Help for LCD
I want to use an LCD serial 2X16 I have bout from the French parallax
representative. The reference is HAC-162J. I use a BS2SX.
My problem is on the LCD panel I have
3 CS
7 Power Supply for led
8 Power Supply for led
If I refer to the book of Christian Tavernier I can make it with
Serout 0,N2400,(254,1) but it's does ok
If i refer to scott Edwards I can use
n2400 con 16780 '2400 8 n 1 for the BSX
'n2400 con 16468 ' use this instead for the BS2
I con 254
clr con 1
x var byte
high 8
pause 1000
low 8
pause 1000
high 8
pause 1000
low 8
pause 1000
high 8
pause 1000
low 8
pause 1000
high 8
serout 8, n2400, [noparse][[/noparse]I, CLR]
pause 500
serout 8, n2400, [noparse][[/noparse]I, 207]
serout 8, n2400, [noparse][[/noparse]"What are you looking at?"]
gosub scroll
goto main
for x = 1 to 39
serout 8, n2400, [noparse][[/noparse]I, 24]
If I refer to you I have to change N2400 in 16624.
I have tried many thinks but nothing is OK
Do you have programs to help me
I hope you can help me
Buy and have a good day
I want to use an LCD serial 2X16 I have bout from the French parallax
representative. The reference is HAC-162J. I use a BS2SX.
My problem is on the LCD panel I have
3 CS
7 Power Supply for led
8 Power Supply for led
If I refer to the book of Christian Tavernier I can make it with
Serout 0,N2400,(254,1) but it's does ok
If i refer to scott Edwards I can use
n2400 con 16780 '2400 8 n 1 for the BSX
'n2400 con 16468 ' use this instead for the BS2
I con 254
clr con 1
x var byte
high 8
pause 1000
low 8
pause 1000
high 8
pause 1000
low 8
pause 1000
high 8
pause 1000
low 8
pause 1000
high 8
serout 8, n2400, [noparse][[/noparse]I, CLR]
pause 500
serout 8, n2400, [noparse][[/noparse]I, 207]
serout 8, n2400, [noparse][[/noparse]"What are you looking at?"]
gosub scroll
goto main
for x = 1 to 39
serout 8, n2400, [noparse][[/noparse]I, 24]
If I refer to you I have to change N2400 in 16624.
I have tried many thinks but nothing is OK
Do you have programs to help me
I hope you can help me
Buy and have a good day
>I want to use an LCD serial 2X16 I have bout from the French parallax
>representative. The reference is HAC-162J. I use a BS2SX.
>My problem is on the LCD panel I have
>1 VSS
>2 VDD
>3 CS
>4 SID
>5 CLK
>6 SOD
>7 Power Supply for led
>8 Power Supply for led
>If I refer to the book of Christian Tavernier I can make it with
>Serout 0,N2400,(254,1) but it's does ok
The line above is fine for a BS-1 as it stands. "N2400" has meaning as the
>If i refer to scott Edwards I can use
>n2400 con 16780 '2400 8 n 1 for the BSX
I Suspect you intended to say BS2-SX, and if that's the case, the correct
baudmode would be n2400 con 17408. This baudmode data comes from the
REVISED Parallax BS-2SX manual Ver 1.5 which is a quite recent revision.
In the instance shown above, n2400 is being used as a CONSTANT and NOT a
KEYWORD as it is in the BS-1 example above.
>'n2400 con 16468 ' use this instead for the BS2
See above regarding the baudmode constant.
>I con 254
>clr con 1
>x var byte
>high 8
>pause 1000
>low 8
>pause 1000
>high 8
>pause 1000
>low 8
>pause 1000
>high 8
>pause 1000
>low 8
>pause 1000
>high 8
>serout 8, n2400, [noparse][[/noparse]I, CLR]
>pause 500
>serout 8, n2400, [noparse][[/noparse]I, 207]
>serout 8, n2400, [noparse][[/noparse]"What are you looking at?"]
>gosub scroll
>goto main
>for x = 1 to 39
>PAUSE 200
>serout 8, n2400, [noparse][[/noparse]I, 24]
>If I refer to you I have to change N2400 in 16624.
