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Ramping routine for stepper motor? — Parallax Forums

Ramping routine for stepper motor?

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2000-10-23 02:20 in General Discussion
Hello everyone,

I'm driving a commercial (centent) stepper driver with a stamp
generating the step pulses. Although the stamp will generate a high enough
frequency for the speed I need, I'm having trouble ramping the speed up in
a fashion that will keep the motor from stalling. A linear ramp doesn't
work particularly well and I'm wondering if some type of exponential or log
function might be better. I have another 'smart' (whedco) stepper driver
with programmable profiles that seems to ramp up the speed much more
effectively - but I don't know how it does it...has anyone dealt with this
before? Unfortunately, the whedco driver is on loan so I need to come up
with another solution.

All input appreciated, Duncan
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