New!! Need help with infrared detect and emitte r circuit
Posts: 46,084
RE: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] New!! Need help with infrared detect and emitter circuit
I had posted a question abt this earlier last week and did not get a response. I'll give that another shot since this subject is coming up.
I'm trying to build a beacon that transmits short text messages using an IR Emitter and receive it using a receiver. I do not want to use a prebuilt product like the one from sharp - as I'm trying to keep the size small. I guess my question is multi-fold.
······· 1.····· Is it possible to use the same IR emitter and receivers that I got from the robotics kit.
······· 2.····· How do I go about building this ? If other parts are required...
······· please throw light on this subject.
thanks a lot in advance
Original Message
From: Al Williams [noparse]/noparse][][/url
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 7:21 PM
Subject: RE: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] New!! Need help with infrared detect and
emitter circuit
Three things come to mind.
1) Go to and download the robot documentation -- they
have an IR object avoidance code that uses a prebuilt IR sensor and a 555
timer. You need to modulate the LED so you don't confuse ordinary IR with
your IR. You can find more about the IR detectors at the Stamp FAQ:
2) Rentron ( has some neat IR stuff that may or may not be
more than you need. He also has some project info I think you will find
3) You probably don't really want to use a raw IR detector unless you have
to. To do that would require a filter and maybe a PLL. The units you'll find
in the sources I've mentioned use off the shelf detectors that have
everything built in and they work quite well.
Speaking of the robot, our project of the month this month
( uses our PAK-VIII to drive the servos of
a BOEBot. One thing I wanted to do, but ran out of time, is to use the
PAK-VIII to also generate the 38kHz modulation for the IR emitter. That
would get rid of the need for the 555. In your case, you probably don't need
any other pulse sources, so probably not good for you.
Good Luck!
Al Williams
* Expand your Stamp I/O:
Original Message
> From: [noparse]/noparse][][/url
> Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 7:07 PM
> To:
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] New!! Need help with infrared detect and emitter
> circuit
> Hello everyone,
> I am new here and need much help. I have the programming down for the
> basic stamp II, but I don't have knowledge with curcuits.
> I have a class project, my group and I have decided to create an
> alarm system with an infrared detector and emitter.(small model)
> When the infrared path is interuppted by an object we are going to
> create a sound.
> We are not sure how to connect the IR LEDS to the Basic Stamp and how
> to create a logic of 0 or 1 for output.
> We need help,
> does anyone have any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.
> note:using· IR detector T1-3/4
>············· IR Diode (emitter?) T1-3/4 5 mm
>············· 2.1V @ 50mA 940nm
> Thanks ,
> Sandra
I had posted a question abt this earlier last week and did not get a response. I'll give that another shot since this subject is coming up.
I'm trying to build a beacon that transmits short text messages using an IR Emitter and receive it using a receiver. I do not want to use a prebuilt product like the one from sharp - as I'm trying to keep the size small. I guess my question is multi-fold.
······· 1.····· Is it possible to use the same IR emitter and receivers that I got from the robotics kit.
······· 2.····· How do I go about building this ? If other parts are required...
······· please throw light on this subject.
thanks a lot in advance
Original Message
From: Al Williams [noparse]/noparse][][/url
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 7:21 PM
Subject: RE: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] New!! Need help with infrared detect and
emitter circuit
Three things come to mind.
1) Go to and download the robot documentation -- they
have an IR object avoidance code that uses a prebuilt IR sensor and a 555
timer. You need to modulate the LED so you don't confuse ordinary IR with
your IR. You can find more about the IR detectors at the Stamp FAQ:
2) Rentron ( has some neat IR stuff that may or may not be
more than you need. He also has some project info I think you will find
3) You probably don't really want to use a raw IR detector unless you have
to. To do that would require a filter and maybe a PLL. The units you'll find
in the sources I've mentioned use off the shelf detectors that have
everything built in and they work quite well.
Speaking of the robot, our project of the month this month
( uses our PAK-VIII to drive the servos of
a BOEBot. One thing I wanted to do, but ran out of time, is to use the
PAK-VIII to also generate the 38kHz modulation for the IR emitter. That
would get rid of the need for the 555. In your case, you probably don't need
any other pulse sources, so probably not good for you.
Good Luck!
Al Williams
* Expand your Stamp I/O:
Original Message
> From: [noparse]/noparse][][/url
> Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 7:07 PM
> To:
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] New!! Need help with infrared detect and emitter
> circuit
> Hello everyone,
> I am new here and need much help. I have the programming down for the
> basic stamp II, but I don't have knowledge with curcuits.