>I have tried many thinks but nothing is OK
Try changing the baudmode, as noted above. This was a recent change in the
manual, since the manual was in error. You may also want to download the
new BS-2SX manual from the Parallax website site
[noparse][[/noparse] ] in the documentation section.
>Do you have programs to help me
>I hope you can help me
I hope I did : )
>Buy and have a good day
Bye, and you as well
Bruce Bates
I don't know this LCD serial display but, because it has a CLK pin,
I think that this is a synchronous serial device.
Try to use Shiftout in place of Serout.
Original Message
From: "Bruce Bates" <bvbates@u...>
To: <>
Sent: vendredi 24 novembre 2000 07:44
Subject: Re: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Help for LCD
> At 09:14 PM 11/23/2000 +0100, you wrote:
> >Hello
> >I want to use an LCD serial 2X16 I have bout from the French parallax
> >representative. The reference is HAC-162J. I use a BS2SX.
> >My problem is on the LCD panel I have
> >1 VSS
> >2 VDD
> >3 CS
> >4 SID
> >5 CLK
> >6 SOD
> >7 Power Supply for led
> >8 Power Supply for led
> >If I refer to the book of Christian Tavernier I can make it with
> >Serout 0,N2400,(254,1) but it's does ok
> The line above is fine for a BS-1 as it stands. "N2400" has meaning as the
> baudmode.
> >If i refer to scott Edwards I can use
> >n2400 con 16780 '2400 8 n 1 for the BSX
> I Suspect you intended to say BS2-SX, and if that's the case, the correct
> baudmode would be n2400 con 17408. This baudmode data comes from the
> REVISED Parallax BS-2SX manual Ver 1.5 which is a quite recent revision.
> In the instance shown above, n2400 is being used as a CONSTANT and NOT a
> KEYWORD as it is in the BS-1 example above.
> >'n2400 con 16468 ' use this instead for the BS2
> See above regarding the baudmode constant.
> >I con 254
> >clr con 1
> >x var byte
> >high 8
> >pause 1000
> >low 8
> >pause 1000
> >high 8
> >pause 1000
> >low 8
> >pause 1000
> >high 8
> >pause 1000
> >low 8
> >pause 1000
> >high 8
> >main:
> >serout 8, n2400, [noparse][[/noparse]I, CLR]
> >pause 500
> >serout 8, n2400, [noparse][[/noparse]I, 207]
> >serout 8, n2400, [noparse][[/noparse]"What are you looking at?"]
> >gosub scroll
> >goto main
> >scroll:
> >for x = 1 to 39
> >PAUSE 200
> >serout 8, n2400, [noparse][[/noparse]I, 24]
> >next
> >return
> >If I refer to you I have to change N2400 in 16624.
> >I have tried many thinks but nothing is OK
> Try changing the baudmode, as noted above. This was a recent change in the
> manual, since the manual was in error. You may also want to download the
> new BS-2SX manual from the Parallax website site
> [noparse][[/noparse] ] in the documentation section.
> >Do you have programs to help me
> >Thank's
> >I hope you can help me
> I hope I did : )
> >Buy and have a good day
> Bye, and you as well
> Regards,
> Bruce Bates
The LCD is from BG Micro, part number LCD 1012.
It has a 2x40 character display.
I need LCD board pinout information.
It has two ribbon cables with 14 wires soldered to the board.
This LCD was probably originally in a copier.
The controller chip is a Sanyo LC7985NA.
Anyone have this running on a Stamp?
A suggestion, how about if its possible, you take a photo of the
thing, and upload the photo to that section of the group site, and
provide a pointer to it? Someone might recognize it. For example that
controller name seems to be one I know, but I can't remember where. It
might be, that it is a touch-screen enabled device, that's a good
thought. BG Micro just makes embedded controllers. Or made, I haven't
seen them around lately. The actual LCD might be made by any of
several thousand names.
Gregg C Levine hansolofalcon@w...
