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DTMF in time? — Parallax Forums

DTMF in time?

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2000-10-27 16:47 in General Discussion
Can anyone tell me how can i use BS-2 to get DTMF during a certain
time, eg to recieve 4 tone digits from telephone line within 30sec
as a password or hangup the line. I know how to do it using intrupt
for pic f16x84, But since BS-2 has no intruppt. Thanks.


  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-10-27 16:47
    What will the stamp be doing other than reading dtmf

    There is a chip ( holtek ht9170 ) and others that can read dtmf it
    also has DV output which is data valid when this goes high a valid
    tone has been detected interrupt would be handy here. but if you use a
    number of gosubs to a if statement checking for high DV you may be
    able to work this out guess it depends on what the stamp has to do.

    salahss@h... wrote:
    > Hi
    > Can anyone tell me how can i use BS-2 to get DTMF during a certain
    > time, eg to recieve 4 tone digits from telephone line within 30sec
    > as a password or hangup the line. I know how to do it using intrupt
    > for pic f16x84, But since BS-2 has no intruppt. Thanks.
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