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8 x 8 LED Dotmatrix - MAX 7219 — Parallax Forums

8 x 8 LED Dotmatrix - MAX 7219

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2000-12-14 13:44 in General Discussion

Has anyone used the MAX7219 in Dotmatrix mode ie 8 x 8 LED array?

I'm wondering if anyone has written or know where I can find the

A scrolling routine Left/right/Up/Down
A Charactor displaying routine
A Sprite displaying routine

I have managed the above but would like to see if anyone can improve
on speed and "tricks" using clever maths.

My display is 7 max's cascaded together = 448 LEDs

Any help would be apprecitated.



  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-12-11 15:57
    Hi Again

    Has no one ever used the Max 7219 as a 8x8 array, I'm I the only one ?


    --- In, "Chris Hill" <Christopher_Hill@M...>
    > Hi
    > Has anyone used the MAX7219 in Dotmatrix mode ie 8 x 8 LED array?
    > I'm wondering if anyone has written or know where I can find the
    > following:-
    > A scrolling routine Left/right/Up/Down
    > A Charactor displaying routine
    > A Sprite displaying routine
    > I have managed the above but would like to see if anyone can
    > on speed and "tricks" using clever maths.
    > My display is 7 max's cascaded together = 448 LEDs
    > Any help would be apprecitated.
    > Thanks
    > Chris
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-12-11 16:26

    I've used it. The LEDs (60 of them) were wired in an 8x8 array, but not
    physically arranged that way. I only had a single 7219, but the prospectes
    of more than one sounds fun. I don't have any real tricks to
    recommendations. The only thing that has burned me (more than once, I might
    add) is to make sure you implement the current limiting resistor on the
    7219. If you don't, your LEDs may not light. The other thing is to watch
    your power. I used a 20 ohm resistor across the current limiting pin, but
    with all 60 LEDs lit, the circuit still draws nearly 800mA (at 5V) (that
    includes a MAX232-A, and a Scenix SX18 running 50 Mhz). Most of the current
    is going through the 7219, though. Without the LEDs lit, the circuit only
    draws like 100mA.

    -- Mitch

    Original Message
    From: Chris Hill [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]Christopher_Hill@M...[/url
    Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 9:58 AM
    Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: 8 x 8 LED Dotmatrix - MAX 7219

    Hi Again

    Has no one ever used the Max 7219 as a 8x8 array, I'm I the only one ?


    --- In, "Chris Hill" <Christopher_Hill@M...>
    > Hi
    > Has anyone used the MAX7219 in Dotmatrix mode ie 8 x 8 LED array?
    > I'm wondering if anyone has written or know where I can find the
    > following:-
    > A scrolling routine Left/right/Up/Down
    > A Charactor displaying routine
    > A Sprite displaying routine
    > I have managed the above but would like to see if anyone can
    > on speed and "tricks" using clever maths.
    > My display is 7 max's cascaded together = 448 LEDs
    > Any help would be apprecitated.
    > Thanks
    > Chris
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-12-14 04:35

    I have built a simple 6 character scrolling message display using
    UCN5810 shift registers and 6 7x5 dot matrix LED blocks (total
    resolution is 30 x 7). I found that as I added more animations or
    more characters, the display began to flicker, suggesting that the
    BS2 is not fast enough to keep up with the display refresh
    requirements. Did you have this type of problem? If not, I'd be very
    interested in seeing your circuit and program, and I'd be willing to
    try to improve it if possible.


    --- In, "Chris Hill" <Christopher_Hill@M...>
    > Hi Again
    > Has no one ever used the Max 7219 as a 8x8 array, I'm I the only
    one ?
    > Cheers
    > Chris
    > --- In, "Chris Hill"
    > wrote:
    > > Hi
    > >
    > > Has anyone used the MAX7219 in Dotmatrix mode ie 8 x 8 LED array?
    > >
    > > I'm wondering if anyone has written or know where I can find the
    > > following:-
    > >
    > > A scrolling routine Left/right/Up/Down
    > > A Charactor displaying routine
    > > A Sprite displaying routine
    > >
    > > I have managed the above but would like to see if anyone can
    > improve
    > > on speed and "tricks" using clever maths.
    > >
    > > My display is 7 max's cascaded together = 448 LEDs
    > >
    > > Any help would be apprecitated.
    > >
    > > Thanks
    > > Chris
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-12-14 04:42

    I have built a simple 6 character scrolling message display using
    UCN5810 shift registers and 6 7x5 dot matrix LED blocks (total
    resolution is 30 x 7). I found that as I added more animations or
    more characters, the display began to flicker, suggesting that the
    BS2 is not fast enough to keep up with the display refresh
    requirements. Did you have this type of problem? If not, I'd be very
    interested in seeing your circuit and program, and I'd be willing to
    try to improve it if possible.