> I have a class project, my group and I have decided to create an
> alarm system with an infrared detector and emitter.(small model)
> When the infrared path is interuppted by an object we are going to
> create a sound.
> We are not sure how to connect the IR LEDS to the Basic Stamp and how
> to create a logic of 0 or 1 for output.
> We need help,
> does anyone have any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.
> note:using· IR detector T1-3/4
>············· IR Diode (emitter?) T1-3/4 5 mm
>············· 2.1V @ 50mA 940nm
> Thanks ,
> Sandra
The robotics kit has two Panasonic sensors that are all-in-one as I
mentioned. You need to modulate the IR LED with the same frequency the
sensors are sensitive to. Again check out -- they have plans
for their older module which should be very instructive. Also, the BOE-Bot
object avoidance lab would be just what you both need.
Al Williams
* Read a PS/2 keyboard with a Stamp or any microcontroller:
Original Message
From: nags [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]nags@c...[/url
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 7:39 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] New!! Need help with infrared detect and emitte r
I had posted a question abt this earlier last week and did not get a
response. I'll give that another shot since this subject is coming up.
I'm trying to build a beacon that transmits short text messages using an IR
Emitter and receive it using a receiver. I do not want to use a prebuilt
product like the one from sharp - as I'm trying to keep the size small. I
guess my question is multi-fold.
1. Is it possible to use the same IR emitter and receivers that
I got from the robotics kit.
2. How do I go about building this ? If other parts are
please throw light on this subject.
thanks a lot in advance
Original Message
From: Al Williams [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]alw@a...[/url
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 7:21 PM
Subject: RE: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] New!! Need help with infrared detect and
emitter circuit
Three things come to mind.
1) Go to and download the robot documentation -- they
have an IR object avoidance code that uses a prebuilt IR sensor and a 555
timer. You need to modulate the LED so you don't confuse ordinary IR with
your IR. You can find more about the IR detectors at the Stamp FAQ:
2) Rentron ( has some neat IR stuff that may or may not be
more than you need. He also has some project info I think you will find
3) You probably don't really want to use a raw IR detector unless you have
to. To do that would require a filter and maybe a PLL. The units you'll find
in the sources I've mentioned use off the shelf detectors that have
everything built in and they work quite well.
Speaking of the robot, our project of the month this month
( uses our PAK-VIII to drive the servos of
a BOEBot. One thing I wanted to do, but ran out of time, is to use the
PAK-VIII to also generate the 38kHz modulation for the IR emitter. That
would get rid of the need for the 555. In your case, you probably don't need
any other pulse sources, so probably not good for you.
Good Luck!
Al Williams
* Expand your Stamp I/O:
Original Message
> From: sgarci10@c... [noparse]/noparse]mailto:[url=]sgarci10@c...[/url
> Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 7:07 PM
> To:
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] New!! Need help with infrared detect and emitter
> circuit
> Hello everyone,
> I am new here and need much help. I have the programming down for the
> basic stamp II, but I don't have knowledge with curcuits.
> I have a class project, my group and I have decided to create an
> alarm system with an infrared detector and emitter.(small model)
> When the infrared path is interuppted by an object we are going to
> create a sound.
> We are not sure how to connect the IR LEDS to the Basic Stamp and how
> to create a logic of 0 or 1 for output.
> We need help,
> does anyone have any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.
> note:using IR detector T1-3/4
> IR Diode (emitter?) T1-3/4 5 mm
> 2.1V @ 50mA 940nm
> Thanks ,
> Sandra
> sgarci10@c...
Al, Thanks.
I have used the IR obj avoidance logic in my robot and works great. But, I'd like to send and receive data and not just detect object presence/absence. You mentioned, if you could please let me know as to what I need to look-up there, that'll be really great!!!
Thanks a lot yet again.
Original Message
From: Al Williams [noparse]/noparse][][/url
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 7:44 PM
Subject: RE: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] New!! Need help with infrared detect and
emitte r circuit
If I understand your question...
The robotics kit has two Panasonic sensors that are all-in-one as I
mentioned. You need to modulate the IR LED with the same frequency the
sensors are sensitive to. Again check out -- they have plans
for their older module which should be very instructive. Also, the BOE-Bot
object avoidance lab would be just what you both need.
Al Williams
* Read a PS/2 keyboard with a Stamp or any microcontroller:
Original Message
From: nags [noparse]/noparse][][/url
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 7:39 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] New!! Need help with infrared detect and emitte r
I had posted a question abt this earlier last week and did not get a
response. I'll give that another shot since this subject is coming up.
