R/C examples please
Posts: 46,084
Here is my dilemma.
I have a R/C receiver attached to the BS2. Works fine. The values are
Max_Forward = 554, Radio_Neutral = 760, Max_ Reverse = 966. This is the
data I get for the mentioned values by moving the stick up and down. Easy
enough. How here is my problem. I want to control two motor controllers
using PWM . The controllers are the MC6 buy Diverse Electronics
http://divelec.tripod.com/ . He has examples with R/C connections, but not
for this type model. So back to the issue at hand.
The motor controller can accept a PWM command value from 52(1.0v) to
165(3.2v). This value is used for both directions. Meaning I have to use a
second pin to control direction for forward and reverse, and a third pin to
enable/disable the board, which is no big deal. The real issue is how to I
get the Forward Value from 758 to 554 to equate to the values from 52 to 165
and then again for reverse values of 762 to 966 to equal the same values of
52 to 165. If I'm not clear please email me I really want to get this to
work this weekend.
Shawn Rogers
*Internet: Shawn.rogers2@c...
I have a R/C receiver attached to the BS2. Works fine. The values are
Max_Forward = 554, Radio_Neutral = 760, Max_ Reverse = 966. This is the
data I get for the mentioned values by moving the stick up and down. Easy
enough. How here is my problem. I want to control two motor controllers
using PWM . The controllers are the MC6 buy Diverse Electronics
http://divelec.tripod.com/ . He has examples with R/C connections, but not
for this type model. So back to the issue at hand.
The motor controller can accept a PWM command value from 52(1.0v) to
165(3.2v). This value is used for both directions. Meaning I have to use a
second pin to control direction for forward and reverse, and a third pin to
enable/disable the board, which is no big deal. The real issue is how to I
get the Forward Value from 758 to 554 to equate to the values from 52 to 165
and then again for reverse values of 762 to 966 to equal the same values of
52 to 165. If I'm not clear please email me I really want to get this to
work this weekend.
Shawn Rogers
*Internet: Shawn.rogers2@c...
52 to 165. You also want to change a span of 762 to 996 into 52 to 165.
Should be easy enough:
lowin0 con 554
lowout0 con 52 ' lowest output value
span1 con 204
span2 con 113 ' diff between 165 and 52
value = ???? (whatever)
if value>=762 then revspan
' compute forward span
value=value-lowin0 ' (now 0 to 204)
' optional -- reverse direction
value=span1-value ' (now 204 to 0) ' ** omit line in one of the routines
value=value*113/204 ' won't overflow 16 bits -- now from 0 to 113
' offset
' do what you want here
blah blah blah
' Same thing, but use lowin1 and reverse (or not -- one should reverse, one
should not)
Let's try an example. An input of 654 is about half way, right? So more or
less you should get about 100 out of the formula (I don't want exactly half
for reasons you'll see in a second, but this will tell me I'm in the
654-554 => 100
(no reverse)
100*113 => 11300
11300/204 => 55
55+52 => 107 ' close enough to my estimate
If you reverse, it won't be much different because we are roughly the
204-100 => 104
104*113 => 11752
11752/204 => 57
57+52 => 109
The exact middle, by the way would be 554+102=656:
656-554 => 102
102*113 => 11526
11526/204 => 56
56+52 => 108 or:
656-554 => 102
204-102 => 102 (!)
102*113 => 11526
11526/204 => 56
56+52 => 108
Reversing the value within the larger span makes this work out. Try
reversing it after adjusting to the shorter span and you'll find out that a
"mid" value gives you 107 or 108 because of integer math problems.
Since you are going from a span of 204 to a span of 113, every 2 units on
the input works out to about 1 unit on the output. That proves out becuase
656 in the reverse direction came out to 108, but 654 (2 units) worked out
to 109. (Not reversed: 107 and 108 -- same thing).
Hope that helps. By the way, you can use our PAK-V to generate 8 channels of
PWM at once (although you still need external drive transistors to handle
your motors). The PAK-VIII can also -- among other things -- generate 8
channels of PWM.
Al Williams
* 8 channels of PWM at http://www.al-williams.com/awce/pak5.htm
and absorb.
I guess the easiest way I can explain my goal is.
I have a R/C receiver whose input pulses at neutral = 760 and full forward =
Full Reverse = 996
I have for simplistic purposes one motor controller
Features are
pin1 - controls power to board AKA also = neutral
pin2 - controls Forward - making sure pin3 is low
pin3 - Controls Reverse - making sure pin2 is low
pin4 - controls PWM - min_pulse = 52(1.0v) , Max_pulse = 165 (will affect
the speed of pin2 or pin3 based on which one is set High)
Now again without understanding your code as of yet(which is really
I would like to accomplish the below on a BS2:
By moving the R/C trans stick forward slowly the motor controller will
respond accordingly and again moving it backward slows it down to neutral
which stops and then continue to full reverse would speed it up the other
I can not stress how appreciative I am of your assistance and any one
else's. My skills are at best minimal and need all the help I can get.
