Newbie Question
I am trying to do something I thought fairly basic. I am trying to
use an ir to trigger a left or right turn. The Ir triggers and jumps
to the proper place in the code, but it doesn't actually execute the
loop. Here is a snip of the code.
freqout 1, 1, 38000
rightIRdet = in0
debug home, ? rightIRdet
if rightIRdet=0 then test
goto main
for x=1 to 10
pulsout left_servo,850
pulsout right_servo,650
pause 20
debug ? x
goto main
The debug statement never runs, and the loop doesn't execute but
once. Am I missing something?? If I say goto test, the loop
executes exactly as written.
What is my problem?
use an ir to trigger a left or right turn. The Ir triggers and jumps
to the proper place in the code, but it doesn't actually execute the
loop. Here is a snip of the code.
freqout 1, 1, 38000
rightIRdet = in0
debug home, ? rightIRdet
if rightIRdet=0 then test
goto main
for x=1 to 10
pulsout left_servo,850
pulsout right_servo,650
pause 20
debug ? x
goto main
The debug statement never runs, and the loop doesn't execute but
once. Am I missing something?? If I say goto test, the loop
executes exactly as written.
What is my problem?
Where is your next statement?
Ray McArthur
Original Message
From: Ben Brown <ben@h...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 10:01 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Newbie Question
> I am trying to do something I thought fairly basic. I am trying to
> use an ir to trigger a left or right turn. The Ir triggers and jumps
> to the proper place in the code, but it doesn't actually execute the
> loop. Here is a snip of the code.
> main:
> freqout 1, 1, 38000
> rightIRdet = in0
> debug home, ? rightIRdet
> if rightIRdet=0 then test
> goto main
> test:
> for x=1 to 10
> pulsout left_servo,850
> pulsout right_servo,650
> pause 20
> debug ? x
> loop
> goto main
> The debug statement never runs, and the loop doesn't execute but
> once. Am I missing something?? If I say goto test, the loop
> executes exactly as written.
freqout 1, 1, 38000
rightIRdet = in0
debug home, ? rightIRdet
if rightIRdet=0 then test
goto main
for x=1 to 10
pulsout left_servo,850
pulsout right_servo,650
pause 20
debug ? x
goto main
>Where is your next statement?
>Ray McArthur
Original Message
>From: Ben Brown <ben@h...>
>To: <>
>Sent: Wednesday, October 18, 2000 10:01 PM
>Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Newbie Question
>> I am trying to do something I thought fairly basic. I am trying to
>> use an ir to trigger a left or right turn. The Ir triggers and jumps
>> to the proper place in the code, but it doesn't actually execute the
>> loop. Here is a snip of the code.
> > main:
> > freqout 1, 1, 38000
>> rightIRdet = in0
>> debug home, ? rightIRdet
>> if rightIRdet=0 then test
>> goto main
>> test:
>> for x=1 to 10
>> pulsout left_servo,850
>> pulsout right_servo,650
>> pause 20
>> debug ? x
> > loop
> > goto main
>> The debug statement never runs, and the loop doesn't execute but
> > once. Am I missing something?? If I say goto test, the loop
>> executes exactly as written.
I'm a newbie with the stamp. I have used it for one
project, which worked great and am now using it for a
new project. This one will also work great, but I ran
into what is probably a conceptual problem on my part,
rather than on the BS2's part.
I wanted to use natural words for the output pins in
my program, so I set up the following:
Later in the program I set:
and even later in the program did the following:
What I've discovered is that I have to replace LATCH
with OUT6 before the pin works. Is there some easy way
of setting up the definitions so I don't have to
rewrite the code? Any ideas gratefully received.
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>my program, so I set up the following:
>Later in the program I set:
>and even later in the program did the following:
>What I've discovered is that I have to replace LATCH
>with OUT6 before the pin works. Is there some easy way
>of setting up the definitions so I don't have to
>rewrite the code? Any ideas gratefully received.
Hi Elmer,
The definition statements should be:
LATCH var out6 ' as a variable alias
LATCH_pin con 6 ' as a constant
output LATCH_pin ' makes pin an output
and later:
LATCH=ON ' assignment of variable
PULSOUT LATCH_pin,5 ' pin number is a constant
You have to be careful with the difference between the pin number as a
constant, or as a variable. I make that mistake all the time!
-- Tracy Allen
electronically monitored ecosystems
this board. It's bugged since I started using the Stamp I couldn't
find a way around the IN / OUT words for control.
Who woulda thunk it.
Great newbie question!!
--- In, Tracy Allen <emesys@c...> wrote:
> >I wanted to use natural words for the output pins in
> >my program, so I set up the following:
> >
> >ON CON 1
> >OFF CON 0
> >
> >Later in the program I set:
> >
> >
> >and even later in the program did the following:
> >
> >
> >What I've discovered is that I have to replace LATCH
> >with OUT6 before the pin works. Is there some easy way
> >of setting up the definitions so I don't have to
> >rewrite the code? Any ideas gratefully received.