I'm trying to build a beacon that transmits short text messages using an IR
Emitter and receive it using a receiver. I do not want to use a prebuilt
product like the one from sharp - as I'm trying to keep the size small. I
guess my question is multi-fold.
······· 1.····· Is it possible to use the same IR emitter and receivers that
I got from the robotics kit.
······· 2.····· How do I go about building this ? If other parts are
······· please throw light on this subject.
thanks a lot in advance
Original Message
From: Al Williams [noparse]/noparse][][/url
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 7:21 PM
Subject: RE: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] New!! Need help with infrared detect and
emitter circuit
Three things come to mind.
1) Go to and download the robot documentation -- they
have an IR object avoidance code that uses a prebuilt IR sensor and a 555
timer. You need to modulate the LED so you don't confuse ordinary IR with
your IR. You can find more about the IR detectors at the Stamp FAQ:
2) Rentron ( has some neat IR stuff that may or may not be
more than you need. He also has some project info I think you will find
3) You probably don't really want to use a raw IR detector unless you have
to. To do that would require a filter and maybe a PLL. The units you'll find
in the sources I've mentioned use off the shelf detectors that have
everything built in and they work quite well.
Speaking of the robot, our project of the month this month
( uses our PAK-VIII to drive the servos of
a BOEBot. One thing I wanted to do, but ran out of time, is to use the
PAK-VIII to also generate the 38kHz modulation for the IR emitter. That
would get rid of the need for the 555. In your case, you probably don't need
any other pulse sources, so probably not good for you.
Good Luck!
Al Williams
* Expand your Stamp I/O:
Original Message
> From: [noparse]/noparse][][/url
> Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 7:07 PM
> To:
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] New!! Need help with infrared detect and emitter
> circuit
> Hello everyone,
> I am new here and need much help. I have the programming down for the
> basic stamp II, but I don't have knowledge with curcuits.
> I have a class project, my group and I have decided to create an
> alarm system with an infrared detector and emitter.(small model)
> When the infrared path is interuppted by an object we are going to
> create a sound.
> We are not sure how to connect the IR LEDS to the Basic Stamp and how
> to create a logic of 0 or 1 for output.
> We need help,
> does anyone have any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.
> note:using· IR detector T1-3/4
>············· IR Diode (emitter?) T1-3/4 5 mm
>············· 2.1V @ 50mA 940nm
> Thanks ,
> Sandra
Sending data is the same idea. You just turn the modulated LED on and off. Of course, some encoding schemes work better than others. I did an article for Elektor a while back about using a Sony IR remote with a BOEBot. The remotes use a Manchester pulse width scheme. Here's the basic idea:
Very long start pulse
0 is a short pulse
1 is a longer pulse
The gap between bits is relatively long. This has the advantage of having a positive indication for both bits (as opposed to on/off switching).
So you can read this with PULSIN, although for the remote the data comes too fast for any attempt to process it as it arrives.
If you control the timing on both sides, you could do differently:
pulsin ....
if pulsewidth<startpulse then agn
for i=0 to 7
· abyte=abyte<<1
· pulsin ....
··if pulsewidth<onethreshold then zero
Sending would be about the same:
pause startpulsedelay
pause bitdelay
for i=0 to 7
· pause bit0delay·+ (abyte & $80 / $80 * bit1delay)
· abyte=abyte<<1
Here a 0 is bit0delay mS long and a 1 is bit0delay+bit1delay mS long. You could use PULSOUT to get uS timing, but I don't think the receiver will work that fast anyway.
The startpulse and onethreshold would be less than the actual time to take into account delays in starting the reading and other inaccuracies. So if the start pulse is 10mS and the 0 is 1mS and the 1 is 6mS, you might set the startpulse to 8mS and the onethreshold to 4mS. That way anything over 8mS is a start bit and anything over 4mS is a 1 which should work out. Of course, you might want to check the incoming bits for timeout (dead transmitter) or a startbit in the middle.
Remember, any sort of communications may be unreliable, so the best scheme is to acknowledge each transmission and to use checksums, cross parity, or -- for very sophisticated use -- hamming or CRC codes. Remotes work because they just send the signal over and over so the receiver will eventually lock in on it.
As to your other question, read:
Al Williams
* Floating point math for the Stamp, PIC, SX, or any microcontroller at
Original Message
From: Babu, Nagi -*Contractor [noparse][[/noparse]]
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 8:23 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] New!! Need help with infrared detect and emitte r circuit
Al, Thanks.
I have used the IR obj avoidance logic in my robot and works great. But, I'd like to send and receive data and not just detect object presence/absence. You mentioned, if you could please let me know as to what I need to look-up there, that'll be really great!!!
