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AC line zero crossing — Parallax Forums

AC line zero crossing

ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
edited 2000-10-11 20:42 in General Discussion
I'm trying to find a way to send a regular, fast pulse to a stamp input that
is synchronized with the zero crossings on an AC power line.
They tell me this can be done by directly inputting the line voltage
(through a current limiter) to an input pin on a PIC12C508. The pic is
supposed to have protection diodes that will allow this.
I would rather input to a stamp and have some isolation. Any ideas will
Of course there ar ways to accomplish this easily, but without the
isolation, the stamp is at risk...


  • ArchiverArchiver Posts: 46,084
    edited 2000-10-11 20:42

    The most common way to solve this problem is with an optical isolator. The
    4N25 is one of many types that should be appropriate. You would connect the
    collector to a weak pullup resistor (perhaps 22K to +5V) and to the Stamp
    input pin. Emitter goes to ground. The LED is connected to the AC line
    through a series current-setting resistor. Add a reverse-connected diode
    (1N4148) in parallel with the LED to prevent reverse breakdown. Be sure to
    size that AC line resistor for adequate power dissipation...

    >I'm trying to find a way to send a regular, fast pulse to a stamp input that
    >is synchronized with the zero crossings on an AC power line.
    >They tell me this can be done by directly inputting the line voltage
    >(through a current limiter) to an input pin on a PIC12C508. The pic is
    >supposed to have protection diodes that will allow this.
    >I would rather input to a stamp and have some isolation. Any ideas will
    >Of course there ar ways to accomplish this easily, but without the
    >isolation, the stamp is at risk...

    Mike Hardwick, for Decade Engineering -- <>
    Manufacturer of the famous BOB-II Serial Video Text Display Module!
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