> Hi Elmer,
> The definition statements should be:
> LATCH var out6 ' as a variable alias
> LATCH_pin con 6 ' as a constant
> ON CON 1
> Then:
> output LATCH_pin ' makes pin an output
> and later:
> LATCH=ON ' assignment of variable
> PULSOUT LATCH_pin,5 ' pin number is a constant
> You have to be careful with the difference between the pin number
as a
> constant, or as a variable. I make that mistake all the time!
> regards,
> -- Tracy Allen
> electronically monitored ecosystems
aquarium air pump stays on. I can build cricuits, but I am not very good at
designing them.
Thank you for any assistance...CR West
To keep things simple, select a relay that can handle the voltage/current on
the CONTACTS and has, say, a 12V coil (or even a 5V coil). Unless the relay
is a solid state relay specifically meant to be driven by logic circuits,
you'll need some circuitry to drive the coil.
Since you are dealing with 120VAC, be careful. I'd use a DPDT relay so I
could break both the hot and neutral wires to the pump.
Here's how to wire the coil of the relay:
+V (5V, 12V, 6V, whatever the relay coil wants) goes to one side of the coil
(say side A). On side B, you connect the collector of a 2N2222 transistor
(assuming your relay coil is rated <100mA or so). Ground the emitter. Put a
1K resistor between the base and a Stamp pin. Take a diode (1N4001 or 1N914
or 1N4148) and put it with the banded end to side A and the non-banded side
to side B. Now when you bring the Stamp pin high, the relay will close and
start the pump. When you bring the pin low, the relay will open.
Say you power the Stamp with a normally closed momentary action pushbutton.
When the Stamp comes on, you want it to turn the pump on for 10 minutes and
then off for 5 minutes. If you push the button, you reset the Stamp so it
starts over:
' Stamp II code
PUMP con 0
i var byte
j var byte
for i=1 to 10
gosub wait1min
for i=1 to 5
gosub wait1min
goto top
for j=1 to 60
pause 1000
' could do extra things every second here
Not Swiss watch accurate, but probably OK for what you want.
Good Luck!
Al Williams
* Prototype with RS232 -
Original Message
> From: trike62@a... [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]trike62@a...[/url
> Sent: Friday, June 29, 2001 1:50 AM
> To:
> Cc: TRIKE62@a...
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Newbie question
> Could anyone please tell me how I could control the time and duration an
> aquarium air pump stays on. I can build cricuits, but I am not
> very good at
> designing them.
> Thank you for any assistance...CR West
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i have a program loaded and running in a basicstamp 2 from a long time
ago and can't find the source code. was wondering if there is a way to
upload the code from the bs2 to the pc (or display on the screen) in the
stamp windows editor.
thanks in advance,
As far as I know once the program is on the stamp it is irretrievable.
Chris Shuster
Original Message
From: "Mark LoGiudice" <ml@g...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 3:26 AM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] newbie question
> hi all,
> i have a program loaded and running in a basicstamp 2 from a long time
> ago and can't find the source code. was wondering if there is a way to
> upload the code from the bs2 to the pc (or display on the screen) in the
> stamp windows editor.
> thanks in advance,
> mark
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just making sure that what i buy will do what i need it to do. i am
not making a robot or anything like that. i just need to create a
program that for every pulse of a switch the ouput can produce a led
display to show an indicated display and control a set of solenoids.
i plan on creating a semi-sequential shifter for my car. my car is
currently a 5 speed standard. i want to have a switch at the front
and back of my shifter (the shifter will be disconnected from the
linkages) so that when i push the shifter forward it would hit a
switch and show on a led display what gear i am in. and also to
have a proper output to control solenoids to change the gears. all
this is possible with the basic stamp 2? how about the basicx-24? i
also need this to work in -30 degree celcius weather too (it gets
pretty cold in canada during the winters). i know the basic stamp
has an industrial version but how about the basicx-24? i need all
the help i can get! thank you!
conrad andres
Can I program "Basic Stamps" in "C/C++" or I must
use only PBASIC?
The Basic Stamp is an interpreter chip and can only be programed in pbasic.
If you want to use a chip that
can be programed in any other language, you will have to find one the uses
complied code. Compiled code is code
written in an other language and compiled to Assemble Code. These types of
chips are cheap, but the compiler
usually cost several hundred dollars. I am not sure if C/C++ is an interpreter
or a compiler if it is a compiler
look for a PIC chip that can be programed with C/C++. I am learning about the
Basic X-24 chip and the Atom chip,
I am not sure which one I read about but it uses compiled code. It is also
compatible to the Basic Stamp
Have Fun !!
Dale Fleischmann
kmk wrote:
> Hello all
> Can I program "Basic Stamps" in "C/C++" or I must
> use only PBASIC?
> thanks
> /kmk
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What is the theory of operation with the parallel interface to the Stamp I
board for programming it? This looks to be one of the wierdest connect
schemes I've seen. No doubt a clever trick of some kind.
i have just bought a Basic 2 stamp and need some advice when it comes to serial
On the web site WWW.MILINST.COM there is a 'On screen Display' unit or video
overlay circuit that you can drive with serial commands from a stamp.