"The Force will be with you...Always." Obi-Wan Kenobi
"Use the Force, Luke."· Obi-Wan Kenobi
Original Message
> From: Trygve Henriksen [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]trygve.henriksen@v...[/url
> Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2004 5:55 AM
> To:
> Subject: SV: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Help for LCD
> Greetings!
> I can't help with the BG Micro part number, but the controller's
> datasheet can be found here:
> The fact that there are 2 ribbon cables may indicate that it has a
> touch-screen function.
> (Does it have a plastic membrane?)
> If you can't find the pinout anywhere, I suggest you trace the pins
> the ribbon cables and see which connects to the controller chip and
> which pins.
> (Shouldn't be too difficult if you have a multimeter with a beeper)
> :-)
> Trygve
Opprinnelig melding
> Fra: Mike [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]mikegotis@y...[/url
> Sendt: 14. april 2004 06:15
> Til:
> Emne: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Help for LCD
> to all:
> The LCD is from BG Micro, part number LCD 1012.
> It has a 2x40 character display.
> I need LCD board pinout information.
> It has two ribbon cables with 14 wires soldered to the board.
> This LCD was probably originally in a copier.
> The controller chip is a Sanyo LC7985NA.
> Anyone have this running on a Stamp?
> -Mike
Thanks for the information, suggestions, and
link to the data sheet for the Sanyo
LC7985NA controller chip that's on the LCD.
Apparently, the chip is HD44780 compatible according to
a use group posting. Today I found the spec sheet sent by
BG Micro for a DMC40218 made by Optrex. I think they're
telling me to substitute. It looks like both data sheets can
be used for pin assignment.
There is no plastic membrane, and each ribbon cable
has 7 wires. Apparently it has no touch screen.
However, the DMC40218 also has 14 controlling pins.
I thought about tracing the pins to the smt chip, but I might
need a microscope to do that! So do you sharpen your
meter probes to a needle tip to trace that? I don't know if
the smt's are getting smaller or if my eyes are getting older
(or both!).
Since BG Micro sold these from bulk surplus in mass
quantities at $5.95 to hobbyists, I was hoping someone had
already interfaced it to a stamp microcontroller.
Here's what I have so far for pinouts, in case someone can
comment on interfacing to a BS1 or BS2. It looks standard
except I'm not sure about pin 3.
1 - Vss (0V GROUND)
8 - DB1
9 - DB2
10 - DB3
11 - DB4
12 - DB5
13 - DB6
14 - DB7
--- In, "Trygve Henriksen" <
trygve.henriksen@v...> wrote:
> Greetings!
> I can't help with the BG Micro part number, but the controller's
> datasheet can be found here:
> The fact that there are 2 ribbon cables may indicate that it has a
> touch-screen function.
> (Does it have a plastic membrane?)
> If you can't find the pinout anywhere, I suggest you trace the pins from
> the ribbon cables and see which connects to the controller chip and to
> which pins.
> (Shouldn't be too difficult if you have a multimeter with a beeper)
> :-)
> Trygve
Opprinnelig melding
> Fra: Mike [noparse][[/noparse]mailto:mikegotis@y...]
> Sendt: 14. april 2004 06:15
> Til:
> Emne: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Help for LCD
> to all:
> The LCD is from BG Micro, part number LCD 1012.
> It has a 2x40 character display.
> I need LCD board pinout information.
> It has two ribbon cables with 14 wires soldered to the board.
> This LCD was probably originally in a copier.
> The controller chip is a Sanyo LC7985NA.
> Anyone have this running on a Stamp?
> -Mike
back light, if there is one on the unit). Try a 1meg pot between Vdd
and Vss, center tap to Vee and see where you need to be.
Oh, if there is a backlight watch your current, they suck monster loads
(160ma+) and need current limiting resistors in series with the supply.
Don't run it from the Stamp's onboard voltage regulator.
Regards, John.
--- Mike <mikegotis@y...> wrote:
> Trygve and Gregg,
> Thanks for the information, suggestions, and
> link to the data sheet for the Sanyo
> LC7985NA controller chip that's on the LCD.
