL Data = Pin1 ' data bit
SYMBOL _165 = 6 ' HC165 strobe
SYMBOL _595 = 7 ' HC595 strobe
[noparse][[/noparse] Variables
SYMBOL temp = B0 ' using for shift in/out
SYMBOL shift = B2 ' shift counter
[noparse][[/noparse] EEPROM Data
[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization
Init: Pins = %11000000 ' _595 & _165 = H, Clk = L
Dirs = %11000001
[noparse][[/noparse] Main Code
Main: GOSUB DigIn ' get HC165 inputs
DEBUG #%temp,cr ' display
[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutines
DigIn: PULSOUT _165, 5 ' load the inputs
INPUT DPin ' prepare for data in
FOR shift = 1 TO 8 ' shift 8 bits
temp = temp * 2 ' rotate left (MSB first)
Bit0 = Data ' get a bit
PULSOUT Clk, 5 ' clock out the next bit
DigOut: OUTPUT DPin ' prepare for data out
FOR shift = 1 TO 8 ' shift 8 bits
Data = Bit7 ' MSB first
PULSOUT Clk, 5 ' clock the bit
temp = temp * 2 ' get next bit
PULSOUT _595, 5 ' bits -> outputs
Kalun Lau wrote:
> Hello LarryGaminde,
> i hace a Voicedirect 364 speech recognition module and i want to use
> the stamp as a "time control" because the speech rec. has 1 sec high
> in its 8 bits output. i want to extend and control that time using the
> stamp 2
> Wednesday, December 13, 2000, 9:22:14 PM, you wrote:
> L> are you wanting a serial interface for 8 bits because you don't want
> L> to use the 8 pins of the stamp what are you wanting changing 8 bits to
> L> 4 bits help me here
> Best regards,
> Kalun mailto:klnlau@v...
need the code.
to use the 8 pins of the stamp what are you wanting changing 8 bits to
4 bits help me here
Kalun Lau wrote:
> Hello, how can i multiplex 8 bit to 4 bit using the IC74157? please i
> need the code.
stamp and there should be code for this
Can anyone send the 74165 code Ill keep looking
Kalun Lau wrote:
> Hello LarryGaminde,
> i hace a Voicedirect 364 speech recognition module and i want to use
> the stamp as a "time control" because the speech rec. has 1 sec high
> in its 8 bits output. i want to extend and control that time using the
> stamp 2
> Wednesday, December 13, 2000, 9:22:14 PM, you wrote:
> L> are you wanting a serial interface for 8 bits because you don't want
> L> to use the 8 pins of the stamp what are you wanting changing 8 bits to
> L> 4 bits help me here
> Best regards,
> Kalun mailto:klnlau@v...
I hope this helps
' Listing 1
' Stamp Applications: Nuts & Volts, September 1998
[noparse][[/noparse] Title
' File...... DIGIO.BAS
' Purpose... 74HC165/74HC595 Demo
' Author.... Jon Williams
' E-mail.... jonwms@a...
' WWW.......
' Started... 02 AUG 98
' Updated... 02 AUG 98
[noparse][[/noparse] Program Description
' Demonstrates digital I/O expansion using readily available shift
' registers.
[noparse][[/noparse] Revision History
' 02 AUG 98 : Rev 1 complete
[noparse][[/noparse] Constants
SYMBOL Clk = 0 ' clock
SYMBOL DPin = 1 ' data pin
SYMBOL Data = Pin1 ' data bit
SYMBOL _165 = 6 ' HC165 strobe
SYMBOL _595 = 7 ' HC595 strobe
[noparse][[/noparse] Variables
SYMBOL temp = B0 ' using for shift in/out
SYMBOL shift = B2 ' shift counter
[noparse][[/noparse] EEPROM Data
[noparse][[/noparse] Initialization
Init: Pins = %11000000 ' _595 & _165 = H, Clk = L
Dirs = %11000001
[noparse][[/noparse] Main Code
Main: GOSUB DigIn ' get HC165 inputs
DEBUG #%temp,cr ' display
[noparse][[/noparse] Subroutines
DigIn: PULSOUT _165, 5 ' load the inputs
INPUT DPin ' prepare for data in
FOR shift = 1 TO 8 ' shift 8 bits
temp = temp * 2 ' rotate left (MSB first)
Bit0 = Data ' get a bit
PULSOUT Clk, 5 ' clock out the next bit
DigOut: OUTPUT DPin ' prepare for data out
FOR shift = 1 TO 8 ' shift 8 bits
Data = Bit7 ' MSB first
PULSOUT Clk, 5 ' clock the bit
temp = temp * 2 ' get next bit
PULSOUT _595, 5 ' bits -> outputs
Kalun Lau wrote:
> Hello LarryGaminde,
> i hace a Voicedirect 364 speech recognition module and i want to use
> the stamp as a "time control" because the speech rec. has 1 sec high
> in its 8 bits output. i want to extend and control that time using the
> stamp 2
> Wednesday, December 13, 2000, 9:22:14 PM, you wrote:
> L> are you wanting a serial interface for 8 bits because you don't want
> L> to use the 8 pins of the stamp what are you wanting changing 8 bits to
> L> 4 bits help me here
> Best regards,
> Kalun mailto:klnlau@v...