I want to purchase this but are unsure what commands i would need to send it to
make it work. There is a data sheet but i am new to this and do not want to
waste my money purchasing it if it is to difficlt
So if someone can help can they give me a few examples of code that would put
the words 'How are you' on the screen for an example
Thanks for any help you give
PS if you dont want to help please dont flame me!
drive this. It's serial. 2 pin; Txd/Rxd; 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, and
38400 baud, 8N1. All the commands you send serially to the BOB are
documented in the application guide available on BS2 specific code is show in this example;
By the way, XBOB is now shipping and superceeds the BOB3.
--- In, WLMOATE@A... wrote:
> Hi
> i have just bought a Basic 2 stamp and need some advice when it
comes to serial comms.
> On the web site WWW.MILINST.COM there is a 'On screen Display' unit
or video overlay circuit that you can drive with serial commands from
a stamp.
> I want to purchase this but are unsure what commands i would need
to send it to make it work. There is a data sheet but i am new to
this and do not want to waste my money purchasing it if it is to
> So if someone can help can they give me a few examples of code that
would put the words 'How are you' on the screen for an example
> Thanks for any help you give
> Wayne
> PS if you dont want to help please dont flame me!
It should be fairly easy to talk to it. You'd just use the Stamps "Serin" and
Infact, I might go and buy one. Although, at $210 NZ + postage, it may be a
Quoting WLMOATE@A...:
> Hi
> i have just bought a Basic 2 stamp and need some advice when it comes
> to serial comms.
> On the web site WWW.MILINST.COM there is a 'On screen Display' unit or
> video overlay circuit that you can drive with serial commands from a
> stamp.
> I want to purchase this but are unsure what commands i would need to
> send it to make it work. There is a data sheet but i am new to this and
> do not want to waste my money purchasing it if it is to difficlt
> So if someone can help can they give me a few examples of code that
> would put the words 'How are you' on the screen for an example
> Thanks for any help you give
> Wayne
> PS if you dont want to help please dont flame me!
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> from the same email address that you subscribed. Text in the Subject and
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"To the optimist, the glass is half full. To the pessimist, the glass is
half empty. To the engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be."
No animals were harmed in the transmission of this email, although the
Dog next door is living on borrowed time, let me tell you! Those of you
with an overwhelming fear of the unknown will be gratified to learn that
there is no hidden message revealed by reading this warning backwards.
i have just bought a Basic 2 stamp and need some advice when it comes to
serial comms.
On the web site WWW.MILINST.COM there is a 'On screen Display' unit or video
overlay circuit that you can drive with serial commands from a stamp.
I want to purchase this but are unsure what commands i would need to send it
to make it work. There is a data sheet but i am new to this and do not want
to waste my money purchasing it if it is to difficlt
So if someone can help can they give me a few examples of code that would put
the words 'How are you' on the screen for an example
Thanks for any help you give
PS if you dont want to help please dont flame me!
There is a 12 page datasheet on the milinst site that explains all of
the commands that can be sent to the device. It's a neat little
device, I wish I had some use for one.
--- In, WLMOATE@A... wrote:
> Hi
> i have just bought a Basic 2 stamp and need some advice when it
comes to
> serial comms.
> On the web site WWW.MILINST.COM there is a 'On screen Display' unit
or video
> overlay circuit that you can drive with serial commands from a
> I want to purchase this but are unsure what commands i would need
to send it
> to make it work. There is a data sheet but i am new to this and do
not want
> to waste my money purchasing it if it is to difficlt
> So if someone can help can they give me a few examples of code that
would put
> the words 'How are you' on the screen for an example
> Thanks for any help you give
> Wayne
> PS if you dont want to help please dont flame me!
our air cannons and strobe flashes on the tomb scene. I was wanting
to automate this to just being able to press one button and the
sequence would time each step.Could I use a programed stamp plus
sequencer using a BASIC Stamp. Connect the outputs to proper drivers
and relays, and you're in business.
-- Jon Williams
-- Parallax
Original Message
From: bbobbya10 [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]bbobbya10@y...[/url
Sent: Tuesday, March 09, 2004 8:36 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] newbie question
In our church productions we use manual controls(push buttons) for
our air cannons and strobe flashes on the tomb scene. I was wanting
to automate this to just being able to press one button and the
sequence would time each step.Could I use a programed stamp plus
can control through PBasic. You may have
to experiment a little to find the EXACT
timing you want, though.
--- In, "bbobbya10" <bbobbya10@y...>
> In our church productions we use manual controls(push buttons) for
> our air cannons and strobe flashes on the tomb scene. I was wanting
> to automate this to just being able to press one button and the
> sequence would time each step.Could I use a programed stamp plus
> relays?
Original Message
From: Allan Lane [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]allan.lane@h...[/url
Sent: Wednesday, March 10, 2004 11:02 AM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: newbie question
Yes. The stamp has 16 digital outputs you
can control through PBasic. You may have
to experiment a little to find the EXACT
timing you want, though.
--- In, "bbobbya10" <bbobbya10@y...>
> In our church productions we use manual controls(push buttons) for
> our air cannons and strobe flashes on the tomb scene. I was wanting
> to automate this to just being able to press one button and the
> sequence would time each step.Could I use a programed stamp plus
> relays?
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