> Apparently, the chip is HD44780 compatible according to
> a use group posting. Today I found the spec sheet sent by
> BG Micro for a DMC40218 made by Optrex. I think they're
> telling me to substitute. It looks like both data sheets can
> be used for pin assignment.
> There is no plastic membrane, and each ribbon cable
> has 7 wires. Apparently it has no touch screen.
> However, the DMC40218 also has 14 controlling pins.
> I thought about tracing the pins to the smt chip, but I might
> need a microscope to do that! So do you sharpen your
> meter probes to a needle tip to trace that? I don't know if
> the smt's are getting smaller or if my eyes are getting older
> (or both!).
> Since BG Micro sold these from bulk surplus in mass
> quantities at $5.95 to hobbyists, I was hoping someone had
> already interfaced it to a stamp microcontroller.
> Here's what I have so far for pinouts, in case someone can
> comment on interfacing to a BS1 or BS2. It looks standard
> except I'm not sure about pin 3.
> 1 - Vss (0V GROUND)
> 8 - DB1
> 9 - DB2
> 10 - DB3
> 11 - DB4
> 12 - DB5
> 13 - DB6
> 14 - DB7
> -Mike
> --- In, "Trygve Henriksen" <
> trygve.henriksen@v...> wrote:
> > Greetings!
> >
> > I can't help with the BG Micro part number, but the controller's
> > datasheet can be found here:
> >
> >
> > The fact that there are 2 ribbon cables may indicate that it has a
> > touch-screen function.
> > (Does it have a plastic membrane?)
> >
> > If you can't find the pinout anywhere, I suggest you trace the pins
> from
> > the ribbon cables and see which connects to the controller chip and
> to
> > which pins.
> > (Shouldn't be too difficult if you have a multimeter with a beeper)
> >
> > :-)
> > Trygve
> >
> >
> >
> >
Opprinnelig melding
> > Fra: Mike [noparse][[/noparse]mailto:mikegotis@y...]
> > Sendt: 14. april 2004 06:15
> > Til:
> > Emne: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Help for LCD
> >
> >
> > to all:
> >
> > The LCD is from BG Micro, part number LCD 1012.
> > It has a 2x40 character display.
> >
> > I need LCD board pinout information.
> > It has two ribbon cables with 14 wires soldered to the board.
> >
> > This LCD was probably originally in a copier.
> > The controller chip is a Sanyo LC7985NA.
> >
> > Anyone have this running on a Stamp?
> >
> > -Mike
> To UNSUBSCRIBE, just send mail to:
> from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject
> and Body of the message will be ignored.
> Yahoo! Groups Links
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - File online by April 15th
I look forward to implementing the LCD.
You provided the last puzzle piece!
jrem <jrem123@y...> wrote:
> Vee is the drive for the display, it controls the contrast (not the
> back light, if there is one on the unit). Try a 1meg pot between
> Vdd and Vss, center tap to Vee and see where you need to be.
> Regards, John
More detective works shows the display is
manufactured by OPTREX
and is model number DMC50037N
> The actual LCD might be made by any of
> several thousand names.
> Gregg C Levine hansolofalcon@w...
It's nice know I was right about the whole process, and especially
your display.
Thanks, that confirms one theory about LCD displays. Especially that
one. Okay, here's how I found out about a related device, also an
Optrex one, Google. I then discovered the Optrex site, After that revolting splash screen,
you'll be able to find out about your display.
A word of warning, their site, was not designed by the same sort of
people who built the Parallax one. I think that one, is a display
that's similar to the big ones used in laptops. Same bitmapped display
You are making good progress, and I believe you should make photos
available when you are done.
Gregg C Levine hansolofalcon@w...
"The Force will be with you...Always." Obi-Wan Kenobi
"Use the Force, Luke."· Obi-Wan Kenobi
Original Message
> From: Mike [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]mikegotis@y...[/url
> Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2004 4:24 AM
> To:
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: Help for LCD
> Greg,
> More detective works shows the display is
> manufactured by OPTREX
> and is model number DMC50037N
> -Mike
> > The actual LCD might be made by any of
> > several thousand names.
> > Gregg C Levine hansolofalcon@w...