Sample QBasic program to talk to BS2? Found Answer
Posts: 46,084
I forgot about Stamp Plot Lite from the Stamps in Class site. I'm
happily graphing and storing data to file. I did play with the Basic
example and got the hang. I can build on that code. Thanks.
--- In, rheine@m... wrote:
> Can anyone point me to some sample Basic program code running on a
> that will listen to the stamp on a com port and retrieve data for
> file operations.
> Thanks
> Rick Heine
happily graphing and storing data to file. I did play with the Basic
example and got the hang. I can build on that code. Thanks.
--- In, rheine@m... wrote:
> Can anyone point me to some sample Basic program code running on a
> that will listen to the stamp on a com port and retrieve data for
> file operations.
> Thanks
> Rick Heine
OPEN "COM1:19200,N,8,1,DS0" FOR RANDOM AS #1
PRINT #1, CHR$(27); "PE1;"; 'for output
in$ = INPUT$(1, #1) 'for input
These are some lines I've used to have the PC talk with a micro (using a
I really don't know why DS (Data Set Ready) had to be 0 in my case, but it
Original Message
From: <rheine@m...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 1:24 PM
Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] Re: Sample QBasic program to talk to BS2? Found
> I forgot about Stamp Plot Lite from the Stamps in Class site. I'm
> happily graphing and storing data to file. I did play with the Basic
> example and got the hang. I can build on that code. Thanks.
> --- In, rheine@m... wrote:
> > Can anyone point me to some sample Basic program code running on a
> PC
> > that will listen to the stamp on a com port and retrieve data for
> > file operations.
> > Thanks
> > Rick Heine