Bill katakis message has a virus -- do not open attachment
Bill, you apparently contracted an e-mail virus. The message you sent with
an attachment (INTERNET_SECURITY_FORUM.DOC.pif) is a virus. If your system
hides "known" extensions, this looks like a .DOC file, but it is a .PIF file
(an old-style executable record). However, the actual type is a EXE and the
system will merrily execute it. It looks like it spreads itself via your
e-mail, which is how Bill got it doubtlessly.
My system generally denies access to this sort of thing, and I don't think I
contracted it, but it is very easy to do. If someone sees that I am sending
out the attachments, please e-mail me separately.
Read: and
Watch out!
Al Williams
P.S. Parallax: Do you have the ability to delete the message in question?
an attachment (INTERNET_SECURITY_FORUM.DOC.pif) is a virus. If your system
hides "known" extensions, this looks like a .DOC file, but it is a .PIF file
(an old-style executable record). However, the actual type is a EXE and the
system will merrily execute it. It looks like it spreads itself via your
e-mail, which is how Bill got it doubtlessly.
My system generally denies access to this sort of thing, and I don't think I
contracted it, but it is very easy to do. If someone sees that I am sending
out the attachments, please e-mail me separately.
Read: and
Watch out!
Al Williams
P.S. Parallax: Do you have the ability to delete the message in question?
>Bill, you apparently contracted an e-mail virus. The message you sent with
>an attachment (INTERNET_SECURITY_FORUM.DOC.pif) is a virus. If your system
>hides "known" extensions, this looks like a .DOC file, but it is a .PIF file
>(an old-style executable record). However, the actual type is a EXE and the
>system will merrily execute it. It looks like it spreads itself via your
>e-mail, which is how Bill got it doubtlessly.
>My system generally denies access to this sort of thing, and I don't think I
>contracted it, but it is very easy to do. If someone sees that I am sending
>out the attachments, please e-mail me separately.
>Read: and
>Watch out!
>Al Williams
>P.S. Parallax: Do you have the ability to delete the message in question?
Al -
I believe only the user himself or the program moderator can delete a message
from the eGroups archives. I successfully deleted one even 10 minutes after I
send it, which shows how slowly the posts are refleted back.