Serin Question
On 12 Dec 00 at 8:37, daniel.d.dangremond@j... wrote:
> ...the timer manufacturer have told me the serial data from the
> timer is:
> 1200 baud
> 8 data bits
> N no parity
> 1 stop bit
> A string of data is sent once every second and should look like:
> # 000000
> # 000100
> # 000200
> The two rightmost digits are left at 00 (tenths and hundredths)
> until a finish time is sent...
Try something like:
seconds VAR WORD
tenths VAR NIB
hundredths VAR NIB
SERIN 0,17197,[noparse][[/noparse]WAIT "# ",DEC4 seconds,DEC1 tenths,DEC1 hundredths]
DEBUG CR,DEC seconds,".",DEC tenths,DEC hundredths
GOTO again
The WAIT modifier gets the SERIN statement sync'ed up with the data
stream. The DECn modifiers tell your Stamp how many ASCII digits to
read and store as values in the respective variables. See the user
manual for more detail on each.
> ...the timer manufacturer have told me the serial data from the
> timer is:
> 1200 baud
> 8 data bits
> N no parity
> 1 stop bit
> A string of data is sent once every second and should look like:
> # 000000
> # 000100
> # 000200
> The two rightmost digits are left at 00 (tenths and hundredths)
> until a finish time is sent...
Try something like:
seconds VAR WORD
tenths VAR NIB
hundredths VAR NIB
SERIN 0,17197,[noparse][[/noparse]WAIT "# ",DEC4 seconds,DEC1 tenths,DEC1 hundredths]
DEBUG CR,DEC seconds,".",DEC tenths,DEC hundredths
GOTO again
The WAIT modifier gets the SERIN statement sync'ed up with the data
stream. The DECn modifiers tell your Stamp how many ASCII digits to
read and store as values in the respective variables. See the user
manual for more detail on each.
stamps and still confused after reading the manual concerning the SERIN
command. I have a bs2 and am trying to read the serial data from an
'off-the-shelf' race timer. The nice people from the timer manufacturer
have told me the serial data from the timer is:
1200 baud
8 data bits
N no parity
1 stop bit
A string of data is sent once every second and should look like:
# 000000
# 000100
# 000200
The two rightmost digits are left at 00 (tenths and hundredths) until a
finish time is sent.
The code I have had the most luck with is:
serData var byte
Serin 0,17197,[noparse][[/noparse]dec serData]
debug dec serData
goto again
But all I get is a jumble of data in the debug screen. I am getting data
so I think I have everything hooked up right. Please point me in the
proper direction. My end goal is to take the data and output it to a large
led display. For now, I would be happy to get the proper data in. Thanks
in advance! Dan
Unfortunately there is no OR mechanism in the wait, i.e wait ("1" or "2")
You need a unique sequence to trigger the serin caption.
Observing your data you could wait for the 2 leading zero's, i.e wait
and thebn read in 5 digits.
Test the first digit, if it "1" goto X, if it is "2" goto Y, otherwise do
Or read in a decimal value and test for <9999, and for >10000 and <19999,
and for >20000 and <29999, and for >30000
x var word
y var word
value var word
serin pin,baud,[noparse][[/noparse]dec value]
branch value/10000,[noparse][[/noparse]nop,label1,label2]
label1: 'read the "1"
label2: 'read the "2"
Regards peter
Oorspronkelijk bericht
Van: daniel.d.dangremond@j... [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]daniel.d.dangremond@j...[/url
Verzonden: maandag 2 december 2002 18:15
Onderwerp: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Serin question
I am trying to filter in serial data using the 'wait' modifier with
'serin'. Is there a way to look for two possible senarios in a serial
i.e. looking for the "1" in <0010034 > then goto "X" or looking for the
"2" in <0020034> then goto "Y".
0000032 ignore
0020034 store value in "Y"
0000037 ignore
0010035 store value in "X" ....
I can't seem to find a way to look for two different variables in a single
serin command. Any suggestions?
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send ascii characters, but when i debug it its shows strange characters that its
has nothing to do with ascii. please help.
If you are trying to get decimal numbers in ASCII you need the dec
modifier. So:
Debug x ' prints ASCII 7 which is a bell character
Debug dec x ' print "7" which is probably what you want.
That could be your problem.
Al Williams
* Easy RS-232 Prototyping
Original Message
> From: oscarg@v... [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]oscarg@v...[/url
> Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2002 12:13 PM
> To:
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] serin question
> hi, i am new at programing Stamp2sx. i am tring to conect a
> PC to my BS2sx and send ascii characters, but when i debug it
> its shows strange characters that its has nothing to do with
> ascii. please help. thanks
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
> from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the
> Subject and Body of the message will be ignored.
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
of data with ascii control characters and open data, but the stamp debugs
charactes like Ĉ#ĬĂǏ
output or some other terminal program? It matters because some terminal
progs, such as HyperTERMINAL, have an internal setting that changes how it
deals with ASCII characters.
Original Message
From: <oscarg@v...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, May 19, 2002 11:58 AM
Subject: Re: RE: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] serin question
> thanks for the tip but unfortunaly that is not my probrem. I am sending a
frame of data with ascii control characters and open data, but the stamp
debugs charactes like Ĉ#ĬĂǏ
'serin'. Is there a way to look for two possible senarios in a serial
i.e. looking for the "1" in <0010034 > then goto "X" or looking for the
"2" in <0020034> then goto "Y".
0000032 ignore
0020034 store value in "Y"
0000037 ignore
0010035 store value in "X" ....
I can't seem to find a way to look for two different variables in a single
serin command. Any suggestions?
I'm using BS2p, and I've some questions about the following program.
serSTR VAR Byte(10) 'Make a 10-byte array
serSTR(9)=0 'Put 0 in last byte
SERIN 16, 16468, [noparse][[/noparse]STR serSTR\9]
May I know that what is the use of putting "0" in the last byte of
the 10-byte array. If I delete this line "serSTR(9)=0", the programm
still work. There is no difference. Thus what's the use of this line?
Thank you very much!!
knows when to stop printing when it encounters a zero in the array of
bytes. The program puts an 0 in the tenth byte so that it will be
sure to encounter a zero at the end of the nine byte received string.
The program works without line "serSTR(9)=0", because the Stamp
initializes all of the locations in RAM to zero at the start of the
program anyway. They did it for illustration of the prinicple.
There is a good explanation of this in the BASIC Stamp manual version
2.0. Definitely get it or download it!
-- Tracy
>Dear all,
>I'm using BS2p, and I've some questions about the following program.
>serSTR VAR Byte(10) 'Make a 10-byte array
> serSTR(9)=0 'Put 0 in last byte
> SERIN 16, 16468, [noparse][[/noparse]STR serSTR\9]
>GOTO Main
>May I know that what is the use of putting "0" in the last byte of
>the 10-byte array. If I delete this line "serSTR(9)=0", the programm
>still work. There is no difference. Thus what's the use of this line?
>Thank you very much!!