Ques. for Al Williams
Hey Al,
You always have great Projects of the Month to share with us. Do you
have an archive of Projects of the Month articles from the past that
we can browse though?
Frank G>
You always have great Projects of the Month to share with us. Do you
have an archive of Projects of the Month articles from the past that
we can browse though?
Frank G>
Well, as a rule we post the projects for one month and after that they are
usually gone. However, there are some projects that hang around either our
site. Also, when we feature somebody else's product we often allow them to
host the project for as long as they want.
Nearly all of the projects that are still around on our site are in the
document library: http://www.al-williams.com/awce/doclib.htm
Also, there is one floating around loose at
http://www.al-williams.com/stampcom.zip (no awce in that one).
You can also find past projects at:
http://www.seetron.com/lcd_andex.htm#stamp (pong game)
http://www.decadenet.com/bob2/bob2.html (Bob-2 TV bargraph)
If you are looking for projects in print format, many of the projects of the
month grew up and are in my Basic Stamp book
(http://www.al-williams.com/awce/sbook.htm). The ASP-A lab kit manual (which
comes with the ASP-II, ASP-A, or you can get it by itself) has several of
the older projects in it as well (http://www.al-williams.com/awce/lab.htm).
Next month will be the 3rd anniversary of the SPOTM. Which proves that time
flies like an arrow, but fruit flies like a bannanna or something like that.
I hope everyone has enjoyed it and that I can continue to crank them out for
another 30 years :-)
Al Williams