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Servomotors — Parallax Forums


ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2000-10-26 19:24 in General Discussion
I was wondering if anyone had a site or any information about the
control electronics that are inside a servo. Basically i want to know
how it operates and what circuitry they have used.



  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-10-26 19:24
    At 10/26/2000 +0000 04:34 PM, you wrote:
    >I was wondering if anyone had a site or any information about the
    >control electronics that are inside a servo. Basically i want to know
    >how it operates and what circuitry they have used.
    Alan -

    The only things inside, of any significance, are a feedback potentiometer
    and a sevo amplifier. The servo amplifier is a standard feature of any
    servo mechanism. This includes DVD, CD, some tape drives, and similiar
    applications where precise positioning is an imperative.

    I have a datasheet, or can point you to a typical servo amplifier chip, but
    use of it will be a bit awkward. The pin-out and packing are NOT what you
    might expect to see.

    Beyond that, please feel free to contact me off-list for more information,
    since the chip can not be used directly from any Stamp product, making this
    a rather OT subject.


    Bruce Bates
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