    --- In, "Chris Hill" <Christopher_Hill@M...>
    > Hi Again
    > Has no one ever used the Max 7219 as a 8x8 array, I'm I the only
    one ?
    > Cheers
    > Chris
    > --- In, "Chris Hill"
    > wrote:
    > > Hi
    > >
    > > Has anyone used the MAX7219 in Dotmatrix mode ie 8 x 8 LED array?
    > >
    > > I'm wondering if anyone has written or know where I can find the
    > > following:-
    > >
    > > A scrolling routine Left/right/Up/Down
    > > A Charactor displaying routine
    > > A Sprite displaying routine
    > >
    > > I have managed the above but would like to see if anyone can
    > improve
    > > on speed and "tricks" using clever maths.
    > >
    > > My display is 7 max's cascaded together = 448 LEDs
    > >
    > > Any help would be apprecitated.
    > >
    > > Thanks
    > > Chris
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-12-14 09:26
    Thanks for your reply Mitch

    There seem to be an interest in LED Displays within the group but no
    real pointers in the goal of a Large LED Display. If I get time I'm
    thinking of throwing a WEB site together listing my LED projects for
    others to comment on and share.

    I've currently used the MAX thinking It will reduce chip count/cost.
    I've been driving them with a BS2sx. This I think is my problem when
    it comes to Scrolling, getting enough speed out of the BS to reduce
    flicker. I've never had the time to move to assembler or another
    processor. However just to let you know what I've managed to do so
    far with a BS2sx are:-

    A 16 Charactor Star burst LED Display - (64 LEDs /charactor - 250mm

    A 28 Charactor Display - (256 LEDs / 64 dots ( 8x8 array)/ Charactor -
    244 mm x 244mm) - Total size 1745mm x 1015mm - 7168 LEDs in total -
    draws only about 8 amps in total.

    These all work perfectly well the only draw back is Speed when

    I've also done some 7 Seg digits 400mm height

    If the group is interested I'll post this on a WEBsite in the new
    year, please let me know ?

    Cheers Chris

    --- In, "Mitchell D. Miller" <mdmiller2@h...>
    > Chris,
    > I've used it. The LEDs (60 of them) were wired in an 8x8 array,
    but not
    > physically arranged that way. I only had a single 7219, but the
    > of more than one sounds fun. I don't have any real tricks to
    > recommendations. The only thing that has burned me (more than
    once, I might
    > add) is to make sure you implement the current limiting resistor on
    > 7219. If you don't, your LEDs may not light. The other thing is
    to watch
    > your power. I used a 20 ohm resistor across the current limiting
    pin, but
    > with all 60 LEDs lit, the circuit still draws nearly 800mA (at 5V)
    > includes a MAX232-A, and a Scenix SX18 running 50 Mhz). Most of
    the current
    > is going through the 7219, though. Without the LEDs lit, the
    circuit only
    > draws like 100mA.
    > -- Mitch
    Original Message
    > From: Chris Hill [noparse][[/noparse]mailto:Christopher_Hill@M...]
    > Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 9:58 AM
    > To:
    > Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: 8 x 8 LED Dotmatrix - MAX 7219
    > Hi Again
    > Has no one ever used the Max 7219 as a 8x8 array, I'm I the only
    one ?
    > Cheers
    > Chris
    > --- In, "Chris Hill" <Christopher_Hill@M...>
    > wrote:
    > > Hi
    > >
    > > Has anyone used the MAX7219 in Dotmatrix mode ie 8 x 8 LED array?
    > >
    > > I'm wondering if anyone has written or know where I can find the
    > > following:-
    > >
    > > A scrolling routine Left/right/Up/Down
    > > A Charactor displaying routine
    > > A Sprite displaying routine
    > >
    > > I have managed the above but would like to see if anyone can
    > improve
    > > on speed and "tricks" using clever maths.
    > >
    > > My display is 7 max's cascaded together = 448 LEDs
    > >
    > > Any help would be apprecitated.
    > >
    > > Thanks
    > > Chris
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-12-14 09:52
    Hi Grahame, thanks for your reply

    I'm running out of time today, but 2 things I've just replyed to
    Mitch with a bit more stuff and secondly yes your right a Shift
    register may be an option to go down for speed.