Thanks again
Shawn Rogers
Original Message
From: Al Williams [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=http://forums.parallaxinc.com/group/basicstamps/post?postID=7_DdmFimNkvMOvhciyQX14t5r87wAYY-xVvKOkDNSsHxdkaEAI2k9zdEXAXiffBR2L6iGI3XXlNLIw]alw@a...[/url
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 2:06 PM
To: basicstamps@egroups.com
Subject: RE: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] R/C examples please
If I understand your question, you want to change a span of 758 to 554 into
52 to 165. You also want to change a span of 762 to 996 into 52 to 165.
Should be easy enough:
lowin0 con 554
lowout0 con 52 ' lowest output value
span1 con 204
span2 con 113 ' diff between 165 and 52
value = ???? (whatever)
if value>=762 then revspan
' compute forward span
value=value-lowin0 ' (now 0 to 204)
' optional -- reverse direction
value=span1-value ' (now 204 to 0) ' ** omit line in one of the routines
value=value*113/204 ' won't overflow 16 bits -- now from 0 to 113
' offset
' do what you want here
blah blah blah
' Same thing, but use lowin1 and reverse (or not -- one should reverse, one
should not)
Let's try an example. An input of 654 is about half way, right? So more or
less you should get about 100 out of the formula (I don't want exactly half
for reasons you'll see in a second, but this will tell me I'm in the
654-554 => 100
(no reverse)
100*113 => 11300
11300/204 => 55
55+52 => 107 ' close enough to my estimate
If you reverse, it won't be much different because we are roughly the
204-100 => 104
104*113 => 11752
11752/204 => 57
57+52 => 109
The exact middle, by the way would be 554+102=656:
656-554 => 102
102*113 => 11526
11526/204 => 56
56+52 => 108 or:
656-554 => 102
204-102 => 102 (!)
102*113 => 11526
11526/204 => 56
56+52 => 108
Reversing the value within the larger span makes this work out. Try
reversing it after adjusting to the shorter span and you'll find out that a
"mid" value gives you 107 or 108 because of integer math problems.
Since you are going from a span of 204 to a span of 113, every 2 units on
the input works out to about 1 unit on the output. That proves out becuase
656 in the reverse direction came out to 108, but 654 (2 units) worked out
to 109. (Not reversed: 107 and 108 -- same thing).
Hope that helps. By the way, you can use our PAK-V to generate 8 channels of
PWM at once (although you still need external drive transistors to handle
your motors). The PAK-VIII can also -- among other things -- generate 8
channels of PWM.
Al Williams
* 8 channels of PWM at http://www.al-williams.com/awce/pak5.htm
Original Message
From: Al Williams [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=http://forums.parallaxinc.com/group/basicstamps/post?postID=M7Xe1OJYKv9lC4vMYWFFi6grP5v2rAhZnY8CM3HEhgEM-NUV6bVPQzNejcCnUkYOICmC5ehH4hMftSyI]alw@a...[/url
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2000 2:06 PM
To: basicstamps@egroups.com
Subject: RE: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] R/C examples please
If I understand your question, you want to change a span of 758 to 554 into
52 to 165. You also want to change a span of 762 to 996 into 52 to 165.
Should be easy enough:
lowin0 con 554
lowout0 con 52 ' lowest output value
span1 con 204
span2 con 113 ' diff between 165 and 52
value = ???? (whatever)
if value>=762 then revspan
' compute forward span
value=value-lowin0 ' (now 0 to 204)
' optional -- reverse direction
value=span1-value ' (now 204 to 0) ' ** omit line in one of the routines
value=value*113/204 ' won't overflow 16 bits -- now from 0 to 113
' offset
' do what you want here
blah blah blah
' Same thing, but use lowin1 and reverse (or not -- one should reverse, one
should not)
Let's try an example. An input of 654 is about half way, right? So more or
less you should get about 100 out of the formula (I don't want exactly half
for reasons you'll see in a second, but this will tell me I'm in the
654-554 => 100
(no reverse)
100*113 => 11300
11300/204 => 55
55+52 => 107 ' close enough to my estimate
If you reverse, it won't be much different because we are roughly the
204-100 => 104
104*113 => 11752
11752/204 => 57
57+52 => 109
The exact middle, by the way would be 554+102=656:
656-554 => 102
102*113 => 11526
11526/204 => 56
56+52 => 108 or:
656-554 => 102
204-102 => 102 (!)
102*113 => 11526
11526/204 => 56
56+52 => 108
Reversing the value within the larger span makes this work out. Try
reversing it after adjusting to the shorter span and you'll find out that a
"mid" value gives you 107 or 108 because of integer math problems.
Since you are going from a span of 204 to a span of 113, every 2 units on
the input works out to about 1 unit on the output. That proves out becuase
656 in the reverse direction came out to 108, but 654 (2 units) worked out
to 109. (Not reversed: 107 and 108 -- same thing).
Hope that helps. By the way, you can use our PAK-V to generate 8 channels of
PWM at once (although you still need external drive transistors to handle
your motors). The PAK-VIII can also -- among other things -- generate 8
channels of PWM.
Al Williams
* 8 channels of PWM at http://www.al-williams.com/awce/pak5.htm