Thanks a lot yet again.
Original Message
From: Al Williams [noparse]/noparse][][/url
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 7:44 PM
Subject: RE: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] New!! Need help with infrared detect and
emitte r circuit
If I understand your question...
The robotics kit has two Panasonic sensors that are all-in-one as I
mentioned. You need to modulate the IR LED with the same frequency the
sensors are sensitive to. Again check out -- they have plans
for their older module which should be very instructive. Also, the BOE-Bot
object avoidance lab would be just what you both need.
Al Williams
* Read a PS/2 keyboard with a Stamp or any microcontroller:
Original Message
From: nags [noparse]/noparse][][/url
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 7:39 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] New!! Need help with infrared detect and emitte r
I had posted a question abt this earlier last week and did not get a
response. I'll give that another shot since this subject is coming up.
I'm trying to build a beacon that transmits short text messages using an IR
Emitter and receive it using a receiver. I do not want to use a prebuilt
product like the one from sharp - as I'm trying to keep the size small. I
guess my question is multi-fold.
······· 1.····· Is it possible to use the same IR emitter and receivers that
I got from the robotics kit.
······· 2.····· How do I go about building this ? If other parts are
······· please throw light on this subject.
thanks a lot in advance
Original Message
From: Al Williams [noparse]/noparse][][/url
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 7:21 PM
Subject: RE: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] New!! Need help with infrared detect and
emitter circuit
Three things come to mind.
1) Go to and download the robot documentation -- they
have an IR object avoidance code that uses a prebuilt IR sensor and a 555
timer. You need to modulate the LED so you don't confuse ordinary IR with
your IR. You can find more about the IR detectors at the Stamp FAQ:
2) Rentron ( has some neat IR stuff that may or may not be
more than you need. He also has some project info I think you will find
3) You probably don't really want to use a raw IR detector unless you have
to. To do that would require a filter and maybe a PLL. The units you'll find
in the sources I've mentioned use off the shelf detectors that have
everything built in and they work quite well.
Speaking of the robot, our project of the month this month
( uses our PAK-VIII to drive the servos of
a BOEBot. One thing I wanted to do, but ran out of time, is to use the
PAK-VIII to also generate the 38kHz modulation for the IR emitter. That
would get rid of the need for the 555. In your case, you probably don't need
any other pulse sources, so probably not good for you.
Good Luck!
Al Williams
* Expand your Stamp I/O:
Original Message
> From: [noparse]/noparse][][/url
> Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 7:07 PM
> To:
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] New!! Need help with infrared detect and emitter
> circuit
> Hello everyone,
> I am new here and need much help. I have the programming down for the
> basic stamp II, but I don't have knowledge with curcuits.
> I have a class project, my group and I have decided to create an
> alarm system with an infrared detector and emitter.(small model)
> When the infrared path is interuppted by an object we are going to
> create a sound.
> We are not sure how to connect the IR LEDS to the Basic Stamp and how
> to create a logic of 0 or 1 for output.
> We need help,
> does anyone have any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.
> note:using· IR detector T1-3/4
>············· IR Diode (emitter?) T1-3/4 5 mm
>············· 2.1V @ 50mA 940nm
> Thanks ,
> Sandra
Thanks a lot Al. That was very informative. I shall take a look at the site and bump into you with more questions [noparse]:)[/noparse]
thanks again
Original Message
From: Al Williams [noparse][[/noparse]]
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 8:45 AM
Subject: RE: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] New!! Need help with infrared detect and emitte r circuit
Sending data is the same idea. You just turn the modulated LED on and off. Of course, some encoding schemes work better than others. I did an article for Elektor a while back about using a Sony IR remote with a BOEBot. The remotes use a Manchester pulse width scheme. Here's the basic idea:
Very long start pulse
0 is a short pulse
1 is a longer pulse
The gap between bits is relatively long. This has the advantage of having a positive indication for both bits (as opposed to on/off switching).
So you can read this with PULSIN, although for the remote the data comes too fast for any attempt to process it as it arrives.
If you control the timing on both sides, you could do differently:
pulsin ....
if pulsewidth<startpulse then agn
for i=0 to 7
· abyte=abyte<<1
· pulsin ....
··if pulsewidth<onethreshold then zero
Sending would be about the same:
pause startpulsedelay
pause bitdelay
for i=0 to 7
· pause bit0delay·+ (abyte & $80 / $80 * bit1delay)
· abyte=abyte<<1
Here a 0 is bit0delay mS long and a 1 is bit0delay+bit1delay mS long. You could use PULSOUT to get uS timing, but I don't think the receiver will work that fast anyway.
