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long numbers

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2000-12-12 18:49 in General Discussion
Couldn't you use two words and just multiply them together to get the final


Original Message
From: Jonathan Millard <jonm@p...>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 10:34 AM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] long numbers

> Hi everyone,
> Can anyone tell me how to use long numbers.
> A word can only store a number upto 65535.
> I have designed a machine that requires 2 counters. One that counts
> the number of operations it has completed in this run, which may have
> upto 5 digits i.e. 99999 and the other that may have millions of
> operations i.e. 99,999,999.
> how do i get past the 65535? And how do I store the results in the
> EEprom?
> The project is late and I'm getting hasle from the MD, so any help
> gratefully recieved.
> Regards
> Jon


  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-12-12 15:34
    Hi everyone,

    Can anyone tell me how to use long numbers.

    A word can only store a number upto 65535.

    I have designed a machine that requires 2 counters. One that counts
    the number of operations it has completed in this run, which may have
    upto 5 digits i.e. 99999 and the other that may have millions of
    operations i.e. 99,999,999.
    how do i get past the 65535? And how do I store the results in the

    The project is late and I'm getting hasle from the MD, so any help
    gratefully recieved.


  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-12-12 15:49
    Hi Jon,

    There are several ways around this:

    1) Detect roll over:

    x0 var word
    x1 var word
    tmp var word

    ' add 1 to count
    if tmp<x0 then noover
    x1=x1+1 ' add carry
    ' keep going

    2) Change your count to a two parter. Count say 100's of operations
    ct100 var word
    ct var word

    ' add 1 to count
    if ct<100 then noover
    ct100=ct100+(ct/100) ' save 100s part
    ct=ct//100 ' get remainder

    This is nice because you can display the result easily:

    debug dec ct100, dec2 ct

    To store these in EEPROM you have to get the byte in and out:

    WRITE 0,ct.lowbyte
    WRITE 1,ct.highbyte
    WRITE 2,ct100.lowbyte
    WRITE 2,ct100.highbyte

    Both of these routines could be simplified by checking for a known number
    since you are always adding 1, but I wrote them to be more general-purpose
    so you could replace the 1 with anything you want. Didn't test them, so be

    Just for a plug, a PAK-I or PAK-II floating point coprocessor handles 24-bit
    integers (as floating point numbers) plus you get floating point.


    Al Williams
    * NEW: PAK-I now operates at 20MHz!

    Original Message
    > From: Jonathan Millard [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]jonm@p...[/url
    > Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 9:35 AM
    > To:
    > Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] long numbers
    > Hi everyone,
    > Can anyone tell me how to use long numbers.
    > A word can only store a number upto 65535.
    > I have designed a machine that requires 2 counters. One that counts
    > the number of operations it has completed in this run, which may have
    > upto 5 digits i.e. 99999 and the other that may have millions of
    > operations i.e. 99,999,999.
    > how do i get past the 65535? And how do I store the results in the
    > EEprom?
    > The project is late and I'm getting hasle from the MD, so any help
    > gratefully recieved.
    > Regards
    > Jon
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-12-12 18:49
    Similar to what Al suggested, this one counts up to 10000 in the
    low word, and then extends the count up to 655350000 in the high word.

    x0 var word ' low word of the count
    x1 var word ' high word
    x0=9990 ' arbitrary starting value
    x0=x0+1//10000 ' up to 9999, then roll to 0
    x1=x1 + 1 -(x0 max 1) ' ten-thousands
    ' note the term in () is =0 only when x0=0, otherwise =1
    debug dec x1,dec4 x0,cr

    -- Tracy Allen <-- more double precision math

    > >
    Original Message
    > > From: Jonathan Millard [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]jonm@p...[/url
    > > Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 9:35 AM
    > > To:
    > > Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] long numbers
    > >
    > >
    > > Hi everyone,
    > >
    > > Can anyone tell me how to use long numbers.
    > >
    > > A word can only store a number upto 65535.
    > >
    > > I have designed a machine that requires 2 counters. One that counts
    > > the number of operations it has completed in this run, which may have
    > > upto 5 digits i.e. 99999 and the other that may have millions of
    > > operations i.e. 99,999,999.
    > > how do i get past the 65535? And how do I store the results in the
    > > EEprom?
    > >
    > > The project is late and I'm getting hasle from the MD, so any help
    > > gratefully recieved.
    > >
    > > Regards
    > >
    > > Jon
    > >
    > >
    > >
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