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More EEPROM? More RAM? — Parallax Forums

More EEPROM? More RAM?

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2000-11-28 15:10 in General Discussion
Hello All,

Where can I get more storage space? Is there a way to add extra
memory that the stamp can interface with?

Thank You,
FS :-)


  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-11-27 03:25
    At 02:06 AM 11/27/2000 +0000, you wrote:
    >Hello All,
    >Where can I get more storage space? Is there a way to add extra
    >memory that the stamp can interface with?
    >Thank You,
    >FS :-)

    FS -

    That all depends on where you're starting from, and for what purpose you
    need the memory. Stamps can access external EEPROM or FLASH memeory, if you
    are looking for additional data storage. Depending on how you chose to
    access it, how large a memory bank you need, how fast you need it to be,
    and a few other factors, various resorces are avalable, but more
    information will be required.

    If you're using a BS-1 or BS-2 and need more program memory, you can
    migrate from a BS-1 to BS-2 or a BS-2 to a BS-2X. With each advancement the
    speed also increases from 4 MHz to 20 MHz and then 50 MHz.

    There is a comparison document explaixng all the specs of each units on the
    Parallax Web site [noparse][[/noparse] ] in the Documentation
    section. RAM increases as well, as follows: BS-1 16 bytes BS-2/BS-2E/BS2-SX
    32 bytes.

    If you need more information, please be a bit more explicit.


    Bruce Bates
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-11-28 15:10

    I really need more physical storage space. I'm working on a project
    that logs huge amounts of data. I'll check around to see what I can
    find, including the parallax site!

    Thanks again,

    --- In, Bruce Bates <bvbates@u...> wrote:
    > At 02:06 AM 11/27/2000 +0000, you wrote:
    > >Hello All,
    > >
    > >Where can I get more storage space? Is there a way to add extra
    > >memory that the stamp can interface with?
    > >
    > >Thank You,
    > >FS :-)
    > FS -
    > That all depends on where you're starting from, and for what
    purpose you
    > need the memory. Stamps can access external EEPROM or FLASH
    memeory, if you
    > are looking for additional data storage. Depending on how you chose
    > access it, how large a memory bank you need, how fast you need it
    to be,
    > and a few other factors, various resorces are avalable, but more
    > information will be required.
    > If you're using a BS-1 or BS-2 and need more program memory, you
    > migrate from a BS-1 to BS-2 or a BS-2 to a BS-2X. With each
    advancement the
    > speed also increases from 4 MHz to 20 MHz and then 50 MHz.
    > There is a comparison document explaixng all the specs of each
    units on the
    > Parallax Web site [noparse][[/noparse] ] in the
    > section. RAM increases as well, as follows: BS-1 16 bytes BS-2/BS-
    > 32 bytes.
    > If you need more information, please be a bit more explicit.
    > Regards,
    > Bruce Bates
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