    However I'll post a relavent part of my code for your interest.
    Please if you can improve on it let me know. (If it needs more
    comments on the code let me know and I'll do it later.)

    Cheers Chris

    Code for BS2sx driving 7 Max7219 in cascade.

    This is only part of the program as I think it is two big to post on
    the group pages.

    'Global Display of 1 Row TEXT - Note reverse of Data Array - Tuned


    Dot_Offset=0 'Start point of scrolling
    Msg_Position = 1 'Four rows of Seven Max's


    Message_Offset = (Dot_Offset/8)
    Message_Offset_1 = 1


    For Mod_Dig = 1 to 8 'Columns of display

    Digit_Offset = (((Mod_Dig-1) - (Dot_Offset//8)) //8 + 1) 'This bit
    decides what charactor to get from the message and where to start

    If Digit_Offset > Mod_Dig Then Next_Char
    Message_Offset_1 = 0


    For N = 0 to NUM_Of_Modules - 1 'Load all Modules at once
    with each Column Data

    Read Text_Message_Data + N + Message_Offset + Message_Offset_1,
    Char_Pointer 'Read Text Message charator

    Read ((Char_Pointer-32) * 8 + Char_Map_Data) + Digit_Offset,
    Mod_Data_A(N) 'Read Text Message data

    Next 'Next Modules Column Data

    Shiftout Row_Data(Msg_Position),Row_Clk
    PulsOut Row_Load(Msg_Position),5

    Next 'Get Next Set of Column Data

    If Dot_Offset > 255 then End_Message 'scroll message by 1 dot
    Dot_Offset = Dot_Offset +1

    Goto Start_Row



    'Message and text data

    Text_Message_Data Data "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ
    SPACE " 'Test Charactor Set

    'Data blocks from 32 upwards only shown 48 / 49 for example - 8 x 8
    charactor definitions

    Char_Map_Data Data (1) 'Dummy Offset

    Data %01111110 '"0" space
    ASCII Code 48
    Data %10000001
    Data %10000001
    Data %10000001
    Data %10000001
    Data %10000001
    Data %10000001
    Data %01111110

    Data %00000000 '"1" space
    ASCII Code 49
    Data %00000000
    Data %00000000
    Data %00000001
    Data %11111111
    Data %01000001
    Data %00000000
    Data %00000000

    --- In, sisinfo@s... wrote:
    > Chris,
    > I have built a simple 6 character scrolling message display using
    > UCN5810 shift registers and 6 7x5 dot matrix LED blocks (total
    > resolution is 30 x 7). I found that as I added more animations or
    > more characters, the display began to flicker, suggesting that the
    > BS2 is not fast enough to keep up with the display refresh
    > requirements. Did you have this type of problem? If not, I'd be
    > interested in seeing your circuit and program, and I'd be willing
    > try to improve it if possible.
    > Regards,
    > Grahame
    > --- In, "Chris Hill"
    > wrote:
    > > Hi Again
    > >
    > > Has no one ever used the Max 7219 as a 8x8 array, I'm I the only
    > one ?
    > >
    > > Cheers
    > > Chris
    > >
    > >
    > > --- In, "Chris Hill"
    > <Christopher_Hill@M...>
    > > wrote:
    > > > Hi
    > > >
    > > > Has anyone used the MAX7219 in Dotmatrix mode ie 8 x 8 LED
    > > >
    > > > I'm wondering if anyone has written or know where I can find
    > > > following:-
    > > >
    > > > A scrolling routine Left/right/Up/Down
    > > > A Charactor displaying routine
    > > > A Sprite displaying routine
    > > >
    > > > I have managed the above but would like to see if anyone can
    > > improve
    > > > on speed and "tricks" using clever maths.
    > > >
    > > > My display is 7 max's cascaded together = 448 LEDs
    > > >
    > > > Any help would be apprecitated.
    > > >
    > > > Thanks
    > > > Chris
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-12-14 13:44
    At 09:26 AM Thursday 12/14/2000 +0000, you wrote:

    Hi Chris and others -

    Just a quick comment about processor speed for LED and other projects. You
    be quite happy to see the performance and speed of the NEW BS2-P (aka
    BS2-SX +).
    The Parallax web site now has the NEW manual for download. The FIRST PAGE of
    the website tells you ALL ABOUT it.

    [noparse][[/noparse] ] What's New Section (where else : )


    Bruce Bates

    P.S. If anyone has difficulty accessing the web server (as happened yesterday)
    an alternate FTP method has been provided:

    Login using the name "stamper" with a password of "manual".

    (per Ken Gracey)
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