The startpulse and onethreshold would be less than the actual time to take into account delays in starting the reading and other inaccuracies. So if the start pulse is 10mS and the 0 is 1mS and the 1 is 6mS, you might set the startpulse to 8mS and the onethreshold to 4mS. That way anything over 8mS is a start bit and anything over 4mS is a 1 which should work out. Of course, you might want to check the incoming bits for timeout (dead transmitter) or a startbit in the middle.
Remember, any sort of communications may be unreliable, so the best scheme is to acknowledge each transmission and to use checksums, cross parity, or -- for very sophisticated use -- hamming or CRC codes. Remotes work because they just send the signal over and over so the receiver will eventually lock in on it.
As to your other question, read:
Al Williams
* Floating point math for the Stamp, PIC, SX, or any microcontroller at
Original Message
From: Babu, Nagi -*Contractor [noparse][[/noparse]]
Sent: Thursday, October 12, 2000 8:23 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] New!! Need help with infrared detect and emitte r circuit
Al, Thanks.
I have used the IR obj avoidance logic in my robot and works great. But, I'd like to send and receive data and not just detect object presence/absence. You mentioned, if you could please let me know as to what I need to look-up there, that'll be really great!!!
Thanks a lot yet again.
Original Message
From: Al Williams [noparse]/noparse][][/url
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 7:44 PM
Subject: RE: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] New!! Need help with infrared detect and
emitte r circuit
If I understand your question...
The robotics kit has two Panasonic sensors that are all-in-one as I
mentioned. You need to modulate the IR LED with the same frequency the
sensors are sensitive to. Again check out -- they have plans
for their older module which should be very instructive. Also, the BOE-Bot
object avoidance lab would be just what you both need.
Al Williams
* Read a PS/2 keyboard with a Stamp or any microcontroller:
Original Message
From: nags [noparse]/noparse][][/url
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 7:39 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] New!! Need help with infrared detect and emitte r
I had posted a question abt this earlier last week and did not get a
response. I'll give that another shot since this subject is coming up.
I'm trying to build a beacon that transmits short text messages using an IR
Emitter and receive it using a receiver. I do not want to use a prebuilt
product like the one from sharp - as I'm trying to keep the size small. I
guess my question is multi-fold.
······· 1.····· Is it possible to use the same IR emitter and receivers that
I got from the robotics kit.
······· 2.····· How do I go about building this ? If other parts are
······· please throw light on this subject.
thanks a lot in advance
Original Message
From: Al Williams [noparse]/noparse][][/url
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 7:21 PM
Subject: RE: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] New!! Need help with infrared detect and
emitter circuit
Three things come to mind.
1) Go to and download the robot documentation -- they
have an IR object avoidance code that uses a prebuilt IR sensor and a 555
timer. You need to modulate the LED so you don't confuse ordinary IR with
your IR. You can find more about the IR detectors at the Stamp FAQ:
2) Rentron ( has some neat IR stuff that may or may not be
more than you need. He also has some project info I think you will find
3) You probably don't really want to use a raw IR detector unless you have
to. To do that would require a filter and maybe a PLL. The units you'll find
in the sources I've mentioned use off the shelf detectors that have
everything built in and they work quite well.
Speaking of the robot, our project of the month this month
( uses our PAK-VIII to drive the servos of
a BOEBot. One thing I wanted to do, but ran out of time, is to use the
PAK-VIII to also generate the 38kHz modulation for the IR emitter. That
would get rid of the need for the 555. In your case, you probably don't need
any other pulse sources, so probably not good for you.
Good Luck!
Al Williams
* Expand your Stamp I/O:
Original Message
> From: [noparse]/noparse][][/url
> Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 7:07 PM
> To:
> Subject: [noparse][[/noparse]basicstamps] New!! Need help with infrared detect and emitter
> circuit
> Hello everyone,
> I am new here and need much help. I have the programming down for the
> basic stamp II, but I don't have knowledge with curcuits.
> I have a class project, my group and I have decided to create an
> alarm system with an infrared detector and emitter.(small model)
> When the infrared path is interuppted by an object we are going to
> create a sound.
> We are not sure how to connect the IR LEDS to the Basic Stamp and how
> to create a logic of 0 or 1 for output.
> We need help,
> does anyone have any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.
> note:using· IR detector T1-3/4
>············· IR Diode (emitter?) T1-3/4 5 mm
>············· 2.1V @ 50mA 940nm
> Thanks ,
> Sandra