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air temp. and water level detection — Parallax Forums

air temp. and water level detection

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2000-10-30 05:25 in General Discussion
i'm looking for some ideas to build a device that will measure the air
temp. and the water levels in a rain gauge. anyone have suggestions?


  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-10-29 03:40
    You'll get some great answers on this question. There are some
    Weather stamp applications that are well researched.

    There are a lot of ways to get temperature direct from a chip
    and the Stamp manual pretty much covers the basics, but on the rain
    gauge, you might find that a tipping or rocking rain gauge will be
    the simplest as all you need to do is count for a total and measure
    time to determine how fast it is raining.


    --- In, curtiszavodny@h... wrote:
    > i'm looking for some ideas to build a device that will measure the
    > temp. and the water levels in a rain gauge. anyone have
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-10-29 20:13
    Look in your stamp manual for the examples of reading a pot, and use
    a thermistor instead of a pot. The raingauge will be tricky because
    not all rain has the same conductivity. Perhaps a method of
    measuring weight instead ov volume. . .


    > To:
    > From: curtiszavodny@h...
    > Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 23:55:45 -0000
    > Reply-to:
    > Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] air temp. and water level detection

    > i'm looking for some ideas to build a device that will measure the air
    > temp. and the water levels in a rain gauge. anyone have suggestions?
  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-10-30 05:25
    I found some data sheets on the tipping bucket.
    This is really a simple balance beam with a little
    catch pot at both ends, when one fills up. the
    weight forces it to tilt, allowing the other to start
    to catch water. The tilt can be monitored by your favorite
    method, and you can be very creative. IR, Hall effect,

    very brief tipping bucket rain gage

    Another with just a bit of explanation

    TEXAS size rain gauge, (humor)

    And even one from our professor of Op-Amps
    a good bit of data on tipping bucket can be found at
    It's a big page, it's about half way down,
    but you can click on the #9 of the table of contents

    Just be careful about freezing and not getting any readings at all!

    Happy tinkering!

    --- In, curtiszavodny@h... wrote:
    > i'm looking for some ideas to build a device that will measure the
    > temp. and the water levels in a rain gauge. anyone have
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